Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

CDC Not Investigating Chronic Disease Epidemics Linked to Childhood Vaccines

Dr. McCullough on Steve Gruber Show

Peter McCullough, MD

Mar 14, 2024


I don’t know exactly when the pandemic was declared over, but look, every single day, whether you do what I do or do what you do, we still talk about this every single day.

The effects of the pandemic, whether it was locking school kids up, vaccine injuries, the fact that the vaccines didn’t work, the damage done to businesses, we talk about this every day to this day.

and joining me now is Peter McCullough.

He is the Chief Scientific Officer with the Wellness Company and we’re going to talk about that a little bit.

Doctor, good to have you back on the program.

Thank you.

As we talk about the pandemic, and we look at it now, the aftermath, if you will, there are some questions that are just so pressing to me I have to ask.

Here’s number one.

Was there ever any evidence that these mRNA injections would have any impact on slowing or stopping the spread?

Was there ever any evidence at all that justified we went down that road?

We were deceived from the initial trials which took a lot of shortcuts and how they were designed executed and brought forward so the very first trial showed a reduction in COVID-19 but no reduction in hospitalization and death they never prevented severe illness and they never prevented transmission then after that Steve quickly the vaccine companies stopped doing human trials you know the last few boosters were just approved based on animal studies so we have no idea what they do

Yeah, this is something that has occurred to me recently because there’s this phenomenon going on, it seems to me, with my kids that didn’t exist when I was growing up.

Why are there vaccinations for basically everything these days?

I mean, it used to be four or five.

You’d fill out your little passbook deal when I was a kid.

You’d have four or five inoculations.

Now the government and big pharma seem to be pushing vaccines for everything.

Is that healthcare or is that big pharma and the politicians cashing in on the rest of us?

Because I’m pretty skeptical.

Think if you were a company and you had a product that was mandated that every single human being had to take, how big that market would be.

And that’s what we’ve seen with this biopharmaceutical complex or this vaccine syndicate.

They’re running the table now.

A lot of people don’t know that even the flu shot

is recommended.

In fact, it becomes mandated for children down to age six months.

Kids don’t even get significant influenza.

I’ve personally never been tested for it.

A lot of people don’t know every adult over 60, including myself, Steve, is supposed to take the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine.

I’ve never had it, never tested for it.

It’s never been an issue.

What we’ve seen is a complete overplay

of Mass Vaccination.

And people are pushing back now.

Vaccines probably should transition to what’s called risk stratification, is selected vaccines for people who really need them.

I’m a bit jaded here, doctor, but it smells like it’s for profit, all for profit, to mandate all of these things.

My 12-year-old son, they’re trying to push the HPV virus vaccine.

I’m like, no.

I said no.

So let me ask you this.

America is about the sickest nation on earth.

Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease.

How it seems everyone over 40 is taking a handful of pills every day.

How can that be healthy?

Here’s Big Pharma pushing all these pills every day to as many people as possible.

How can that possibly be healthy?

you know it can’t be it’s a reflection of chronic illness i think much of which is driven by obesity inactivity poor diet but people have asked the question could all these childhood vaccines play a role and they probably do steve with food allergies peanut allergies asthma allergic dermatitis chronic childhood illness neuropsychiatric disorders now linked uh to you know excessive mass vaccination sudden infant death syndrome

We have enough warning signals to suggest that we probably should pull back on this vaccine schedule, not keep adding to it.

Yeah, which brings me to this question.

Is the CDC, for allowing all this to happen, criminally liable for the failure of American healthcare across the board?

We are the sickest nation on earth for all those things I said.

Obesity and diabetes and all these chronic illnesses and allergies, like you say, they’re exploding.

The CDC is supposed to protect us.

What a failure, monumental failure that has turned out to be.

The CDC certainly is not investigating these chronic disease epidemics.

We have seen no credible advancements in understanding autism and its potential link to mass vaccination.

The same thing for sudden infant death syndrome or food allergies.

so we have a situation where the CDC for COVID-19 vaccination in my view is liable for what’s occurred which is fraud and then mass negligent homicide for people who’ve died of the vaccines and and you know people say well they have to have malicious intent there’s probably enough out there uh whether it’s malicious intent through

CDC Not Investigating Chroni

Well, people worldwide, actually.

And you make a great point there.

They go from working at big pharma to working at the CDC or back and forth.

And if that’s not bad enough, the World Health Organization now wants this global treaty to be in charge of healthcare so they can dictate and demand that we take whatever shots.

It’s reprehensible and it’s a threat to this country.

isn’t it agreed and it’s not just humans you know the the who wants dominion over all plants animals and humans and a big part of this is repeated mass vaccination over and over again

Yeah, so one way to protect ourselves, you work for the wellness company.

The wellness company puts together these great kits for emergency preparedness.

The kits have ivermectin, they have antibiotics, antivirals, antiparasitics.

If you don’t trust the folks out there, and gosh, at this point, why would you?

Because the health professionals, at least from big pharma, seem to have lost our trust, and reasonably so.

But from the wellness company, you get some pretty good measures to protect yourself against what you don’t know might happen next, right?


The wellness company has its own pharmaceutical supply line.

The emergency kits are wonderful to have four different kits depending on what each individual purpose would be or people’s preferences.

Very importantly, nutraceuticals, supplements and an approach from the doctor, Steve, that isn’t all big pharma.


I think we should take more natural solutions and then when those don’t work then we can bump up to pharmaceuticals but it’s not just pill after pill right always be prepared TWC dot health slash Gruber TWC dot health slash Gruber use the promo code group you can save 10% of one of these kits right now take your own well-being into your own hands Dr McCullough I always appreciate it sir thank you thank you all right we’ll take a break and be back it’s the Steve Gruber show

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

I was challenged on Real America’s Voice, The Steve Gruber Show March 6, 2024, about the benefits if any of the COVID-19 vaccines and the rationale for the ever expanding CDC ACIP childhood vaccine schedule.


Could chronic illness starting in childhood be related to massive immunomodulatory stimulation with numerous repeated vaccinations? The list could include:

  • Food allergies (peanut, gluten, etc.)
  • Asthma
  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Recurrent, URI’s otitis media and need for tympanostomy tubes
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders (ADD, Asperger’s, autism spectrum disorder)
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Sudden infant death syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Other adult chronic illnesses

Gruber made the case the CDC is not “protecting” Americans from chronic illness. My view is at the bare minimum the agency should be investigating the causes of chronic disease epidemics. Please listen to this quick hitting update.


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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation



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