VIDEO – Military beats up 18 year old who wouldn’t get the COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis

Every one of these cowardly, depraved little sh!theads should be tried for attempted murder and puclicly horsewhipped so other sh!theads can beging to understand The Bill of Rights!


Take your blanket off. Go through the white. Are you choosing to be non-compliant? Are you choosing to be non-compliant? Get on the floor. Get on the floor. Get on the floor.

Let’s go, man. Get on the floor. Get on the floor. Get on the floor.

Stop resisting. Where’s the handcuff? I need a handcuff right now. I got it. I need a handcuff. I’m going for his left arm. Stop resisting. Stop resisting. You will get tagged. You will get tagged. Just wait, just wait, just wait. I got left cuff on. Stop resisting or you will get tased. Angles on.

Do you hear me? Do not move. Do not move.

You will get tased.

I got his arm. I got his arm.

Put it behind his back. My collar would break. My fucking collar would break.

All right. I got his other arm. Dude, my collar hurts. I got his right arm. It’s probably buried under there. Stay down. Stay down. Stay down. My left toe is breaking. My pinky, left toe. Get the shot, Charlie. A little lock. A little double lock. Yeah, dude. Get him locked. Stay down. All right, check it.

Just try to squeeze it and see if it… Double lock. All right. We’re going to see that later. All right. Are you going to lift him up? Or are you going to lift you up to your knees?

Or do you want us to carry him? Carry him like that. Okay. One, two, three. Bring him over in front of the couch.

VIDEO – Military beats up 18 year old who wouldn’t get the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. William Makis MD

Aug 02, 2024

This is video of 18 year old USAF Senior Airman Lance Castle, after refusing the CV-19 vaccine.

They gleefully jailed him, beat him (tearing his shoulder and MCL in the process), demoted him – and then ultimately dropped all charges because they found he had done nothing wrong. And it’s a wonder why no one wants to join the US military.

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Joan OConnorJoan’s Newsletter 15 hrs agoThey mention an injection. Did they inject him here? He’s bleeding from the face because one of them forced his face into the floor.If they didn’t inject him, he will have the last laugh as their immune systems fail them.This is so outrageous it defies description.

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Jomico14 hrs agoYes they needle raped him.

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Alice P. Liddell12 hrs agoNo. He did not get the covid shot.

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nancy robertsnancy’s Substack 14 hrs ago😯 I should not be shocked. I work with refugees seeking safety and asylum from their own corrupt government, only to fall into hands of USA where all the kids have been forced to get many jabs or they are threatened with not getting proper paperwork. It is reprehensible.

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AnnR13 hrs agoDear God, tell me he’s suing the GD military for millions. That video is un-fucking-believable. I have to swear because it’s the only way to express my outrage.

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Jomico14 hrs agoBig Pharma seems to get their way on all matters within the USA but the rest of the world has acted on US law EUA and the prep act… which is nonsensical… you can bet your last dime the Chinese soldiers are not vaccinated and ready for war…

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nancy robertsnancy’s Substack 13 hrs agoThe fringe is definitely going to have to like, and be good with standing alone, being called lunatic shunned and shamed, and not acting for the “greater good” bulls#!t. Controlled rage is what happens when I read and see this stuff.

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Paul Frohlich6 hrs agoHang Big Pharma

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KC & the sunshine57 mins agoI am sick to my stomach for this guy and sick that this camefrom his OWN “brothers in arms. Whoever thought this was the move should be publicly shamed and court-martialed.

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Capt. Roy HarknessCapt. Roy Harkness’ Substack 5 hrs agoOur entire reality is so outrageous it defies description. Have a look at these articles I found on my email this morning that were like a punch in the face:💣 “17-Year-Old Female Volleyball Player Paralyzed with Brain Damage After Brutal Spike by Trans Opponent” –💣 ““This is Unjust!” Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down in Tears After ‘Biological Male’ Brutalizes Her in 46 Seconds” –, they may seem off-topic to this boy being beaten to a pulp for refusing The Lethal Injection: But they’re not. Consider the twin genocides of Ukraine and Occupied Palestine, the whole “Transgender” abomination, the “Woke” obscenity, the homeless encampments, the massive drug abuse, our kakistocratic politicians doing all they can to ignite World War III, the oncoming megatsunami of deaths resultant from The Lethal Injections: All facets of the syndrome of decay inflicted on us by our criminal Global Elites…

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Gina Adair3 hrs agowell well said…

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nancy robertsnancy’s Substack 2 hrs agoYeah, and where are all the outspoke, wild-eyed feminists now, I ask? It does make you wonder!

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Capt. Roy HarknessCapt. Roy Harkness’ Substack 1 hr agoYou have to do considerable research into – shall we say – highly unfashionable yet verifiable history, to learn that contemporary “feminism” is a product of “Cultural Marxism”… when you do this, you will learn that its leaders, are “liars,” their followers are “dupes,” and “feminism” does not do women any favours, at all… 🤔I recommend “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace” by Michael Walsh as a starting point…

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DeeDee 58 mins agoI think the criminal global elite have been doing this to the “common people” one way or another for at least a century. It isn’t new. Just that now not only do they have high tech ways, we the common people got the internet to figure it out for ourselves more and more. They don’t like that we can figure out what they do. Hopefully as more and more people wake up things will change for the better. History shows over and over again is you can’t keep people down forever. Eventually they rise up.

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Capt. Roy HarknessCapt. Roy Harkness’ Substack 50 mins agoOh, it’s a lot, lot longer than that Dee… Get of copy of Jim Marrs “Rule by Secrecy” and learn about Adrian Wieshaupt and The Illuminati, just for a start.

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Candis1 hr agoThink they wouldn’t do it to any one of us if ordered to do so?

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Capt. Roy HarknessCapt. Roy Harkness’ Substack 1 hr ago·edited 1 hr agoOctober 29, 1986, I was kicked out of the military on trumped-up accuations after a three-year-long malicious whisper campaign on the part of a drunken Master Warrant Officer.. damned near 40 years ago, and I was one of the lucky ones: I left with my limbs intact, my skin in one piece.The emotional damage is on the other hand, another story… Can you say “PTSD”?

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DeeDee 56 mins agoI think my neighbors would do that if asked to for free. People can be @sses. Though at least they took the jabby jab and now they even said they are unfortunately having heart issues.

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Capt. Roy HarknessCapt. Roy Harkness’ Substack 28 mins ago·edited 27 mins agoOne of my coworkers – In 2021 I tried to warn him, he wouldn’t listen – And since then? 3 aortic stents, on blood thinners.. Just had his 7th Lethal Injection.. His comment to me? “The vaccinations have nothing to do with it.”❗😱💩.Truly: You can’t fix “stupid”, no matter how you try.

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DeeDee 11 mins agoI think my neighbor in the beginning would have been calling people stupid for not getting the jab. However, unfortunately, for the neighborhood she says she is not getting any more. She got two jabs.

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Capt. Roy HarknessCapt. Roy Harkness’ Substack 6 mins agoHer days are numbered.


Vic HughesNo Treaty 13 hrs agoThe film showing US troops acting like stormtroopers and beating up a 18 year old fellow soldier, someone who volunteered to risk his life for these people, to force him to take a Covid shot. What is wrong with these people? Don’t any of them have a once of human decency? They should beg the injured soldier for his forgiveness and spend the rest of their lives trying to make amends. The film should be on the nightly news reminding us all what the Covid Overlords are really like. Be very afraid.

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Gram12 hrs agoAren’t soldiers in the military to defend freedom??? wtf kind of evil possesses them?

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parmo100011 hrs agoDumb military pawns to be used however the government deems and disposed of later.

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Ken LeeKen’s Substack 4 hrs agoThey’re in the military ; ‘human decency’ is not part of their training. Quite the opposite, in fact, after they’ve been torn down and rebuilt in the military’s image.

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Jane15 hrs agoSick psychopaths. Absolutely no wonder there’s a reluctance to join up.

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upset11 hrs agoThe individuals in this video as well as their commanding officer should be court martialed and dishonorably discharged.

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Jody McKenzie14 hrs agoSo if this is how the military treat their own soldiers, imagine how they treat there enemies. God help us all. No wonder the leaders can send young men to foreign lands to be slaughtered for no other reason than to keep the military hardware manufacturers rich.

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Diana Mara HenryDiana’s Voice 13 hrs agoEveryone in this country should see this. I couldn’t watch past the first few seconds. This is us.

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HexxeH14 hrs agoWhen did this happen? Recently or during the dark era (2019-2022)? This young man was fighting for his life, and they stabbed him anyway. I see why military recruiting numbers are so low.

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Marcus Wheeler14 hrs agoThis is horrific and beyond words!! Deeply saddening! This world desperately needs Jesus!! We are in the midst of Isaiah 24. It’s time for people to wake up and be reconciled to God through Christ Jesus before it’s too late!!

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Christine Thompson10 hrs agoYou ‘christians’ are SO gullible, so brainwashed, so INDOCTRINATED, it’s sickening.

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stardotstardot’s Substack 10 hrs agoYou atheists are entitled to your opinions.

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Christine Thompson9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoWhat I said is not merely an opinion, it’s factual truth. And I’m not exactly an atheist (for I do realise that there is a Supreme Intelligent Power which created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life, it’s just that I don’t follow the ‘christian’ BS on the nature of that Creative Power).For 30 years I’ve been (and am very proud to be) a PROPERLY-informed Spiritualist. Spiritualism is in truth the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely PROVE what it states (and I do NOT use the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly).I’m a 65-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK and, like all PROPERLY-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world (there are countless millions of us… countless millions who have never fallen for the BS of ‘christianity’), I’ve carried out a very great deal of in-depth, scholarly research into the multi-faceted evidences which PROVE that what Spiritualism states is the truth.And (as also do the vast majority of the countless millions of other spiritually-enlightened people on Earth) I possess literally hundreds of PERSONAL proofs that yes, we do all survive the death of our physical body in the way that Spiritualism states that we do.There are 30+ different categories of the evidences which prove that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. Countless millions of people around the world are fully informed on these proven facts, and those countless millions include many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc. Moreover, there are many tens of thousands [probably hundreds of thousands] of high-quality, scholarly books that have been written & published on the survival of ‘death’ truth, and a large percentage of those books have been written BY the properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc, around the world.’Christians’ will all get a big shock, on the eventual days on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’. For they will then have to face that the ‘Christian Church’ had well and truly DUPED them, re. the nature of reality, and re. what happens after the immensely illusory ‘death’.Expand full comment

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Lisa F5 hrs agoI’m also very spiritual and have gathered a lot of information on the subject of the “afterlife” and cosmos. But your rant is unreal… absolutely loaded with ego, and righteousness…ridiculousness. Let’s be honest, there is no proof for the things you believe in either… no more than there is for people’s belief in calling the higher power, source, whatever you choose to call it, God and Jesus… or any other name. It’s mainly semantics. Why are you entitled to call your beliefs “evidence or proof” when others are not. Get off your high horse… seriously. How full of yourself can you get!!?? I suspect with such a rigid view, you too are in for a surprise when it’s your turn to return to the quantum field where our souls came from. Enjoy.

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Christine Thompson4 hrs agoA short PS to my reply to you of a few minutes ago.There happen to be 30+ different categories of the multi-faceted evidences/proofs of the fact of survival of ‘death’ and the very real Afterlife. More than 30! But you’re obviously not aware of them, for if you were, you wouldn’t have written (OH so incorrectly) what you wrote to me.Many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, etc, around the world are fully informed on the available evidences and proofs. What I stated in my earlier post are facts and truths, and NOT mere ‘beliefs/opinions’. I leave the ‘mere beliefs/opinions’ to those around the world who fell for the BS of ‘christianity’.The latter being there in order to control the gullible, subservient masses, who don’t possess any critical thinking skills; they don’t carry out any actual scholarly research, they merely ‘blindly believe’ the absolute BS of the so-called ‘bible’. ‘Bible literalism’ has a great deal to answer for.

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KC & the sunshine45 mins agoWhatever spiritualist thing you are signed up for, I for one am notthe least not attracted to it if the others are anything like you. Man, lady… God woos is into Himself. He knows us bc He made us in his own image. He literally loves us cherishes us. All we have to do is love him, and ask Jesus to be our savior. Thankfully, we don’t have to belittleothers, proveour point, draw lines in the sand or beat others down with our “holier than thou because I knowmore than you and am farsuperior to you because I know spiritual beings” business. Ask yourself what kind of superior being would have so many children yet only show a very small portion of them “the Way” via mysterious spiritual beings or you, haranguing them? Our superior being father all the people except a small handful of Satan’s spawn 😜 and He had a book written to help point everyone to Himself and His great love for His creation. Sign me up for THAT.


Lisa F4 hrs agoYou absolutely are ranting, 100%. You are so busy thinking about your own beliefs and spouting them, that you are not taking the time to actually read what other people are saying. Show me where I disagreed about the afterlife. And I stand by what I said, we all have our beliefs, and we choose what to take as evidence and proof. I have listened to hundreds of NDE’s, and psychic stories, and believe fully that we carry on in an energetic spirit form.. in a higher realm. What I was trying to say to you, was, you should not be putting down people who choose to call source, or the “higher power”, God, or Jesus, or any other religious name, just because you choose not to. You are no more entitled to your beliefs than anyone else. And that IS ego making you do that…don’t be fooled. And try to lighten up while you’re at it, our purpose here is to raise our souls vibration so we can all collectively raise humanity’s vibration… we are all connected, to eachother and to the planet.


Christine Thompson4 hrs agoActually there ARE proofs for the fact of everyone’s survival (in their spirit body form – which has been SEEN by many clairvoyantly-sighted people worldwide, including by some doctors and nurses who possess clairvoyant vision) of the death of their physical body ‘coat’, and of the actual nature of the very real Afterlife. What I’ve said are NOT ‘mere beliefs’. As have many millions of other people around the world, I’ve carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into this vital subject (including the reading of 1000+ high-quality, scholarly books on the subject), and also have literally hundreds of PERSONAL proofs that yes, we do all survive ‘death’. Many of my [wrongly termed ‘dead’/’deceased’ relatives have communicated with me from that Afterlife [through PROVEN-genuine mediums], including my longtime partner; he passed back to Spirit in early 2019.I’m NOT ‘ranting’, I am NOT ‘on my high horse’, no ego, no righteousness, I’m merely stating absolute facts/truths!! What I’ve stated, many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, etc etc, around the world, also are fully informed on!So please do not accuse me of the things you have, when you knew nothing of the level and nature of my knowledge.

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Shula48 mins agoVastly ignorant you are of the demonic dimensions of deception which entrap you. Know that these spirits of abomination you unwittingly egregiously engage/commune with and have willingly, woefully subjected your being to are exceedingly more effectual in their ignoble, infernal intent than you truthfully could caringly, constructively claim to ever be with the majorly mistaken studies by which sadly you have been seduced and shackled. The shed blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth prevails eternally. Burning blessings of Jesus’ beauty in your being and intimate blessings of affection from His holy heart as King of heaven.

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Shula2 hrs agoRomans 1AMPUnbelief and Its Consequences18 For [God does not overlook sin and] the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness suppress and stifle the truth, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them [in their inner consciousness], for God made it evident to them. 20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense. 21 For even though [d]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not [e]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God for [f]an image [worthless idols] in the shape of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals and reptiles.24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their own hearts to [sexual] impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25 because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, 29 until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness. They are gossips [spreading rumors], 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors [of new forms] of evil, disobedient and disrespectful to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful [without pity]. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them.Expand full comment

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Susan Danson11 hrs agoSUE THE MILITARY, SUE THESE GUYS PERSONALLY….This is unbelievably cruel, intimidating and horrifying for that young man. All those MEN coming at him. His parents must be LIVID!

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Leserly13 hrs agoScenes like this terrify me in two ways: First the obvious – that people are so brainwashed to believe not having the jab makes you evil. The second is that if they forcibly jab people they will kill those of us who are allergic to PEG – polyethylene glycol, which is in the lipid nano particles. As well as the dangers inherent in the jab itself many of us die if injected with PEG. This probably accounts for many of the deaths at the injection sites. People often do not know they have this allergy, even though PEG is in many soaps, toothpastes and shampoos etc. it does not have a big adverse effect until given in medicine in a different form or larger amount.

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Marilyn Courteau11 hrs agoPolyethylene glycol 3350….RestoraLax…routinely used in my hospital…….baaaaaad.

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Leserly10 hrs agoIn hospital I was given painkillers containing it and hand wipes containing it. Worst part, the Nurses hadn’t hear of PEG.

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Gina Adair3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoImagine the feeling a military parent feels at watching another young person get such treatment…..Parents send their offspring, with plenty of other worries.., into what we think is honourable service to society, our nations……….the last thing we want to think about is that our children..( young adult ones) are not given excellent choices…and most especially for their bodies…by their own doctors and officials…NO ONE GOT FULL DISCLOSURE from the big pharma or the governments, of the harms, the unknown risks, and especially the known ones once the deaths and injuries./ adverse effects started showing up around the globe….( not the public, nor the vaccinated…anywhere….it was kept a big secret)…Really great doctors, whistleblowers who worked at Pfizer, etc….scientists who either worked also for big pharma, or who had been there…those folks knew or researched early on, all of the earliest test results…from .years ago…that were censored and gas conspiracy theorists…..that fought so hard to bring true “information” and concerns forward so as to minimize the harms from nano technology genetic therapy ( aka Covid jabs)….while it was still new….aWhat about how the establishment, banished the use of Ivermectin and other proven anti viral respiratory aides that could have prevented most if not all of any large outbreak, in the earliest of days…( ie…first do no harm)….Who pays for that injustice?


nancy robertsnancy’s Substack 14 hrs agoWe are ripe, as a nation in becoming a shame/honor country and culture, where you do what you are told or off with your head. And it is starting from the top down. Let those of us who loathe this sort of thing, work from the bottom up with a commitment to not comply and stay connected.

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Ivan M. PatonIn Pursuit of Truth 12 hrs agoHere you see EVIDENCE of the CRIMINAL MAFIA that the United States military truly is. It is their DARPA created BIOWEAPON POISON FOR MASS GENOCIDE – the the US governments first rodeo on genocide, count the Indian massacres, then the Philippine massacre 800k-2million dead – etc., etc. etc. The ZOG military is the greatest threat to humanity since the Roman Empire.

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Arthur O’SheaDarkness to Light 15 hrs agoI wonder how things have worked out for everyone involved. Have any of them experienced any adverse reactions from the shot? How do they reflect on the experience?

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Cheryl13 hrs agoOutrageous ….how can they do this to one of their own. I am so disappointed in my fellow man !!

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JaneJane’s Newsletter 14 hrs agoWho would want to fight for America as it stands today.

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Susan Ridings14 hrs agoAssault and battery charges????

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D M15 hrs agoThat’s how you make enemies.

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Jomico15 hrs agoThe only thing missing on this video .. is the knee on the neck… stop resisting us and putting our life in danger.. while we put your life in danger… the Americans have got such odd ideas which lead to very odd outcomes… and no body wants to do anything right.

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Lisa F5 hrs agoDon’t kid yourself, this isn’t an American thing, it’s a human thing… and goes on literally everywhere on this planet.

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Jomico5 hrs agoThe UK police do not treat suspects this badly.. and if you think George Floyd type arrests honour your constitution.. god help you.. It’s Americans that lock people away longer than life spans.. and blow the shit out of any country non American.. if it means they can pilchard the oil or resources.ffs.. wake up.. smell the bullshit… it is America that has Guantanamo Bay.. and electric chairs .. civilised my ass.

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Lisa F4 hrs agoI’m not American, and am wide awake. That’s why I see how shitty humans can and do treat each other everywhere. You sound like you’re in a bubble. Just because one group isn’t this bad, doesn’t mean the next one isn’t. You wake up.

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Jomico4 hrs agoSorry .. what part of the video showing American soldiers treating one of their own like shit.. proves that humanity is just as bad.. go back to sleep… everything I am referring to is American borne.. yes the rest of the planet does thing as reprehensible.. the nazis .. the Chinese …. the Russians history proves this but as we learned we modified our treatment of others.. somehow .. I still think Americans are not interested in modifying their behaviour towards non Americans and their own kinfolk.. believe what you want.. it makes no difference to my viewpoints.


fmiville10 hrs agoWow! I have never seen such tyranny happen since the installation of this regime in our country. This is insane what they did to this poor kid. He better sue and get justice!

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Denise10 hrs agoVolunteer for the military? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!

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Panos15 hrs agoMfs

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Claudia Maria10 hrs agoIs this yet another example of “just following orders” or what is going on here. Very difficult to watch and hard to fathom how it’s possible. Yes should be on the news.

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Paul Frohlich5 hrs agoFollow the order only that of Nature. Never obey man., the biggest disaster to all life on this planet.


Anthony MorganAnthony’s Substack 10 hrs agoIke warned us about the industrial military complex now we need to add pharma toThat warning label

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Donna LaBruno11 hrs agoFurther evidence of the decline of western civilization. This is absolutely disgusting beyond words. What the hell did I just see? I want to know if these people were punished. Did this kid file lawsuit? What’s the status of this now? This is beyond reprehensible.

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Paul Frohlich5 hrs agoNot just western civilization, the whole human specie is in decline. Only hope is individualism.


Bor Sin – becomelects.comBor Sin’s Substack 14 hrs agoThis is very sad. I thought we were the good guys. We are not the good guys.

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J C9 hrs agoJust another reason not to fight anymore Isra Hell wars. Don’t join the military

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Raven & Dove11 hrs agoWho filmed this and what was their role/purpose in doing so? Who obtained the footage and released it?

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Jeck12 hrs agoSickening. Those stupid fucking assholes.

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Karen Anne SavageKaren’s Substack 10 hrs agoWhat an evil disgrace. God help us!

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Alice P. Liddell12 hrs agoTo learn more about the military and the covid shots PLUS A LOT MORE.Patriots Unite & Push (PUP) is a fullday event in Huntsville, AL on 8/24. Speakers include Mike Lindell, Jeff Childers, LTC Theresa Long MD, Colonel MacGregor, MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O’Brien, etc. 10 speakers from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Then after a dinner break Professor David Clements will screen his movie ” Let My People Go”. He will discuss J6, election integrity, and have a Q& A. coupon code MIKE to save $25 off each ticket..

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frank tateFrank’s Substack 12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoOf course, the DoD – the government being its business arm – know the significance of decimating a country’s military first, before totally neutralizing that nation.How ironic it is that the DoD would first, use its own forces to execute this plan, followed by using a UN-type military force to complete this mission.

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Luc Lelievre14 hrs agoAwful.

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John Roberts9 hrs agoIf they are willing to do this to their own, what do you think they will do to us if they are ordered to do so. No one is coming to save us. !!!

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Sherry Kassian10 hrs agoThis is absolutely disgraceful and disgusting!!

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Robert Mysse10 hrs agoThis is bad but if any soldier gets hurt while in the military then needs medical attention after discharge the VA medical system is a disaster

Like (2)ReplyShare’s Substack 10 hrs agoI need more information! Is this Canada 🇨🇦? I’m sick, shocked, heartbroken, and very angry on this man’s behalf if this is truly all because he refused the experimental injection for convid. The let immigrants and refugees from all over the world in, no jab necessary. We need answers!

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Reg BaraniukReg’s Substack 7 hrs agoThe intro to the podcast identifies the victim as an American USAF Airman. IMO I can’t see the Canadian military dealing with one of their own in this manner.

Like (2)Reply (1)Share’s Substack 3 hrs agoI think you’re right, not that is better that it’s an American. Those in charge and who gave these orders needed to speak to this horror.


Lisa F4 hrs agoNo, it’s from Cannon AFB in the States. The young man has an X account where he talks about the court proceedings. Someone further up the comments left a link.

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KFH11 hrs agothat was terrifying to watch

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Immaculata12 hrs agoSacred Heart of Jesus help these poor people. Help us fight this corruption🙏

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mary dibmary’s Substack 12 hrs agoHow brainwashed you are to join the military and then realize too late what it really is.

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Darren3 hrs agoThose fkrs should be arrested and thrown in jail. Video proof hope he gets rich and those ass hats get a dishonorable discharge after jail time

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Maureen Burant4 hrs agoUtterly disgusting and so very very evil. My heart aches for that young man and I hope and pray that those 6 soldiers and every one else involved in this heinous crime are prosecuted and discharged dishonorably from the Military.

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John5 hrs ago“it’s a wonder why no one wants to join the US military” Research Smedley Butler and the Bonus Army – if this doesn’t convince you to run in the other direction …..

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alisonw6 hrs agoI hope he sues. We need more brave individuals like the 18 year old who withstood the abuse and need to purge the military of the thugs who tried to force inject him. These thugs just follow orders and are unable to think independently.

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Paul Frohlich6 hrs agoI would quit the fucking army right there, even when they jail me.

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Joan Reyda7 hrs ago

Absolutely barbaric! That’s what we could have experienced under Rachel Notley and her NDP!! Be very afraid if Nenshi is elected premier of Alberta.

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TRMDead Pool 7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoI would MURDER every single one of those cowards. F’em. Just follow them home and torch them. I hope all those COWARDS DIE from the shots and long slow deaths as well.

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Steve Hansen10 hrs agoBrainless grunts…That’s the perfect cannon fodder for the elites

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Anthony MorganAnthony’s Substack 10 hrs agoI d rather be in the French foreign legion

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Alice P. Liddell12 hrs agoIt is my understanding that he was not given the covid shot. He has an X account:Lance Castle (@LANCECASTLE490) / X Theresa Long, MD the brave whistleblower at Fort Rucker has stated that the military had planned to force inject (but using only the minimal force needed) any military member that had refused to get covid vax. There was a memo signed by a Brigadier General. When LTC Long became aware she asked, “Who is going to hold me down?” The plan was dropped. If you’d like to learn more about the military and the covid shots PLUS A LOT MORE.Patriots Unite & Push (PUP) is a fullday event in Huntsville, AL on 8/24. Speakers include Mike Lindell, Jeff Childers, LTC Theresa Long MD, Colonel MacGregor, MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O’Brien, etc. 10 speakers from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Then after a dinner break Professor David Clements will screen his movie ” Let My People Go”. He will discuss J6, election integrity, and have a Q& A. coupon code MIKE to save $25 off each ticket..

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Trish ChedgzoyTrish’s Substack 2 hrs agoEvil bastards, they work for the cabal anyway.😡😡😡


John N MavrosJohn’s Newsletter 2 hrs agoDisgusting


Steve. SSteve.’s Substack 3 hrs agoThe damn covid mRNA provides no benefit to anyone except a depopulation benefit.It doesn’t stop covid.These goons can’t have been expected to know this.Actually, it’s far worse to attempt to persuade people to continue to take the jabs, than it is to put a beat down on a single person. Those who preach, as experts, with salesmanship about the wonders of the mRNA jabs are like mass murderers.


Deb Har3 hrs agoThis is absolutely horrendous!! This young man should be able to sue the military for this abuse !! I am so outraged at the military and at the individuals who who figured they had the right to abused him. The absolute evil and warped mindsets of today’s world is terrifying !!


JLo2112JLo2112’s Substack 4 hrs agoI saw this when it happened and was absolutely shocked that this could happen. Granted, the young Airman not only said no to the shot, but I believe he protested to point where he was affecting good order and discipline. I don’t what he did or what actions his command took to curtail his activities, but they obviously ended up down the path of confining and restraining him – it should have never gotten this far. After confinement, his resistance and probably anger made it worse. He wouldn’t cooperate, like the protestors that go limp when the police come to take them away, which is why they handled him the way the did. Again it should have never gotten this far – the leadership should have found a way to address this without confinement. The Airmen went from being compatriots to an oppressor/oppressed relationship over the shot. Had he declined the shot and not make a stink about it, he probably wouldn’t have been confined. The leadership is completely at fault, because they did not properly address his concerns, but rather took draconian actions. Imagine what they’ll do in combat… .Text book Stanford Prison Experiment.


Gord6 hrs agoOne of the biggest problems that we have is that people, like many of us, are far too nice. These days about all we know how to do is comment on social media. These motherfuckers (among many others) need to be shown what life was like in the medieval days, in my opinion. That’s the only way this shit is going to stop, also in my opinion. Are you ready for “Pandemic” 2.0?


Becky-Sue6 hrs agoWho was recording this?


MerrickReverend Merrick’s Truthful Rig… 6 hrs agoEvil genocidol Murders will be held accountable by God the Creator!


Cam7 hrs agoWhat in the serious hell are these idiots doing


YowzaYowza’s Substack 9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoI say maybe they deserve a weekend party for what they did. A weekend BLANKET party.


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