We Now Have Proof That The COVID “Vaccines” Damage Cognition

The Vigilant Fox

Jun 22, 2024

Countless people have observed their loved ones becoming “more compliant” and “broken” after the shots.

This was deemed a “conspiracy theory,” but now we have the data to back it up.

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A new study from South Korea analyzed the electronic health records of 2.2 million and, later, 4.3 million individuals in Seoul. What researchers found was alarming.

By comparing the rates of various new medical conditions in vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups over three months, the study revealed that the vaccinated experienced:

• A 68% rise in depression

• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders

• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders

• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment

• A 23% rise in Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Pierre Kory writes:

“In my practice of treating vaccine injuries, one of the three most common symptoms I see is brain fog. So many of my patients had been in the prime of their lives, can now barely function, have significant cognitive impairment, and need a lot of help from our nurses to carry out their treatment plans. I never imagined I would see any of this in people far younger than me, and instead, I see it every day. I bear witness to an immense amount of suffering on a daily basis that is hard to put into words.”

Read More from A Midwestern Doctor:

The Forgotten Side of Medicine

We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition

Story at a Glance: •Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury. •The COVID-19 vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition, and many of us have noticed both subtle and over cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address…

Read more

5 days ago · 563 likes · 260 comments · A Midwestern Doctor





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