Department of Justice: fraud and resulting death/injury from covid shots are part of the US public health policy!

DOJ’s motion to intervene and dismiss Brook Jackson’s lawsuit v Pfizer has been filed.

Sasha Latypova

Mar 17, 2024

Note to subscribers. I had an issue with making new article posts for the past 2 days. It seems to be now largely resolved. I was able to schedule this post last night. There is still a “glitch” on another post that I was trying to schedule but Substack customer service is working on it.

Link to DOJ’s most recent MTD filing in Brook’s case.

Link to all previous case documents.

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I reported a few days ago that the DOJ was planning to intervene and move to dismiss Brook Jackson’s case v Pfizer a few days ago.

Brook Jackson's case v Pfizer under False Claims Act - DOJ plans to intervene to dismiss.

Brook Jackson’s case v Pfizer under False Claims Act – DOJ plans to intervene to dismiss.

Sasha Latypova


Mar 11

Read full story

The DOJ’s motion has now been filed:

It is short (11) pages, and contains mostly language establishing DOJ’s cause to intervene and dismiss under FCA. I am not a legal scholar, and as far as I know they are allowed to do this. They also could have done this 2 years ago, but chose not to. They are truly now cornered into admitting what I said a long time ago – the mass murder by vaccines is intentional. Hence this MTD to stop the previously scheduled oral arguments on April 17. The most revealing part is their explanation for why this case should be dismissed. It boils down to the following:

  1. They are stating that if DOJ moves to dismiss like they are doing here, then “The district court ‘has no adjudicatory role’ other than to dismiss the action, except where dismissal may implicate constitutional constraints. Polansky, 599 U.S. at 436 n.4.”
  2. Fraud as Brook alleges may have been committed and the DOJ is not disputing it.
  3. The FDA knew about the fraud when it was committed, and the FDA knew about the adverse events and deaths from covid shots as reported by Pfizer all along.
  4. Knowing all the fraud and all the adverse event and death data, “As recently as January 5, 2024, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD and Director of FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Peter Marks, MD, Ph.D., published an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association” stating that vaccines saved tens of millions of lives. [Note that this is a false claim in an editorial (opinion), in a fully government controlled propaganda medical journal, not supported by any real data.]
  5. There should not be any oral arguments or hearings in the court, because “The United States should not be required to expend resources on a case that is inconsistent with its public health policy.”

I suggest you all re-read this a few times to truly grasp the depth of depravity outlined in the argument by the DOJ. They are stating that they know that pharmaceutical fraud has been committed, and that deaths and injuries resulted from it. They are also stating that mass death and injury are in fact fully known to the pharmaceutical regulators, and that no corrective action is required because this is consistent with the United States of America’s public health policy!


Katherine Watt wrote 2 years ago in regard to Pfizer’s 1st motion to dismiss the case:

This is court-filed, under-oath corroboration that Pfizer and FDA are jointly engaged in a domestic bioterrorism program against the American people, operated by US-HHS and US-DOD on behalf of the World Health Organization, falsely presented as a public health campaign. 

And that neither Pfizer nor FDA ever believed anyone had a legal or moral obligation to protect the safety of the people taking the injections, from the very start of the faked clinical trials to the present.

Katherine and I have continued discussing this case and advising other lawyers and plaintiffs to pursue strategies to further elicit response from the courts on the key question – is this intentional? Is Pfizer violating the pharmaceutical laws, or are fraud and mass murder part of the US government policy?

We have the answer to this question from both Pfizer and the DOJ now. Waiting for Judge Truncale’s decision.

Art for today: Orange rose, oil on panel 8×10 in.


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