Highland Hospital, Rochester NY, Attempted to Kill My Family Member With Covid Protocol in August 2023

Covid murder wards remain operational in key federally funded locations.

Due Diligence and Art

Sasha Latypova

Sep 9, 2023

Orientation and summary for new readers here.

Link to video on Rumble

Link to video on Bitchute

Shannon Joy is a podcaster and journalist based in Rochester NY (upstate, on Lake Ontario). I used to live in the area and still have family members living there. This interview describes how our elderly relative was treated by a local hospital’s covid ward, how we fought back and what you should know to protect your loved ones.

The step-by-step covid hospital murder protocol is discussed in more detail in the interview video. Here is the summary:

  • Isolation by fear
  • Intentional dehydration
  • Denial to fill other necessary medications in order to worsen condition of patient
  • Gaslighting by “family relations” staff
  • Denial of care (call button consistently “malfunctioning”)
  • Remdesivir to cause kidney failure, attempts to sneak it in against explicit orders not to administer
  • Hiding identities of personnel operating the covid ward
  • Even after discharged from hospital – attempts to discontinue prescription of necessary medications to worsen the patients condition and get them re-admitted!

Highland Hospital is part of the University of Rochester Medical System. In the interview I also discussed this U of R lab working on highly significant SV40 promoter that is used by Pfizer without proper disclosure in its mRNA “vaccine”. The purpose of the SV40 promoter for targeting the cell nucleus with “gene therapies” is discussed in this post.

What you should know: anything operating under HHS PREP Act is a de-facto declared weapons system. This is relevant globally. The PREP-covered weapons systems include not only poisons marketed as “vaccines” and “therapeutics”, but also targeting technologies (mandates for false-positive tests), as well as sophisticated informational weaponry, such as coordinated media lies, propaganda and censorship by the Pentagon/CIA/DHS agencies, affiliates and contractors. The readers in all countries can look up HHS Prep Act declarations to find out which weapons are currently used in this war. Right now they are issued for covid and marburg but the narratives for ebola, zika, avian flu, RSV, monkeypox and many other fear scripts are being tested and optimized via social media campaigns and other methods.

Here is how this works: the PREP Act is used as a liability shield for any organization or individual, regardless of place of employment (military, civilian, government). In a nutshell, it is a re-naming/re-branding exercise in order to lie and gaslight the public and most of the cooperating agents as long as possible so that as many of them as possible run off the cliff and self-exterminate by injections and by poisons such as remdesivir (Veklury), Paxlovid, molnupiravir.

The monsters are not even remotely subtle: Veklury = Valkyrie, a Nordic pagan goddess that decides who lives or dies during war!

Rebrand war as a “public health emergency”, rebrand weapons as “countermeasures”, rebrand killing as “saving lives”. It is that simple.

The declarations of nationwide emergency by Trump and subsequent HHS PREP Act declarations for Covid and Marburg make much more sense if we interpret them as what they really are: a declaration of bio-chemical (with possible extension to radiological-nuclear) war, and subsequent announcement of the use of two specific weapons systems, i.e. Covid and Marburg by HHS. They need those PREP Act declarations in order to provide the same liability coverage to civilians deploying weapons on their fellow countrymen/women/children, and in many cases on themselves, as military would get in a combat zone destroying some poor brown people in a 3rd world country for “freedom” and “democracy”, of course.

The way HHS ensures that the weaponry is properly used is by providing the shield ONLY to those who operate the machinery precisely according to the HHS instructions. If you administer the poisons supplied, as instructed, and lie to/gaslight the targets as instructed, then no matter how many of them you harm and kill, you are a “covered” person under the PREP Act. HHS issued several guidance legal opinion letters on this, some examples below.

HHS advisory letter on PREP Act in 2020

If you follow the orders from HHS, using HHS provided poisons, materials and informational weapons, you are a “covered person”. This pre-empts state laws:

Description of what “covered countermeasures” include:

Description of what a “covered person” is:

And here is my favorite part: description of what constitutes “willful misconduct”, which is the only theoretical limitation of the PREP Act. Behold:

If, as a result of use of a covered countermeasure, death or serious injury is caused, then:

  1. The injured or survivors/family can only bring suit before a three-judge court in the District of Columbia;
  2. Plaintiffs must prove causality of death/injury by the countermeasure AND willful misconduct;
  3. Even if plaintiffs do prove causality of death/injury by the countermeasure, the defendant is not liable under PREP Act if they followed the orders of HHS/DOD, and if the defendant reported the death/injury to HHS/DOD within 7 days!

The above is license to kill with a PREP covered weaponry. Please read the last point again: “you can kill or injure anyone as long as you follow the orders and report the kill to us”, says HHS in this explanatory letter to “healthcare” providers.

HHS advisory letter on PREP Act in 2023 is another missive to clarify who can be considered “program planner” and get coverage by PREP:

Turns out, just about anyone! Anyone, of course, who faithfully complies with HHS’s protocols. Ironically, you can qualify for liability coverage for committing suicide by “vaccine” or “therapeutic” or for killing one of your family members. Just follow the orders, soldier!

Is PREP Act an unconstitutional “license to kill”? Of course it is! A case filed by the family of George Watt, who was killed by Pfizer shot challenges the constitutionality of PREP. More about the case in this post.

Here is The Burning Man as of September 7, 2023, whatever is left of it. I thought this photo and the epic mess it represents went along well with this article.

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By Sasha Latypova · Hundreds of paid subscribers

Uncovering Fraud in Pharmaceutical R&D and Manufacturing. By popular demand, I will include my art pieces that have nothing to do with Pharma. If you are interested in my art, visit www.sashalatypova.com



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CrixcyonSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I would expect that hospitals have been murdering patients on purpose for decades. It’s just that now they get paid big government bucks to do it. We must realize that it is monumentally important to do all we can to avoid big pharma drugs and entering the medical system for any hospital stay.

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StellaMarisSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

When my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, I had the same experience with his cancer treatments…I would accompany him to every appt because he also had language barriers as English was not his first language….. they always pushed tests and treatments he was not in favour of…he would always say that he wanted them to talk to me so I could explain it to him…..they were rude, disrespectful and angry each and every time he would suggest this…they liked that he was scared, confused and didn’t understand everything…made their committing murder quicker….I was just wasting their time and standing in the way… we found out after he passed in 2016 that the hospitalist changed his wishes w/o him or family being notified to Do Not Resuscitate….. we were at the hospital with him 24/7 for the 40 days he was there and they still managed to do this behind our backs…..this is Canada….

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Unapologetically MeWrites Just Another Canadian Dissident. Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes. Absolutely diabolical.

This IS Canada.



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LisaWrites Lisa’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I would concur. I am not liking what is happening in Canada and in Western countries. I have little faith in big pharma. I have less faith in the Canadian government and media. I am someone just trying to find answers and make responsible decisions.

Looking for some truth. I am tired of the crap the government wantsxus to believe.

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MaryLSSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

This week I came across s chart indicating that Heslth Canada is 51% funded by pharma. I am not sure where I saw this, but it explains a lot.

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Morag5 hrs agoPharma has morphed into the NERO of our times.”Destroy it all.”

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Unapologetically MeWrites Just Another Canadian Dissident. Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova



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CarolSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

The same thing happened to my brother in-law in a Los Angeles hospital, they said his paper work said Do Not Resuscitate, he was in his early 60’s. They called my sister @ 630am & told her over the phone. This was in 2013

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SueSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Demons. Completely without any human virtues.

I’m very sorry for you and your sister’s loss.

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SeafoxSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

They’re so sneaky. Amazing.

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Morag5 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Diabolically clever.

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Abigail StarkeSep 9😞💔😡

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Nancy P -Cheryls LegacySep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

They have always gotten paid by the Government via CMS guidelines. Research QALY Scores (Quality Adjusted Life Years)- the quintessential death panel. Hospice has a lump sum payout like Covid. This is why most are given lethal drug cocktails to slow their respiration to death. If a patient lingers the 6 months it eats the profits. Also, once Hospice coded nutrition & hydration REQUIRE a script. Execution in the name of compassion for years.

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SeafoxSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for this info. I was mystified when my 97 year old granny (a frail bed blocker) was shipped to hospice and changed completely, right away. Phone calls had been the highlight of her day, then suddenly, she wasn’t interested. I repeatedly asked staff what they had changed with her meds and got nothing. My cousin figured it out – as a COPD patient she required lower than average oxygen feed. It was cranked up and she lasted only a week.

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I am not your OtherSep 9So very sorry.

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SeafoxSep 9Thank you. I think they probably shortened her life by 2-6 months, but really – imagine the body count.

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Nancy P -Cheryls Legacy23 hrs agoWhatever her time left she deserved every minute with family and those calls that brightened her day. The family deserved thst time with her too. 💔

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Nancy P -Cheryls Legacy23 hrs agoI am so sorry for what was done to her and your family. People that are not terminal but are simply elderly or chronically ill are the target. Many non terminal as it sounds as if your granny was are coded hospice for the money. The Government comes out financially on too with a lump sum payout versus a long drawn out treatment or long term care. I was a medical whistleblower in 2018 & 2019 for at the Hart Senate Luncheon & Summit. So many people have died needlessly and families lied to. Again, I am sorry for your loss. All we can do is keep telling our stories yo warn and educate the public.

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Seafox20 hrs agoThank you so much. This happened years ago now and I’ve wondered about it all this time. There’s no one to complain to and the hospice, well, they just keep doing what they’re doing I guess…

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LoveOneAnotherSep 9My understanding is that hospices get paid for each day a patient is on its service. There is a cap or max amount that Medicare will pay per patient but that calculation is an average for all patients of the hospice. So a patient that is on service for 5 days will balance out a patient that is on service for 9 months.https://hospicenews.com/2020/02/25/hospices-strategize-to-stave-off-cap-overage-payments%EF%BB%BF/

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Nancy P -Cheryls Legacy23 hrs agoThere is financial incentive to end it quickly. Why do you think the drug cocktails exist? There is a group on facebook “Murdered by Hospice” That has many members, stories and info shared.

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LoveOneAnother5 hrs agoThat may be true for hospice patients in hospitals/institutional care but for home patients, the hospice gets paid for each day of service. The best case for a hospice patient is care at home by a “for profit” hospice which means it will not be associated with a hospital.Of course, you can still have incompetent or lazy hospice nurses who are not creative and are not creating individualized care plans for patients. Hospice nurses may withhold water from a hospice patient because they are rightly worried that some of the water will simply go into the lungs and cause pneumonia due to the patient’s poor swallowing ability. However, a thickener can be added to the water (like jello without sugar or color) to prevent the water from going into the lungs. Nevertheless, some patients will reject consuming thickened water because it feels unnatural and doesn’t satiate like regular water.

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Morag5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoIn the ramp up to O’care, > 10 years ago, there was one forum I frequented and sometimes offered comments on.Another commenter and I seemed to have a run-in (strong disagreement) about the purpose of the “Act,” my insisting that among the hidden agendas was the creation of the death panels. He insisting that I was a fruitcake, even after I had demonstrated the reality and portent of the “handwriting on the wall.” His message was that while I wallowed in paranoia he was driving up the beautiful California coast on a glorious day in his convertible, smoking his cigar, and I should get over it.I did not get over it, and soon enough learned that Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel (of “A” care infamy) was indeed pushing that agenda, cloaking his malicious intent in “polite” language.


BlaiseWrites Att Viska Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized

By Dr. Frank Yap, MD – May 08, 2023


See protocolkills.com also. Just legal, formal documentation you can use when the “bodysnatchers” come for your loved ones.

Why EVERYONE doesn’t take advantage of this FREE documentation, and pass it on to EVERYONE they know, is beyond me. I also discuss this on my substack here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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Sirka SieWrites Sirka’s Substack Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I feel like every single one of these articles which clearly demonstrate the Depopulation Agenda can be answered with The Day Tapes. Anyone can and should listen to the, as they outline the Globalists plan to control the world. The information was revealed in 1969 and revealed to some folks and one of them gave this interview years later. Believe them or not it is eerie how EVERYTHING predicted has come to fruition. I’ve listened about 5x, I suggest you all do too. https://ia600903.us.archive.org/28/items/New_Order_of_Barbarians_remaster_tapes_1to3/New%20Order%20of%20Barbarians%20%5Bremaster%5D%20tapes%201%20to%203.mp3

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AmySep 9i cannot drive through my city this summer without thinking of those Day Tapes – they have just this summer created driving madness, including unused two-way bike lanes and halving lanes for automobiles, tons of signage to direct drivers (to many to read in time). Insane. The Day Tapes are on target.

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DeviSep 9I hope to listen. The Committee of 300 featuring Dr John Coleman resurfaced this past summer and was being shared all over. I learned so much more than even the last time I’d listened to it.

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moon19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs agodoctors are NOT to be trusted.A group of doctors tried to have me declared insane after a medical error. To be able to drug me ” legally”” and to kill me. If i am still alive it is because i own a foreign passport and informed my consulate. That was enough to get them off my back.This happened in a small ” democratic” country in europe.As i survived, i was ” blacklisted” and received no treatment. Went to ” healers” instead and natural treatment.What i discovered ( old but naïve!!) is that those criminals are protected by government and insurance companies. The whole legal system is a sham and corrupt to the core. Nothing really changed since hitler

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Paul VonharnishSep 9A bit of wry humor. >>> Hi Doc, How’s It Going? >>> By Thomas Harrington >>> August 21, 2023https://brownstone.org/articles/hi-doc-hows-it-going/

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BridgetSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

So few seemingly intelligent people have any clue as to what’s going on in hospitals across the country.

Their self-chosen ignorance is astounding.

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Rhys JaggarWrites Rhys’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

If you only read/watch/listen to the MSM and if you experienced 20 – 30 years when healthcare systems actually worked, it’s not obvious why you be informed as to what is going on now.

I haven’t trusted healthcare systems for decades, luckily I’ve been a pretty healthy person during that time. And I saw the cognitive dissonance of ‘cancer research publicity’ vs what actually went on in cancer research institutes, so I was a cynical old guy fairly young in life.

It took me a lot longer to face up to family members treating other family members like business adversaries, actively seeking to destroy everything they tried to do in life.

We’re the naturally skeptical, naturally anti-establishment ones. We don’t look up uncritically, we hold power to account.

Most people are more interested in making money and spending time with their kids, to be brutal.

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Unapologetically MeWrites Just Another Canadian Dissident. Sep 9·edited Sep 9That’s not brutality.It’s the honest truth, but most people can’t HANDLE the truth, so I am accused of being unkind.Pretty brutal…I’ve been on this “Covid19 Virus” data dig since March of 2020. This is after having spent 35+ years deep diving pretty much everything the public has been fed via the MSM troughs.I haven’t owned a TV since 2012. This has helped my inquiring mind, and the steady development of my discernment, enormously. (TURN IT OFF folks.)So, with all that said:I had zero fear of “the virus” from the outset. What I feared (stuck in Canada, under Trudeau’s boot) was the government authority’s, and the public’s, “response”.I was extremely curious from the outset and have spent the past 3.5 years uncovering the real science and factual data, and paying it forward.Everyone in my family has disregarded it. I’m the “conspiracy theorist” who is out-of-the loop. (Except whenever someone needs my help, research skills, or expertise…)I have been a very vocal proponent of digging into precisely WHY so many of my (fully jabbed) relatives and friends quite suddenly and unexpectedly expired between late January 2021 and December 23, 2023.AFTER catching, and making a complete (and unhospitalized) recovery from “the deadly virus”.If I so much as make perfunctory inquiries, or advise looking more closely into these deaths than merely perusing death certificates, which I am not privy to by the way, I’m met with shock and disapproval. How could I be so unfeeling?”Why are you so hurtful… don’t pry…”I’m actually quite a “feeling” person. I am feeling quite done with my remaining family members and feel they’re done with me too. With the possible exception of an ever more tenuous relationship with my only begotten child.I have no real friends (left) here either, therefore I intend to leave Canada while the getting’s still good.I feel it’s high time to leave them all in peace, and to their own devices. They’re grown-ups, after all.I feel it will be a relief for all concerned.Apologies for venting here.Depressed, disgusted, and frustrated beyond belief.#HoldTheLine Expand full comment

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WatersnakeSep 9No need to apologise, friend. We all have needed to vent at some point. Or ongoingly, as the emotions swell and subside in response to our broken hearts. All the best in finding a new life in a new land. Peace.

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Unapologetically MeWrites Just Another Canadian Dissident. Sep 9“We all have needed to vent at some point.”Substack is my only remaining vent outlet.No one in my immediate circle is interested in any of my thoughts regarding critically important matters.”Ghosted” or ignored.Where’s my tribe? Who knows, but I’m searching.

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9You’re wasting precious time. Run from that circle and don’t look back. Rural America is your friend. The more rural, the better.

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Unapologetically MeWrites Just Another Canadian Dissident. 22 hrs agoI live in rural Canada.Now that the US restrictions against entry by unvaxxed foreign nationals are lifted, am heading south.

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Survive Global Luciferianism15 hrs agoTry North Dakota.

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Devi12 hrs agoThe Chinese are deeply embedded in North Dakota.

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9The wickedness of Lucifer is apparent by the division in the community, thanks to the serpent’s forked tongue.

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Ross SundelinWrites Ross’s Newsletter 5 hrs agoI’m thinking that somewhere in the Caribbean would be nice to relocate to. I’d be gone from Canada in a flash!!

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BridgetSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Isn’t it interesting how so many of the jabbed who know they’ve been poisoned are impotent in terms of being angry enough to fight back?

They’re almost empty of normal human emotion. Who knew how easy it’d be to implode the will of so many?

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Christine RitchieSep 9I’m injected x2, when I was clueless back in December 2020-January 2021 but quickly realized my almost grave mistake when I ignored my gut feeling “to save my job”. I believe if I had not suffered an adverse reaction I possibly would’ve continued with my employers illegal demands. I was angry for being “forced”, I was angry at myself for not saying no, I was scared when it made me violently ill 12 hours post 2nd shot and I’m still angry that the scam is still continuing and I’m trying to wake others up but they are sleeping at the wheel…like I used to be. Now I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist and run the risk of telling the wrong person.I also realized, on my own, without prompting, that we must be in the end times so it has motivated me to get right with my Creator and to read the Bible. This is not something that would have come to me if I didn’t have some connection to my Creators spirit. And I’m full of compassion, empathy, intuition and creativity it’s just hard to stay in those states when you’re living in this material realm. Peace❤️

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BridgetSep 9It’s too bad people are unwilling to listen to your voice of experience but sooner or later they’ll realize you were right. All you can do is try and not worry about the results. It’s a level playing field at this point given we’re all affected by the jabs by virtue of the Pfizer studies admitting transmission occurs. So whether injected or not, ultimately we’re in the same boat. Not to mention their tampering with our air, water, food and other medical supply.May I recommend a helpful podcast?It’s called Getting to Know Your Bible.

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Christine RitchieSep 9Thanks for the rec. I’m starting a bible study with a coworker that has woken up. She was attending nursing school and after a few months of talking to her, and literally showing proof as it would arise,that we ARE in a killing field. She has decided not to pursue nursing. The medical system is disguised as a wholesome, even Godly, career. I’m surrounded by well meaning people but they/we were trained to follow orders and to not question doctors specifically. I’m blessed (or cursed) to have been born to argue with everyone, even doctors, about everything and I advocate for the patient even when it makes the doctor mad. I can’t seem to stop that part of me even though I know it causes problems for me. I don’t think the doctors I work with are evil but I do think they were not trained to heal. I’ve always known medications may help one problem but it will cause 10 more. But I never thought big gov was depop’ing us. They only follow proticols and when they see the negative response they conveniently blame the illness/age/lack of health. It’s mind boggling that a doctor refuses to recognize what is happening and I feel they are the reason everyone trusts the science right over the cliff. Even the nurses who have been vaccine injured refuse to tie it to their 5th booster. But, for those that are willing to see are seeing the damage and we are trying to band together for the next assault coming our way. We are going to start our study of the Hebrew-Greek study Bible by Dr. Spirits Zodhiates.

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BridgetSep 9“I’m blessed (or cursed) to have been born to argue with everyone, even doctors, about everything…”That’s a blessing in my book. I’m the very same way and don’t apologize for asking questions and demanding answers. It’s funny how few people ask questions anymore.

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Mary Lou LongworthSep 9So glad to hear you survived the jabs and are drawing close to God. Bible Study Fellowship is starting up Bible Studies for fall. This year they are studying the Gospel of John. Check their website and see if there is a study in your area. I plan to. Classes start soon on Monday, September 11. https://www.bsfinternational.org/


MOMinator10 hrs agoAntidepressants (specifically SSRIs)?

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Bridget6 hrs agoWho knows?


John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9I think hospitals were only incentivized to carry out protocols that were more harmful than helpful when COVID started. Before that things just went that way sometimes from not having enough staff to take care of people and attend to their needs.A friend of ours went into a hospital (2019) for diverticulitis, and was getting minimal care, but nobody answered her call in the night for bathroom help. She got up herself, tangled in tubing and wires, fell, broke her hip, and died from that in the hospital.

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BridgetSep 9How awful.

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taylor.kathleenSep 9·edited Sep 9Rhys: In your last sentence, did you mean ‘than’ (“spending time with your kids.”)

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JoniSep 9Actually Bridget, we were fortunate to have good hospital systems who gave great care and because of our great primary care physicians and cardiologist. Then it changed dramatically with covid. I’ve had firsthand experience for over 20 years as I was the caregiver for my grandparents, parents and now my husband when he was hospitalized. We experienced a dramatic change in 2021 and 2022 that we had never experienced. But we were knowledgeable of the covid murder protocols and what to watch out for, and I have never been one to allow anyone to shut me down when I am caring for a loved one! So I don’t agree that people had self-chosen ignorance in many, many cases. I read constantly about what is going on and shared this information as much as possible. It’s just that when emergencies arise that’s when people are taken off guard when hospitals people once trusted change into killing machines. Until you are a full time caregiver and those responsibilities take up your time, a lot of people were unaware of the dramatic changes that happened until they lost their loved ones to the covid nightmare protocol.

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BKBlairSep 9It’s not health care when they study and treat disease instead of seeking the cause of an illness. It’s all backward. Our bodies are built with the ability to heal when provided the optimal conditions. I just finished listening to the first part of a radio show from 1993 with Alex Loglia on germ theory. It provided some great insight into disease, germ theory, Louis Pasteaur, and modern medicine. I had to slow it down to get the names of persons mentioned. Give it a listen in small does. https://odysee.com/@lancewdetrick:b/IA—Germ-Theory-with-Alex-Loglia-Complete-All-4-Parts—William-Cooper-Hour-of-the-Time-1993:8?r=46mhnCXKnMv4y4YBqCoAA4938MTHuEKWI was able to locate information on the persons mentioned about 20 min. in. I had already read about Antoine Bechamp and his work on pleomorphism. I have also watched a few videos and read the work of Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Mark Bailey, and Dr. Robert O. Young.

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Bridget12 hrs agoI just listened to it. Very interesting.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Why I love my job: >>> https://twitter.com/KateWalshHHS/status/1338608017038856192

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Devi10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agothat was a flash from the past! as a retired nurse, I found all those TikToks and other social media posts with nurses and doctors prancing around in choreographed scripts like damn fools while patients and folks in the community were dying from improper medical response to whatever the SARSCoV2 construct was, one of the most insidious and predatory chapters of this whole drama. Utter perfidy! The idea that health would be delivered in a syringe sponsored by the likes of Fauci, Redfield, Alex Azar, Birx, Pence and all the others at warp speed, no less, was absurd. I intuitively knew that these were dangerous. And remember Army General Gustave Perna? It is cringe worthy. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2445137/operation-warp-speed-official-first-covid-19-vaccines-to-arrive-monday/

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Paul Vonharnish10 hrs agoCringe worthy indeed. It must be a comfortable illusion that one can blithely commit mass murder, with no moral reservation nor ethics of conscience…………….


BridgetSep 9If only the German Politicians and Military Officers in the 30s had access to social media. Just think how they could have spread their infectious work camp internment moves and put the world into similar a groove.Democide goes better with music.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Well… Erm… The use of sopping wet newspaper propaganda and radio broadcast in the former United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, pretty much sealed the deal EVERYONE made with the Devil. Let’s not forget the internment camps initiated against Japanese citizens on the western shore of the US. New company: Lock-downs r’ Us…Jeeze… You’d think with all the wars and peaceful “liberation’s” civilians have funded, we’d all be getting along quite nicely by now… .. .

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Unapologetically MeWrites Just Another Canadian Dissident. Sep 9“Bliss”…


Joy Lucette GarnerWrites Joy’s Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

This prep act (and all who participated in it) needs to be properly framed under RICO class action. Everyone is so busy trying to plead ‘around’ it, when they need to attack/challenge the act itself.

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Kyle YoungWrites the secular heretic Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Agreed. And considering all of the updates to the Prep Act that have been implemented since Bush signed it into law, were talking about a lot of people.

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Joy Lucette GarnerWrites Joy’s Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Amazing how MANY are evil enough to go along with this. And at this late stage, I can no longer attribute any of this to mere ignorance. They KNOW what they’re doing, ALL of them.

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Kyle YoungWrites the secular heretic Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yup. The “agenda” is very profitable.

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SachaSep 9I’m not a lawyer, but I would think “intent to harm, injure, and kill” is unconstitutional regardless of their ridiculous lawfare.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9The RICO Act has been carefully ignored since inception. The reason being that the entire United States government and subsidiary agencies, are committing multiple offences on a daily basis. Class action suits will not put an end to criminal actions detailed in the article.We need to quit hiring ambulance chasers to replace the Lawful Remedy of criminal prosecutions…

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Joy Lucette GarnerWrites Joy’s Newsletter Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I explored this option and determined that almost ZERO prosecutors will move on any of this in any way…..they work for the same system. I did however, learn of a method by which private citizens can band together and petition the courts to empanel grand juries to bring criminal charges, thereby getting around the corrupt prosecutors. Problem: Most of the judges are too corrupt to do the right thing. Not all of them though. Got to find the right jurisdiction and frame the petition correctly. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Failing this, i.e., a CIVIL remedy, we’re going to have a very UNcivilized WAR against our government, due to the fact they refuse to permit any civil remedies for us to prevent our own EXTERMINATION.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9The “authorities” need to be sent this reminder: > 18 U.S. Code § 3 – Accessory after the fact >>> “Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact. Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years.” [End quote]Attorneys General in many jurisdictions are not receiving notice of civil complaint, and by Law, cannot self-initiate criminal investigations within their own jurisdiction. In other words: They need to be “notified” by other witness.The complaint or Petition should include a notice that specifies an actionable response with a time limit “call”. If the specified action is not fulfilled in a timely manner, the recipient will automatically be charged as an Accessory After the Fact in any future or associated litigation.Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Conditions leading to Lawful remedy: >18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murderhttps://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1111Read entire text.

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NefahotepWrites Nefahotep Speaks Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Most people who supposedly died of “Covid,” actually died of “Protocol,” —- because they caught Remdesivir, even the ones who were there because of motorcycle accidents. Remdesivir causes kidney failure. They were convinced that the medical institutions “knew what they were doing” and were willing to help them. Well, they DID “know what they were doing,” they were committing a genocide, propelled by fear because there was a big emergency; they needed to do the bidding of the Corporate Private Equity Owners who really wanted to redistribute people’s wealth.

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Rhys JaggarWrites Rhys’s Substack Sep 9It must take extreme cognitive repression for any doctor to prescribe a drug whilst being aware that it will kill someone. I can only assume that 90% of doctors were so unaware of remdesevir characteristics that they just trusted old Fauci’s directives.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


after 3 years of killing people with remdesivir, no doctor who prescribes it is unaware of what they are doing. No more excuses.

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Tom TunesSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I agree. I had a conversation with a brainwashed ICU pulmonologist that I had worked with before I retired from anesthesia. He told me that severe Covid basically looked like ARDS and that he was using remdesivir to treat it. Furthermore, he admitted that mortality was on the order of 40% (prior to proning). At that point I think it wasn’t malicious. But over time it should have become clear and he should have taken the time to research remdesivir and the vaxx (he was a big proponent). I sent emails about the facts of each but they were unanswered. At some point it became a malevolent act. Probably being a “covered person” made it so much easier.

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CurrerSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Probably being a “covered person” made it so much easier.

Very true…this together with the financial incentives. Sad and shocking state of affairs.

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Rhys JaggarWrites Rhys’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well, there’s an awful lot of doctors that need to be deregistered/struck off then. And a significant need to replace them with honest ones.

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MBSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

And the horror continues – this is from July 2023:

FDA Approves Drug Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment in People With Kidney Problems, Despite Data Showing Renal Failure


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El ReciboWrites El Recibo 6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Interestingly, although a hospital, nursing home etc., cannot be sued for giving a vaccine due to the PREP Act (except for willful misconduct), they can be sued for nonfeasance for NOT administering a vaccine. (Not sure if that applies to remdesivir)

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Sam7 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I think the same goes for doctors who put people on ventilators while they are still able to talk easily have to know that they are going to kill them. But then they put people on them to protect staff from getting infected. Not for the patient’s benefit, but to protect staff. Unbelievable.

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NefahotepWrites Nefahotep Speaks Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

What is most interesting is that they being the “experts” didn’t notice the pattern of deaths that were following the use of Remdesivir. The more letters after a person’s name means the more programed they are.

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PERSISTENT OBJECTOR to new IHRSep 9·edited Sep 9Maybe the deaths made them afraid of COVID. They thought “What, that patient didn’t look that sick when he came in, plus I even gave him the Valkyrie to be on the safe side – and still he died? Then that must be a more dangerous illness than I thought! I must have underestimated it and I must have overestimated my own ability to assess the clinical status of my patients and to correctly diagnose them!” They may have been shocked in their professional self confidence by these deaths that they had not seen coming, it makes them feel guilty and they vow to never again overestimate their own competence but to.rely solely on recommended protocols. I never thought of this mechanism before but I can really imagine many doctors feeling guilty not for having administered Remdesivir but totally wrongly for having presumedly first assessed the patient wrongly, not seeing how sick they were – and often maybe also for not having taken COVID seriously enough. That would be tragic in all the individual cases and on the whole very effective in disorienting and breaking so many professional self-esteems.

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Rhys JaggarWrites Rhys’s Substack Sep 9I’m not sure that’s totally true: I think the depths of programming are mostly correlated with how high up the hierarchy you go. I have a lot of letters after my name but I acquired those letters with a spiritually open mind. It did mean that I found ‘traditional employers’ very difficult to function in. My experience is that the more you embrace spying on your fellow workers and the more you see spying and parasitising as a sign of ‘worthiness and superiority’, the more programmed you have to be. I’ve known people describe setting up your own peepshow perversion franchise as ‘rising to the next level’……

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NefahotepWrites Nefahotep Speaks Sep 9If you are spiritually sensitive to what you are doing as a professional, this makes you much more unique as an individual. When I said: “The more letters after a person’s name means the more programed they are.” I really didn’t mean to generalize, every individual is important, if you do what you do with conscientiousness, that can have a huge positive effect. I think what I’m more focusing on is the “one size fits all” mentality that the Corporate Governance has created and that culture’s affects within the professions. In addition, there not being a net positive environment for those professionals to sense the real need to oppose the Corporate “policies,” when it becomes evident those policies are extremely harmful to the public they are serving.

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SaHiBSep 9I’d love to see these “experts”‘ dissertations that got them all these letters. Perhaps their institutions need to retract all those letters, and if they don’t, those institutions need to be disaccredited.

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John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Only allowed to use medicines approved for use in hospitals during pandemic, and exempted from liability for harms-caused…

Everybody did the 3-4 things they were allowed to do.

(Some of us treated people as outpatients, but doctors who tried that in hospitals got their privileges revoked. They got booted.)

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KarenSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

And IIRC, hospitals prohibited the prescription of antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial respiratory infections. I’m sure this contributed to a lot of deaths. Peoples’ capacity for denial is astonishing

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I am not your OtherSep 9Yes and since it was basically bacterial pneumonia at that point, no antibiotics made it an easy kill.

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NefahotepWrites Nefahotep Speaks Sep 9Opposition to the Corporate Policies can be a very uphill battle to fight. And yes, the biggest part of willing to go along with it is the fear of losing one’s license or position. This is why I have said all along: Arbitrary Hierarchy is not natural, if it were to be eliminated from most Corporate structures there would barely be a company left over. If a system becomes too dependent on having top heavy management, there really needs to be some reassessment done to the company. Anything higher than the floor is just “deadwood,” those who really matter are the ones who provide the actual care.

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John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9The top rules until the system beneath it breaks.

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Clare GoldsberryWrites Clare’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

My good friend lost her husband to the “Covid Protocol” because he’d been in the hospital for about five days and was getting better — talking to co-workers on the phone etc. — when suddenly she was told by a nurse that he’d been moved to ICU, given Remdesivir and put on a ventilator as he was having trouble breathing. Obviously, my friend could not go visit him during this time — it was in July 2021 — and at that time none of us knew about the hospital “kill” protocol for all Covid patients or she says she would have never taken him to the hospital in the first place. When people ask my friend how her husband died and whether it was from Covid, she replies, “No, the government killed him.”

At that time also, most of us could have never believed that our government would actually begin killing off its citizens, but then look at Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin and Stalin era; look at China during Mao’s revolution and the live organ harvesting under Xi today; look at Pol Pot in Cambodia and his “killing fields.” Hospitals are today’s killing fields in the U.S. Our government is certainly not above anything that government leaders have done in the past. We are learning the lessons so many in other countries have learned in the recent past.

Resistance is NOT futile! Resistance is necessary to save our Constitution!

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I am not your OtherSep 9I hope your friend continues to tell people about how her husband died. Tragic.

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Rob (c137)Writes Robert’s Occam’s razor Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Psychopathic system.

Narcissistic workers who follow orders.

It’s been like this for decades… at least now people are waking up.

Another big sham is the cancer treatment business. Chemo has a single digit % success rate, and is toxic in itself. Also oncologists make a profit marking up the chemo crap.

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Claire De Lune17 hrs agoAnd people who actually try to cure cancer are hunted down, criminalised, asset stripped and jailed. Like Lyn Thyer & David Noakes.

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JpeachSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

The Moral of the story is avoid Hospitals or if Hospitalized have a family companion 24/7, monitoring everything.

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Transcriber BWrites Transcriber B’s Substack Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks for posting about this. I am very sorry about what happened to your relative.

When I first heard about these killing covid protocols with the dehydration, starvation, ventilator, and remdesivir, and so on and so forth, I had a hard time believing it, however, I kept coming upon these testimonies, one after the other and another, and they all told essentially the same story.

I have transcribed several of these. Interested readers can find them posted on my list of transcriptions– and the coming weeks I will be featuring a number of them on my substack. Many came out of last year’s Kissmissee press conference (of course not much in the way of press actually attended that), which video can be found at Children’s Health Defense:

Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19

October 13, 2022


Also important to note is the documentary, The Gail Seiler Story.


This website, which is the “Covid-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project,” also offers many similar testimonies.

About Gail Seiler’s story, see also:

Woman Escapes Hospital Imprisonment

WethePatriotsUSA.org/faithful-freedom, by Teryn Gregson, posted September 28, 2022

For those who don’t do video, I transcribed a brief excerpt from this, which you can find at https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/34155.html

I should also mention, what prompted me to be open to looking at this, and in fact what prompted me to start transcribing, was watching the testimony of pulmonary nurse Albert Spence before the South Carolina State Medical Affairs Committee. Spence explained how, from his perspective of many years of treating patients for pulmonary infections, the covid protocols made no sense. I would urge people who have not seen this video to have a look. I consider it a major bellwhether of this unholy catastrophe.

This was originally posted on YouTube, but YouTube quickly took it down.

And for those who don’t do video, my transcript of Spence’s testimony is here:


[edited to correct typo]

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I am not your OtherSep 9So many people doing great work. I am so glad you’re still transcribing. Thank you. And please be sure and store lots of archived backups!!!

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Bon Kwi KwiSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Rename it the HHS PERP act

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MBSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Same protocol killed my otherwise healthy dad in Aug 2021. Was doing ok when admitted, but took a severe turn after being given highly nephrotoxic Remdesivir for 5 days despite having only 1 kidney (a contra-indication at that time). Tried multiple law firms to pursue medical malpractice case but FL statute protects hospitals from any liability related to treating covid patients. Sadly we will never see accountability.

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John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9They used the approvred drug, remdesivir, so they were immune to any liability for that. That was the national “law”.

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MBSep 9Yes but at the time there was a warning in the package insert regarding patients with chronic kidney disease (having only 1 kidney would be a contra-indication). They also refused to administer other medications requested by us because “they were not protocol”. They also left an air cuff leak unattended for 10 hours after we pointed it out (they explained it away as involuntary motions until the next shift change came on and remedied the cuff leak). The list of negligent acts goes on, and we were powerless as we were not permitted in the hospital room (and were permitted zoom visits only a handful of times). It is hard to believe these protocols continue today despite doctors seeing real world evidence of their deleterious effects. There is no excuse for the doctors’ willful blindness at this point. That said, it’s clear the government / big pharma has no intention of halting this deadly protocol:FDA Approves Drug Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment in People With Kidney Problems, Despite Data Showing Renal Failurehttps://www.theepochtimes.com/health/fda-approves-drug-remdesivir-for-covid-19-treatment-in-people-with-kidney-problems-despite-data-showing-renal-failure-5405788

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John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9·edited Sep 9It seems like the bureaucracy only responds to “liability” not compassion, morality or duty.

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MBSep 9Yes regrettably that seems to be the case. I share my story with neighbors so hopefully others will be more questioning and skeptical when their loved ones are hospitalized. I only wish I had been forewarned earlier.

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Transcriber BWrites Transcriber B’s Substack Sep 9So sorry about your dad.

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Kyle YoungWrites the secular heretic Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Here is how I dealt with the hospital regulations during a recent stay in the ICU for 5G radiation poisoning. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/the-good-the-bad-the-ugly-i-spent

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Liked by Sasha Latypova

I suspect the same thing happened to my uncle at a hospital in TN during AUGUST 2021.

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TomSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Lucky to have you as relative !

‘Doctors’ tried to kill me 10 years ago with polypharmacy and then lied about it in my records. The maniacs are still running around drugging people with killer toxic crap. The whistleblower doc who told me what was happening was got rid of. That experience told me what was going to happen from the history of eugenics it’s funding to the table top planning such as Dark Winter.

I’ve just tried to inform an artist what was the probably cause of her fathers death I very doubt they will reply, so many people just can’t stand to hear this.

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BlaiseWrites Att Viska Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized

By Dr. Frank Yap, MD – May 08, 2023


See protocolkills.com also. Just legal, formal documentation you can use when the “bodysnatchers” come for your loved ones.

Why EVERYONE who is freedom lovin gdoesn’t take advantage of this FREE documentation, and pass it on to EVERYONE they know, is beyond me. I also discuss this on my substack here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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Dr KayWrites Kay’s Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

There is some very dark anti-life consciousness in Rochester. Dr. Harold Hodge, the medical director of the entire Manhattan Project, conducted his diabolical radiation experiments from Rochester Hospital, injecting victims with uranium and plutonium without their knowledge. Rochester was literally ground zero. Christopher Bryson’s The Fluoride Deception is a very eye opening book that takes a deep dive into this horrific history; you can find free pdfs on the internet.

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SeafoxSep 9Highly recommend The Fluoride Deception. It reads like a whodunit.

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Must watchSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Rockefeller medicine: murdering the poor since 1910!

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Claire De Lune15 hrs ago🎯


MarSolSep 9·edited 17 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha!

When you mention how “the perpetrators” use language to control, manipulate (and kill) people (such as in the example of Remdesivir = Velkury = Valkyrie) there seems to be another recent instance of this perverse word game that they like to play with us:

The new fake covid variant being promoted now is “Eris EG.5”, with Eris being the ancient Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord.

I may be imagining things, but I believe that “Eris EG.5” is an anagram: reading it backwards we get: “Sire 5.GE“.

The word “Sire” is very old. It means: (Verb) To cause to come into existence.
 (Noun) Male parent of an animal – especially a domestic animal. And, “5GE” has the same pronunciation as “5G”.

Connecting dots: I believe that the true intent of the top-level perpetrators is to push a fake variant propaganda campaign, create massive fear, implement lock-downs and deploy 5G (the internet of everyone and everything) to bring into existence their cherished dream: total control of the population (considered disposable, similar to farm animals).

This tech will be used for bio-digital surveillance and to “domesticate” people into being more submissive and compliant. In other words: a prison planet.

A recent report by DHS (https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/22_0224_st_5G_6G_Horizon%20Scanning%20Report_final_508.pdf) states that their goal is to deploy 5G far and wide by 2025, and 6G by 2030, the year the global elites call the “Great Reset”.

BTW – The word “Reset” is also meaningful: In Scottish law it means: 1. The act or an instance of knowingly receiving stolen goods. 2. (Archaic) The harboring or sheltering of a criminal or outlaw.

How very applicable!!!

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Excellent comment! The perpetrators DO play with words. I think they’re Due for the gallows.

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CurrerSep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Interview with the heroic Mike Yeadon on Steve Kirsch’s substack. Possibly Steve is slowly adapting to new information that seems to be unwelcome. He is much happier with the minutiae of statistics only and redirects his interviewees onto irrelevant details. Steve still seems to have faith in a functioning legal and governmental system (!) – in which evil criminal masterminds will be overcome by a really conclusive mathematical clincher.

Yeadon has singlehandedly saved many people in the UK by his sincerity and bravery in speaking out – right from the beginning. It pains me to see Kirsch apparently patronising in his attitude to this brave man.

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John Henry Holliday, DDSWrites John’s Substack Sep 9I trust Yeadon 100%. Kirsch…no way. Mathew Crawford’s substack has touched on Kirsch’s strange behavior.

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CurrerSep 9·edited 7 hrs agoI have sympathy with your point. However it is reasonable to suppose there is a spectrum of awareness among those activists who are speaking out against the “reset” and not everyone will agree – for good reasons because people perceive the available evidence and its implications differently. I try to reserve judgement. Kirsch is wealthy and more embedded in the status quo. He says he took the vax. He may be unable to take that final step.Jordan Peterson comes to mind as an example of an intelligent man who just cannot accept the enormous criminality of a system that has previously made him successful.

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John Henry Holliday, DDSWrites John’s Substack Sep 9Very true. It could be that Kirsch is hesitant to peer too deeply into the abyss.Mathew Crawford’s “Rounding the Earth” substack identifies several people as Chaos Agents whose job is to lead the Medical Freedom Movement into dead-ends. He has written quite a bit about Kirsch. Worth checking out, if you haven’t.

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Claire De Lune15 hrs agoAbsolutely. There is a lot of controlled opposition around. Some are obvious, others less so. However, I do believe that some are not even aware they are controlled (being quietly manipulated but not aware of the manipulation).

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John H.Sep 9Who else does he include among/as chaos agents?

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ExcessDeathsAUWrites ExcessDeathsAU 18 hrs agoKirsch is friends with Gates. He could pick up the phone and end this but wants to play both sides. He thinks there is a seat on the ark for him. Rich man’s trick.

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Bill Rice, Jr.

Writes Bill Rice Jr.’s Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Off topic … unless the topic is “don’t trust the experts.” All- cause death figures from April and May 2020 don’t make any sense … at least if these massive numbers are supposed to be attributed to a respiratory virus.


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A2SavvyGirlSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

One of my daughters just had surgery, I was with her after she came out of surgery, in a tremendous amount of pain.

They kept telling us it was subside after a couple of hours. BUT it was just getting worse.

She had received 2 bags of IV fluid and the catheter drainage bag was empty. I pointed this out to the nurse HOW can this be???? … come to find out the pre-op nurse had put it in wrong.

As soon as it was taken out an a new one put in the urine poured out. The bladder was full and pushing on her uterus where she had surgery.

NOW what if I had not been there and seen that?

This is one of the most horrible tragedies of the Covid patients, no loved ones could be with them, to advocate for them and we know from Baby Grace some were kicked out.

There must be accountability !

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Claire De Lune14 hrs agoMy daughter had a torted ovarian cyst & was in agony. They gave her morphine and a little while later asked if she had any pain. She said ‘no’ & then they wanted to send her home. She had no pain because of the morphine! The idiocy of these people is mind boggling. Lucky I was there to put them straight and bat for her.

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JamesSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Shannon Joy was referring to the book, “Dr. Mary’s Monkey”, a circa 1963 stranger than fiction account. The researcher forced mice to get cancer, as a teenager and was recruited etc.

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JewellSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Judyth Vary Baker – “Me and Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald” – is the book about her role. You really can not make this stuff up – There is no accidental history just conspiracy.

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DeviSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I was a NYer for years. I was pre-med at the Univ of Rochester from 1969-1972, but dropped out and lived there from 1972–1977. I lived in the Hudson Valley from 1977-2001 where I started a family and secured my RN degree and was a geriatric nurse at Ferncliff Nursing home in Rhinebeck, NY for nine years. In 2001 I returned to Rochester was a med-surg and an ENT nurse at Strong Memorial Hospital for five plus years. In 2008, I had my first hip replacement surgery at Highland Hospital, a sister hospital to Strong at that time. By the grace of God, I was snatched from the jaws of death. I was in the PACU for hours after the procedure. My B/P was 34/28 in the middle of the night and my pain levels were 10/10. The doctors and staff were incompetent and uncaring; being a nurse at Strong, I never allowed a patient to be in that state without getting the attending physician/team to come STAT and/or call a code. I really don’t think this was deliberate negligence and inaction at that time but I knew I was in trouble but in God’s hands. Second hip replacement I opted to NOT do general anesthesia but conscious sedation. No B/P problems, emerged from the surgery clear as a bell and my pain levels were manageable. I did see from 2008 until I left Rochester in 2015, that the whole Strong Health system was slowly becoming unraveled from the inside out. What has happened to our public health departments and the doctor offices & clinics and hospitals during the Covid years is an ABOMINATION!!

Excellent interview. I didn’t realize Kathy Hochul was creating these camps. Shannon, were you aware of the camp that was erected in the rural parts of New Paltz that Lewis County Sheriff Carpinelli discovered and spoke out about? Chinese State nationals, attack dogs, concertina wire on top of chain link fence, construction of buildings going on. It seems the story got buried and the sheriff has gotten marginalized because he knows someone that attended J6. I’ll have to look for your interview with Judyth Vary Baker. I have read her first book and have communicated with her on occasion. I recommend Edward T Haslam’s book, “Dr Mary’s Monkey” if you haven’t read it, regarding the larger picture of the SV40 and so many of the “players” during that time.

Thank-you, Sasha, you are just so spot on! Thank-you for enlightening and empowering so many people. Oh, BTW, Tudor Dixon who ran against Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently interviewed Donald Trump on his role and the injuries/deaths from the CV injections. “Gateway Pundit’ posted up on that a few days back. President Trump kind of danced around the reality that he had his hand in.

I posted up Dr Meryl Nass’s testimony from the EU Parliament or one of their committees. Face Book censored me for posting misinformation.

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We The PeopleWrites We’s Substack Sep 9https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/we-are-t-minus-2-weeks-until-ourDid you opt out of the 2009 H1N1 mandate?

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DeviSep 9What was the mandate? I don’t think the hospitals were mandating the jab, were they? That was the one that gave a lot of folks narcolepsy, right? I was out on disability when that came about. But I refused that vaccine and flu jab that year and never took another vaccine. I was injured by the HepB vaccine back in 1992 when I started nursing, but didn’t recognize that as a vaccine injury—autoimmune arthritis. The H1N1 “pandemic,” was a trial run for the inevitable. I think all these epidemics in the 21st Century were gain of function concoctions. So I and others studied the Ebola outbreaks, Nipah, Zika and when Covid was sprung on us by January, I was calling a cousin in Australia that she’d better come home because Australia sounded as if it would be locking down soon. I knew the whole Build Back Better was a globalist agenda and I knew it was all about the delivery of their “remedy” (and that wasn’t HCQ or IVM.) Then I viewed the Event 2🌏1 simulation and it was just over the top! What has transpired since I could have never fathomed…

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DeviSep 9Good luck on September 13th!!


DuchessSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

They did this to my mother.

My sister went along with it all…she trusts the “white coats”. It took my mother a week to die.

No fluids, no food, dehydration and Morphine.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


I am so sorry.

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BlaiseWrites Att Viska Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Funny… wonder how these people will feel in, what will seem like a heartbeat, their leader, Satan, greets them, as in CS Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, saying “Welcome. Now take a seat next to Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.”

I am not a PhD in math, but last I checked, we are going to be dead a WHOOOOOLE lot longer than we are alive.

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SaHiBSep 9Naw. Those cast into Abaddon are gone; nothing left of them except raw “intelligence” (in Mormon terms). Not “dead”; they just aren’t. They become “Potter’s clay” as Parley P. Pratt put it, if/when JAH so utilize it (Psalm 68:4). Do some past life regressions.

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nymusicdailySep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha so glad your relative is ok. you come from a tribe of warriors

it had not occurred to me that those who took the lethal covid injection may be unwitting participants in a serial passaging scheme (and btw thanks for differentiating that from the hype over computer-generated GOF cut-and-paste)

looking at this from treetop level, the game plan is to replace everything – the courts, the schools, the hospitals – with the computer. those on the covid team who survive will be first recruited for the next round of killing. read the screen, administer the poison.

reminds me of whistleblower deborah conrad’s email exchange with her bosses at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia before they fired her, they reprimanded her for being at odds with their “treatment algorithm.”

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BulletSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha I love your work. God bless you. Don’t get discouraged. You are making a difference. Bill

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Daniel PeckWrites PuzzlPEACE Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Damn shocking! There will be protests in Rochester on Wednesday the 13th of this month concerning the quarantine/ concentration camps. Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox will be there. The CHD Bus will be there. Godspeed!


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Jean-Baptiste GuilloryWrites Jean-Baptiste’s Guillory’s Sub… Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

They don’t even try an hide it. They are assassins in white coats. It is wild. Witch doctors without the costumes, but the same ole nothing.

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BrekWrites wendybrek, the memoir – one cha… Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ugh, I’ve been following this remdesivir issue fairly closely since ’21, even though I haven’t had any family members in hospital during the peak COVID-ClownWorld stupidity or since. First time I’m hearing about the concurrent issue of refusal to hydrate. Just disgusting.

The intentionality behind the killshot agenda was already obvious to me, long ago, but this just makes it unignorable. I don’t see how hospital staff and administrators can sleep at night.

By the way, it’s Veklury®, not Velkury, although you may be right about the attempt to ‘borrow from’ (bastardize) history with the commercial choice of name for remdesivir. Then there was the additional problem that, after folks caught wise to run-death-is-near, hospitals began offering Olumiant® (baricitinib) as an alternative. That one is possibly even worse!

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


I corrected it.

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MichelleSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Their protocol was/is to give both Remdesivir and Baricitinib. Remdesivir for 5 to 10 days, Baricitinib for 14. I don’t think Baricitinib is as bad, but it can cause infections.

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BrekWrites wendybrek, the memoir – one cha… Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I hadn’t watched the channel quoted below before or since, but these are my notes:

From weaponizednews.com’s live Rokfin stream on 3/9/23 (“Jeff 4 Justice YouTube Creators Demonstration in LA”: https://rokfin.com/stream/31259/Jeff-4-Justice-YouTube-Creators-Demonstration-in-LA–):

Sulphonium – internationally recognized chemical weapon, found in Baricitinib, the “alternative” kill-drug (alternative to Remdesivir), AND in Remdesivir, itself, used for population reduction in federally funded hospitals that were following gov.-extorted fake-health recommendations called ”protocols” during the plandemonium.

Traditionally known as “nitrosulphone,” to which has been added deuterium (fissile material used in nuclear power). Deuterium destroys reproductive organs, causes congenital defects, massive cancer outbreaks, massive DNA damage—therefore, intergenerational reproductive defects.

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BrekWrites wendybrek, the memoir – one cha… 20 hrs agoHere’s the timestamp for the relevant bit:@1:21:43, co-host “Thomas” comes on and talks about: sulphonium and nitrosulphone.I’ve no idea who “Thomas” is, but he’s clearly informed from here to Sunday.

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

All of this falls under UN Agenda 21. If we can stop Agenda 21 at the local level, we stand a chance.

Thousands of towns, cities and counties across the US are members of ICLEI, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. ICLEI is facilitating the local rollout of UN Agenda 21, worldwide.

If the masses begin challenging these ICLEI memberships, we stand a chance. Right now, there is very little resistance.

Population volume control is directly tied to UN efforts to protect planet resources from over consumption. This is the UN’s #1 stated global security concern.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Yes. I read an article regarding ICLEI initiatives a few days ago. These operatives are NOT elected officials, nor would they have the support of most civilian populations. That’s why they slide the silent shiv into the public’s backs, whilst government agencies look the other way.

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9Chances are that your city or town is on the list… https://iclei.org/iclei-members/

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Hello John Doe: Most readers coming here are not aware of the actual agenda of the ICLEI. Here’s the well packaged mission statement from the web site: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability > “ICLEI forms strategic alliances with international organizations, national governments, academic and financial institutions, civil society and the private sector. We create space for innovation and lead our partners to build new ways to support sustainable development at the urban scale.” >>> https://iclei.org/what_we_do/I’m sure citizens of Maui (and other military targeted) sites will be handsomely rewarded for their ignorance of such organizational frauds. Kind of difficult to “sustain” a targeted site after everyone is dead and everything’s been reduced to smoldering rubble…

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I am not your OtherSep 9I looked up Lahaina. Not on the list. HOWEVER the entire of Maui County is signed up!

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9More info on ICLEI here… https://www.bitchute.com/video/dhUU6Ai18FMr/

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Claire De Lune14 hrs agoMy local council in Australia is a member of ICLEI. The other red flag is if your mayor is part of the Global Covenant of Mayors. Mine is. I did an FOI and they had to send me all the evidence. I’m probably on some blacklist somewhere, however.

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Survive Global Luciferianism13 hrs agoHere is the link… https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/?search-city=


mike rafoneSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

i just want to point out that above the fifth image, it should say a *covered* person, not *covert*

(unfortunately, they are probably acting *covertly* as well, and they are *covered* while they do it.)

it appears to be either a typo or a freudian slip..

maybe sasha will notice and hopefully be able to edit it without having to republish the whole thing.

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Tony CecalaWrites New World Awakening Sep 9Good catch. And while we’re correcting, the date on Burning Man photo should probably be, 9/7, not 8/7.


Dr. DonWrites Dr.’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Prep Act? RICO? (Racketeering blah blah)

No ma’am!

This a declaration of WAR!

A declaration of war is a formal act by which one state announces existing or impending war activity against another. The declaration is a performative speech act-or the signing of a document by an authorized party of a national government-order to create a state of war between two or more states.

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Kyle YoungWrites the secular heretic Sep 9On many fronts.

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Liked by Sasha Latypova

Regarding the image at the end…disregarding Mudding Man event, I really do miss the wide open vista’s of the west / southwest USA.

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Dustin Roberts21 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Heartbreakingly sad that this is going on. I expected a little more out of humanity at the very least. And often times it is the elderly and disabled that these health systems target. BUT there is always hope and here is a bit of good news. I heard it on the Dr. Jane Ruby channel on Rumble just the other day. A lawsuit IS going forward to sue Ascension Healthcare, St. Elizabeth Hospital in WI, and all the doctors and nurses involved in the murder of Grace Schara. It is the first lawsuit of its kind. Trial doesn’t start until Nov. 2024 though. Anyone who abhors hospital murder should check this out and keep Scott Schara in their prayers as he is carrying the ball for many of us.

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Jeff Lebowski23 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I am very familiar with the health system in Rochester, and I can attest that URMC affiliated entities are as captured and creepy as they come. None of this surprises me one bit; caveat emptor.

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Dr Obvious (DoctorObvious)Writes Dr’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you again Sasha! The burning man photo clearly shows the event was held inside a pentagram, complete with a chapel of Babel. Just add Moses and the golden calf idol for completion. God let loose a mini flood. I wrote a Substack about it: https://drobviousdoctorobvious.substack.com/p/flood-in-the-desert

It’s no surprise we live in times where hospitals and care homes are paid to be slaughterhouses operated by serial killers.

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Liked by Sasha Latypova

Know your history, US space program, US bio and chemical research, US modern medical procedures and hospitals they all were transferred from Nazi Germany to the US and concerning the last, from vernichtungs lager Auschwitz etc… think about that.

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JewellSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes, operation paperclip – but remember it was members of the American military, state dept CIA, and pharmaceutical companies who advocated for saving them from the noose, – allowed them to continue their work and advance other projects, trained other fellow Americans and used our military, federal agencies, and contracted academic institutions to test their products on fellow Americans . Our enemies are within the gates and continue to be.

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MichelleSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Remdesivir’s brand name is Veklury, not “Velkury.” Vekluryhcp.com. They tried to kill me with 2 days of it (I refused any more) and 5 weeks on a ventilator. But God had other plans.

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MarSolSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Regardless of the spelling, the English pronunciation of Veklury and Valkyrie are almost equivalent. Sasha is brilliant!


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Marty McFlyWrites The Great Deception Sep 9How did you survive being put 5 weeks on a ventilator ?

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Michelle22 hrs agoA miracle only by the grace of God. I have lasting lung damage (fibrosis) that I didn’t have before, and now require supplemental oxygen with exertion a year and a half later, but I am blessed to still be here with my husband and two kids (ages 12 and 16; I’m now 51).

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Michelle22 hrs agoDespite experiencing ICU delirium, I’m also very blessed to still have not lost any of my cognitive capabilities.

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We The PeopleWrites We’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Some did not escape with their life.


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Lipidnano-doodle8 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I wonder if the Covid remdesivir protocols began before Covid was made a public emergency? My mother was hospitalized in 2018 with a respiratory issue she immediately had renal gland failure upon admittance and the rest is history.

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Kitty11 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Interesting info I researched lightly in April 2020 from a nurse. Hospitals in Wa, Or, Id, Ak and Mt, under Epic software had everything in place for track and trace via every phone entering the hospitals. Also all staff that disagreed with covid protocolsvwere immediately transferred to phone lines or Dept’s far from protocols. They were all replaced with staff that went along with protocols. The nurses I know are not allowed on a floor that uses any of the protocols including testing.

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Sasha Latypova9 hrs ago


Exactly. then they eliminated anyone with conscience in the hospitals by vax mandates. This is a selection method to weed out any honest person, and ensure that only ideologically committed fascists remain on staff.

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Currer9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoFollowing this argument….it appears that there are/will be dedicated units for euthanasing hospital patients who enter with a covid diagnosis or subsequently test positive and are transferred to one of these units. Once set up, these units could function indefinitely, quietly pursuing their objective. Any “pandemic” transmissible disease, not only “covid” would fit the bill for these wards..This deadly project seems to be focussed on the US hospitals, perhaps because they have historically always been profit making businesses and so susceptible to financial manipulation. European health care has historically developed from a public service ethos (tho financialised now) I do not think European/UK hospitals have operated quite as ruthlessly. but just my impression.

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Sasha Latypova9 hrs ago


“Following this argument….it appears that there are/will be dedicated units for euthanasing hospital patients who enter with a covid diagnosis or subsequently test positive and are transferred to one of these units. Once set up, these units could function indefinitely, quietly pursuing their objective. Any “pandemic” transmissible disease, not only “covid” would fit the bill for these wards..”

This has been established in all major hospitals in the US since 2020. That’s how they generated 1M+ “covid deaths”. Nobody dies from covid at home. Nobody dies from covid, period. Only those who are subject to the “protocol”.

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Currer8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

These are the NICE guidelines that apply to treating Covid patients in all UK/NHS hospitals.


With regard to acute kidney injury they do mention that the treatment for covid can cause AKI. (presumably this refers to remdesivir)


“In people with COVID‑19:

maintaining optimal fluid status (euvolaemia) is difficult but critical to reducing the incidence of AKI

treatments for COVID‑19 may increase the risk of AKI

treatments for pre-existing conditions may increase the risk of AKI

fever and increased respiratory rate increase insensible fluid loss.”

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Currer8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoIt does not appear that remdesivir is yet promoted for use for those on mechanical ventilation in the UKhttps://app.magicapp.org/#/guideline/L4Qb5n/section/EgaGN7“Do not use remdesivir for COVID-19 pneumonia in anyone in hospital and on high-flow nasal oxygen, continuous positive airway pressure, non-invasive mechanical ventilation or invasive mechanical ventilation, except as part of an ongoing clinical trial.”It would be interesting to compare the medical guidelines for the US.This would reveal whether the deadly protocols are formally and universally enforced or whether they are operative only at the level of individual hospitals/medical businesses.

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Currer8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agohttps://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/management/clinical-management-of-adults/hospitalized-adults–therapeutic-management/These appear to be the US guidelines from the CDC.They actively promote the use of remdesivir from an early stage.Just how enthusiastically are these applied by individual hospitals to qualify for their financial bonuses?

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Currer6 hrs ago·edited 7 mins agoI remember that the UK funeral director, John O’Looney was offered either rituximab or similar when in hospital (he refused) but only as part of a clinical trial.I suppose once the WHO pandemic Treaty is passed these cultural / nation state anomalies will be irrelevant. Everyone will perforce follow one set of guidelines. Shame, initially I was encouraged to see that the cabal had failed to universally impose deadly protocols.

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Kitty11 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I should mention that I am of the opinion that Epic is directly connected to the government.

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Sasha Latypova9 hrs ago


yes, it is.


MDskeptic12 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Velkury = Valkyrie. I never recognized that until you pointed it out. Thank you for another poignant essay. Tertiary care centers are all dungeons of death, staffed by smiling, bright eyed, button downed, high heeled, clipboard carrying zombies. I am never going back.

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JonesySmart3 hrs agoRemdesivir is Veklury. Not that it matters, but your spelling is incorrect. I’ve seen the same mistake frequently.

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MDskeptic2 hrs agoOh but it does matter and I thank you for the correction. Sasha attributes more to the poetic creativity of the manufacturer than they deserve. The drug’s name is probably some ego stroking attribution to David Spivek and Joe Luria for example.


Mary Lou Longworth21 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Witchcraft and sorcery in the making of vaccines.

Revelation 18: 23 And never again will the light of a lamp shine in you, and never again will the voice of the bridegroom and bride be heard in you; for your merchants were the great and prominent men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived and misled by your sorcery [your magic spells and poisonous charm]. Sorcery in the Greek is Pharmakeia.

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ExcessDeathsAUWrites ExcessDeathsAU 18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs agoCheck out my stack. There is an article you will like. I won’t post it here because I get an incredible amount of abuse for it.


Blue Electric StormWrites Laughing’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is so valuable, thank you. I’m so grateful that I activated over chemtrails in 2002, as it was from Will Thomas in BC that I learned that 33% of elderly entering emergency wards…this from nurses in both US and Canada…were leaving dead from over-medication.

My children have a deadly curse upon them , they know, if they ever deliver me into the hands of those ghouls.

I entirely backed out far far from help with housing here as I learned the “health dept” is running the show. Unh unh. Nope. Not my kind of “health”.

WEll, I made the matron entirely miserable in 1970 in just three days. I don’t think they’d want to keep me long, anyway. Not if I could still speak…..or bite, kick, throw, you name it.

Never thought I could ever be so willing to kill…other than a child molester. That goes without thinking, get rid of them.

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Liked by Sasha Latypova

I have had the greatest respect for sasha. Brilliant. Clearly was put in a personal situation to bear witness to the murderous intent and to lead the fight to stop this. .

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Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha are you seeking court action or even criminal action against the hospital? This was attempted murder

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


It’s useless to do so due to PREP Act. It is important to make everyone aware and on guard to defend their families however. Hospital is welcome to sue me for defamation.

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ExcessDeathsAUWrites ExcessDeathsAU 18 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Big energy right here.

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F SCHONFELD2 hrs agoBut this is not a vaccine situation so is Prep applicable? Are malpractice and no informed consent not available claims,?

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Sasha Latypova2 hrs ago


PREP Act covers all countermeasures, including propaganda, gov lies, censorship and murder in hospitals. Please read the article.



Liked by Sasha Latypova

I think we can all agree censorship is borne of fear, and almost always the hiding of truth. So I made this comment on Yahoo re: Florida Surgeon Gen. warning about new “boosers” or whatever they want to call them… THis comment was rejected

“We all must get vaccinated against the worst variant, Covid BS-24/7.Try Dr Meryl Nass.Try Katherine Watt.Try Sasha Latypova.Try thinking and not reacting.”

Comment published:

Worst variant to come: Covid BS-24/7.

The only thing censored:

Try Dr Meryl Nass.Try Katherine Watt.Try Sasha Latypova.Try thinking and not reacting.”

They are afraid and I think that’s good. I think a collective “BOO” from you to Those who should not be allowed any responsibilities that affect others… They come in all stripes: NIST, FBI, CIA, ABC/CBS/NBC/*PBS*… WHO. Fauci. WEF. Democrats. Republicans. Hospital administrators.

any business owner who employs people at wages that cannot comfortably sustain them but manages to buy themselves a home and take vacations.

We have to make some significant changes.

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robert stilesSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

In 1933 FDR added the citizens of America to the 1917 Trading with Enemies Act. At this point we citizens became the declared enemies of the United States Corporation founded in 1871. The owners of this corporation are now waging war upon their enemies. US

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CinoatesSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent interview with Shannon! So very grateful you and your family were able to rescue your elderly relative! 💪💐

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Edward FlynnWrites Edward’s Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wow! Thank you for this revelation. It was a great public service to share your experience at Rochester Hospital. I thought this remdesivir thing was over. Since the DOJ will not investigate poisons approved by fiat and deployed in hospitals nation wide … they have important things to do like “getting”Trump … the burden of litigation of course falls on the relatives of those who perished. It takes a lot of time and money to see it through. Not everybody has it, as they well know. Given DOJ inaction there was no reason to think anything had changed.

I only recently learned the meaning of “limited hangout.” Now I know why Rand Paul only talks about the virus origin but not the extermination of about 1M Americans in our hospitals. The bigger story is taboo. I asked Senators Paul and Johnson during the run up to midterms “Why can’t you talk about this?” No answer. But the virus origin is the limited hangout “partial truth” they are allowed to mention to demonstrate that Congress is on the job and deflect attention from the Crimes Against Humanity. It worked! No one talks about it!

My reaction is not that I like Senators Paul and Johnson less. Rather I wonder what sort of pressures they are under … I have no doubt if it.

A quick update. I submitted proposals to four law firms about the suspension of Federal and State laws by corporations that carried out mandates, namely, lack of informed consent. All behind the veil of “company private.” None of these firms would even give me a paid consultation! It must be a touchy subject!

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Claire De Lune13 hrs agoThey have all sorts of tricks to capture dissent and divert it away from uniting and pushing back. Controlled opposition / limited hangouts, etc.Literally no one gets into government without being blackmailable. That’s what people like Epstein are for. They want dirt on everyone with influence and the more shocking, the better.


JewellSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I am sure they had this Act drafted for sometime just waiting for the opportunity to use it – remember Fauci’s warning that Trump’s admin would experience a pandemic?

Does anyone know if there is any movement to Repeal this Act? Is there a sunset clause?

Our congressmen passed this – many of which are physicians and attorneys – they once again delegated their powers to the Administrative State to interpret it as they would- because they are fearful cowards. If you think about it few hospitals overflowed, save those in NYC – the whole setup was a response to NYC – which murdered people – then others followed suit. And they were called heroes.

I once heard an interview which made this profound statement

According to Rabbinical teachings – When the waters of the flood rose to their knees, the women put their children on their hips, when it rose to their hips they put the children on their shoulders and when it rose to their shoulders they put the children under their feet so as to save themselves.

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Placer_RoseWrites Sarah_Placer_County_Ca.Substack Sep 9·edited 12 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

These monsters are protected by a Congress that refuses to repeal legislation that allows murder.

I was unaware you had suffered under this tyranny with a loved one. Hospitals have become death camps if you meet the targeted extermination criteria…

May God bless the weak, the poor, and the weary,


Placer County, Ca

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SusanSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Every drug store chain is still pushing the poison injections. If you have to hold the line to speak to a human being, a constant loop recording urges you to get the latest COVID “vaccine.” They encourage you to get the flu shot at the same time! You’re informed that the shingles and hepB shots are also available!

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DaniWrites Case Notes Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

The only ones who were actually immunized from the vaccines were Pfizer/PREP folks.

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I am not your OtherSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

If Biden signs the WHO docs, against the will of the population [including the brainwashed who don’t know better], and is subsequently finally declared medically incompetent, we go back and say he was not competent to sign!

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Martin – Vetenskapliga partietWrites The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks to Sasha and Shannon so very much. I love them both compassionately and so much.


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Live Without LimitsWrites GRENZENLOS LEBEN Sep 9Never follow government approved therapies. This morning report of life saving CDS therapy.https://substack.com/@grenzenlosleben/note/c-39812952?r=8mqdm&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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BanditSep 9What is CDL therapy?

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Live Without LimitsWrites GRENZENLOS LEBEN Sep 9Chlorine Dioxid Solution-> https://andreaskalcker.com/en

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BanditSep 9I thought you might have meant that, but couldn’t figure out the “L.”Thank-you.

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SaHiBSep 9ClO2 is great for water disinfection (Jim Oyler used it on the Shawnee Indian Country), and even pet bad breath, but should not be taken internally.

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Live Without LimitsWrites GRENZENLOS LEBEN Sep 9·edited Sep 9OMG. Educate yourself!BTW: Who told you this? Government? Anthony Fauci?

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SaHiBSep 9You’re welcome to tear up your olefinic lipids, sulfides, ketones, etc. Though it has legitimate uses, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide#Uses (does not mention dental deodorization, though I once got some from a dental hygienist, improving the oral flora and general metabolic condition is a better remedy, I believe A Midwestern Doctor have addressed that. Don’t allow pets to primarily eat dry food, as opposed to fresh), people die from excessive (at all significant) ClO2 injection. GI system may successfully neutralize some swallowing of it. Maximum level of 0.8 mg/L in drinking water. (Be cautious with very much ozone, too.) Don’t you listen to Erika Kahn on Jeff Rense? But if you want to camp out in a car or whatever you’re disinfecting, have at it! Miracle Mineral Supplement seems a miraculous way to increase average intelligence of the population! (John Campbell, editor of Analog: Science Fiction, Science Fact, wrote an editorial on that, but sadly it doesn’t seem to be published on the Web.)

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Live Without LimitsWrites GRENZENLOS LEBEN Sep 9And again: Educate yourself! Citing Wikipedia, the worst fake encyclopedia in human history is not a good reference. Read Andreas Kalcker’s website and books. Make your own experiences and stop trusting “science”. After this we can discuss about CDS. But there won’t be a discussion anymore. Read the protocols and understand the usage. The CDS base solution contains 0.3% ClO2, 3g per litre. This must be diluted for the most common protocol by 100, so you take 10ml of CDS for producing 1 litre of usable solution. So the concentration is finally 0.03% in the used solution.I am taking it for all and everything for years. And it is solving hundreds of problems better than pharmaceutical poison. My dogs get it for all and everything and it is better than all the chemicals from the vets.Why are governments fighting CDS worldwide? For the people? Dream on.For big pharma. Because CDS has the potential to destroy the criminal pharma mafia.And yes, MMS is also a phantastic tool outside the deadly circus called healthcare. Also researched by Andreas Kalcker.But you must not research this. You can stay on Wikipedia and inside the and inside the criminal cartell called healthcare.

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SaHiBSep 9http://grenzenlosleben.org/ doesn’t come up. You’d better correct that. Aber, Domain grenzenlosleben.de steht zum Verkauf! Die Domain grenzenlosleben.de wird vom Inhaber im Marktplatz angeboten. Sie können diese Domain jetzt erwerben!As they say, Wikipedia is great if you want to know about giraffes; not so great on anything politically sensitive. Sad to say, ClO2 and unmiraculous inorganic supplement (to get you closer to death) comes closer to the latter.You should read this Substack, Bailiwick News, and A Midwestern Doctor. Hey, who needs “healthcare”? The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, BIS, and WEF do a great job!Governments fight CDS because it puts less THM in drinking water than does chlorine. And don’t even think about ozonating the water!

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Live Without LimitsWrites GRENZENLOS LEBEN Sep 9Bailiwick News? Gen-X Catholic writer, paralegal, printmaker, wife and mother – no thank you, no catholics.I see that serious research is to hard for you, otherwise you wouldn’t come up with this completely unrelated links. This is not about drinking water, but you won’t get this anymore. So Soryy I bothered you and wasted my time to try to help you. Good bye.

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SaHiBSep 9Why don’t you find a singlet oxygen generator for your air and drinking water. Better than ozone and ClO2 both! Only elemental fluorine is better!

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We The PeopleWrites We’s Substack Sep 9I’ll take Brown’s gas …Thank You…

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SaHiBSep 9What is it? HHO doesn’t seem plausible.


Irene The Insomniac4 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova


I have an acquaintance whose mother had a minor stroke but ended up in hospital. She was 96, in very good health but on heart meds. She had not had the Covid shots… long story short they ended up putting her in ICU, installed a catheter because they said she couldn’t walk unsupervised (stroke only affected her speech), withheld her medication, food and water. Needless to say she weakened and died. This was at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto. I’m sure it’s not an isolated case.

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PandemicPoetWrites PandemicPoet 5 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

This reminds me of a poem I wrote a while ago: https://pandemicpoet.substack.com/p/death-factories

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Morag6 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Shannon talks about the purposeful isolating of patients, using fear of contagion to justify that policy.

It immediately brought to mind the airline security protocols in the airport, specifically at the gate: No more hugs of goodbye nor tears of happiness in welcoming loved ones as they emerge from the jetway.

How does one achieve the complete subjugation of a free and brave population?

The Italian, Gramsci, wrote the playbook, as it were: incrementalism. First 911 and then the 2020 fraud, (perhaps, also, less sensational calamities along the way).

Could it be, Shannon, that you are more a realist than you are a cynic? I think. so.

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Sam7 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well it looks like it wasn’t a good idea after all to bring the worst Germany Nazi scientists to America and install them in government agencies. Or let others that were just as bad go free and into other countries and continue their work which we are seeing fulfilled today. Who would have known that was a bad idea?

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James Allen8 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Where can we get a list of all hospitals and all hospice or other care facilities state by state who are following these “practices”?

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Sasha Latypova2 hrs ago


Almost all of them do. The major university med centers 100% do this.


Jack E Boteler11 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

The mindset, “you can’t break the law when you is the law” may serve as much of a defense in future prosecutions as would pleas of ignorance by learned people once (the people) discover what’s been done to them?

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Johnno14 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Attributed to J. Edgar Hoover:

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil that has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

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Survive Global Luciferianism14 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I did a research study for an anti-fluoridation nonprofit/PAC that looked at the time span between definitive knowledge of toxicity to the start of protective legislation. The brightest minds at the EPA and FDA take on average 40 years to begin to protect the population.

The common factor among contaminants was that they all negatively impacted female estrogen or fertility. The other symptoms were often sensational enough to cover up the fertility issue.

That’s when I started researching neomalthusianism and found that this was intentional and well organized, with the purported purpose of protecting Mother Earth.

Additional years of research revealed that even this was a cover story. The underlying force is Luciferianism. When God’s greatest creation is kept alive like a tortured bug in a small glass jar, instead of simply being stepped on and extinguished, it is Lucifer’s greatest revenge on God for being cast out of Heaven.

Demons are happy to reward worldly riches to those who are possessed or simply weak, who are willing to throw their fellow human beings under the bus on Lucifer’s behalf. Most who participate aren’t aware of the bigger picture. Lucifer deceives even his loyal followers.

Dig deep enough and you’ll find that the traditional (pre-Vatican Ii) Catholic Church has been at war with Lucifer’s disciples for hundreds of years, if not thousands of years. This is why the church was targeted for infiltration and a pope installed that aligns with Luciferian goals.

The traditional church still exists in the form of the FSSP, SPPX and SPPV though the FSSP is considered the final remnant since it is not in schism with the Vatican

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Survive Global Luciferianism14 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

From a spiritual perspective, Lucifer’s disciples ritualistically sacrificed all of humankind by contaminating the human genome forever. There’s no going back.

The ritualistic power given to these disciples for making such a sacrifice of untold numbers of unborn souls is ominous. They are drunk with power from this, and emboldened to no end. You can bet your ass that they are going to be quick to make the push for global communism going forward from here. This power is also ritualistically used to pull a veil of ignorance over the eyes of the general population, so that if they are not right with God they are automatically blinded from seeing truth.

The nihilim are now walking the Earth again in the form of contaminated DNA “humans” who walk the Luciferian path out of ignorance. In future generations they will evolve to demons who travel multidimensionally at will… the aliens that visit us today, trying to inject healthy DNA back into the bloodline so they don’t go extinct.

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Mick From Hooe (UK)Writes Mick’s Newsletter 16 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Big Pharma’s Slogan;

There’s no PROFIT in HEALTHY HUMANS – So let’s make them sick to create a market for our expensive useless but potentially deadly medicines”!

Several graphs are available comparing the staggering (Peer-reviewed) damage ratios of those injected children & babies compared to those left UNJABBED with Natural Immunity still intact!!

But still Big Pharma make obscene profits from deadly or debilitating regressive ‘medicines’ that are simply created for PROFIT! All without LIABILITY or any form of responsibility borne by the SUPER WEALTHY MURDERING MANUFACTURERS like Pfizer, et al,.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Blue Electric StormWrites Laughing’s Substack 17 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wow, what a great interview. I’m again intimidated by your ability to maintain sane presence while speaking these insanities. Nice one re: the valkyries.

Speaking of “simian vlaghh”….Ever seen this one?

Nor sure which year this is from, but mid sixties would be latest.

Virus hate? I think the same folks as invent new car door handles every year are being employed here. I’m a virus denier…nothing to hate whatsoever. I love viruses like I love unicorns.

Shannon brought up some very relevant links throughout. Well done, well done. Much gratitude.

I’m wondering if your background carried any tiny feather bit of weight in this ghoulish situation? What if you had used a Fauci mask, etc., impersonated the little creep and said “this one’s mine for research!@!” Think that would have worked? Anyone tried what works most anywhere….slipping the individual a note or two?

If no id, get a photo for sure, during “practice” episodes. Or resort to being “the sharp stick on the block” and wear a razor edged bracelet that takes a blood smear? Wow, spy vs. spy.

I have to keep reminding myself when I’m about to scream out loud…monty python, monty python, turn it into a monty python sharp stick.

“It” and “they” may not be over, but sucks ,’cause I was over it before it started. What the heck are those freaks on, anyway?

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ExcessDeathsAUWrites ExcessDeathsAU 18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thinking out loud.

From what I can tell, in Australia the ‘State of Emergency’ is the functional equivalent of the PREP Act – they can do anything they want once that SOE is declared. Murdering us is legal, and they are all covered (Declaring a SOE is only one letter, written by the Chief Medical Officer and Director of Human Biosecurity).

Then, the EUA for the bioweapon and protocols are declared and we are off to the races. At this point the constitution, FairWork Act and all ‘stopping condition levers’ are null. Every court case has failed up until this point – and there have been hundreds.

I just have to figure out what Australian ‘Act’ allows this SOE letter to be written by one person to destroy society knowing that everyone is weak jellyfish. (FOI 2655) https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/2020-2022-australias-covid-response

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FreedomFighter20 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dot the i’s, cross the t’s and the government covers your butt. The enemy combatants (victims) cannot sue. And, the best part, you’ll make plenty of money (provided by the victim’s paid taxes). The Founding Fathers are aspirating their vomit in their graves.

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Dustin Roberts21 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Also wanted to share Scott’s site that shares SOOOOO many heartbreaking stories of these hospital murders.


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SeafoxSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great interview, Sasha.

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Royce AllenSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/missouri-hospitals-agree-pay-united-states-34-million-settle-alleged-false-claims-act — Long time reality!

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Ruth A Hill RNWrites Ruth’s Plant Medicine Newsletter Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

They are doing the same thing in Coachella Valley CA at Eisenhower Medical Center.

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philipatSep 9The question is, WHY? WHy are they doing this. In the same way that Billions were spent to incentivize Professional bodies to vaccinate pregnant women (when I recall the days not so long ago when pregnant women were always a special case where the utmost caution applied in these matters, only in part a leftover from thalidomide).As a human being, I constantly try to explain these actions in a benevolent way but I always come up short. Perhaps even two years ago, it MIGHT have been possible to believe that these are well-intentioned people who genuinely believe what they are doing is the right thing. But not now. There’s just too much data out there that anyone with any intellectual capacity and critical thinking ability cannot posssibly believe these actions are right.I still shudder to reach the only possible conclusion that we are dealing with orchestrated evil on a massive scale for whatever reason(s). Profit is a part of it but I can’t believe that is the entire motivation. There must be something very dark going on here.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


Seriously, this is not your individual fault, but I am sick and tired of this “why” question. The reason the perps are gleeful, because the targets are stupid. Stop thinking of humans as benevolent. Humans are 90% weak, easily corruptible, 10% verifiably psychopaths and 50% are actually stupid. They will be asking why, forever, while being slaughtered like chickens in broad daylight. I advise anyone who has this question to go to UN/WEF/WHO website and read why, or listen to one Bill Gates speech. Any one.

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John Henry Holliday, DDSWrites John’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

As someone who’s studied history, I agree completely with this assessment. If you haven’t yet, please take advantage of your Second Amendment rights.

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SeafoxSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

and never do anything with them, at least against the powers that shouldn’t be.

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Run from those who still ask why. Don’t swim next to someone who is drowning.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


Excellent point!

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ExcessDeathsAUWrites ExcessDeathsAU 18 hrs agoSaved and will reference you for later. Excellent energy here.


John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9A potential answer to the “Why” question, which is rational, is that the new definition of “oil”, including fracked liquids and so on, peaked in late 2018. Global real economy is contracting. The “owners” need to shed a lot of people now, and need to have a decreasing population going forward, so cancer and reduced fertility, diabetes, strokes, heart disease and autoimmune disease have now been set into motion for many people who accepted the gene-therapy injections.This is my working hypothesis. You may or may not like how it fits, but you will find it consistent with what you see, I think.

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Survive Global LuciferianismSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

The UN’s stated #1 global security concern is overpopulation. I’ll let the rocket scientists in the crowd connect the dots.

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DiarmuidSep 9·edited Sep 9Yep.No major fields discovered in twenty years. They ain’t fracking the tar sands for the craic!The low hanging fruit is gone – same with minerals. The rate of change of global energy consumption has been in decline for over twenty years. This is the canary in the coalmine.From a thermodynamics perspective open systems are either growing or collapsing. There is no steady state.Reducing population accelerates collapse by reducing supply chains, demand etc etcSo more likely it’s extermination! (Not depopulation)

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John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9Wile-E-Coyote looks down from “Seneca’s Cliff”.;-(

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DiarmuidSep 9The biggest blow out party of all time. Sure was fun while it lasted!

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Yet Another TommyWrites Tommy’s Excellent Newsletter Sep 9Please pursue criminal charges.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


I am pursuing a different route. They are welcome to sue me for defamation.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Yes. Tort and lawsuit actions are designed to pad the pockets of ambulance chasers. Plaintiffs need to retain prosecuting attorneys trained in criminal Law. The PREP Act is obviously unconstitutional, needs to be rejected, and the authors indicted for Treason and Sedition against the American people.

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SachaSep 9Ditto for the patriots act.

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Paul VonharnishSep 9Patriot Act = the most unpatriotic “act” in American history. All signeeys need to hang from a gallows.

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SachaSep 9·edited Sep 9It’s interesting how each new Prez could have repealed it, but none have done so yet. When the patriot’s act goes beyond surveillance, that’s tantamount to torture and attempted murder. I know the aclu had legal success against targeting, but it now appears the aclu has lost its way. Are there any legal remedies one can take against it?I’ve read that fraud is a way around the patriots act.


We The PeopleWrites We’s Substack Sep 9Good Luck finding an attorney (competent and affordable)!

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Yet Another TommyWrites Tommy’s Excellent Newsletter Sep 9🎯


John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9A few days after the fire there were Maui Council hearings with local citizens (Governor Josh Green MD got up and left before public comments began).Do listen to the native Hawaiian lady in the first video at the top of the stack. She is articulate and right-on.https://julimination.wordpress.com/2023/09/03/maui-and-the-lack-of-humanity/ The Forensic Arborist, a lifelong self-taught tree enthusiast, who has searched and studied over 40 fires, many in California, is interviewed from Maui in this video, and says a lot more about specific recurring evidentiary findings, like steel belted tires vaporized except for the steel belts, and unaffected tires invariably being polyester-belted and plied.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs3o3z0G8tw

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Gayle WellsSep 9Great interview. Are people seeing what I knew was coming which is people suddenly ill with heavy flu or, for those who took the PH….ny test, covid? I had always known that levels of e….m…..f’s were going to be raised to drive a whole new episode of illness just in time for school openings. We all knew they were going to attempt this. Well, unfortunately, just recently had to send out the truth of what my meter is telling me and the meter doesn’t lie. Levels are now like I’ve never seen. Damn people, not only get a meter, get all of these instruments of death that run off wifi OUT of your life. It isn’t hard and you will have full access within reason. Your children are especially at risk.

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AloeSep 9With all due respect Shannon, you need to listen more and speak less.

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SachaSep 9·edited Sep 9This is unconstitutional. What defines a “community group?” It’s illegal to practice medicine without a license. This a rabbit hole of nonsense.

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Whiplash17762 hrs agoSasha,What happened to your post on Notes about the lawsuit against Ascension Hospital?Looks like it disappeared.Thanks!


TruthWrites I Told You So 11 hrs agoThis is beyond outrageous. Failure of this magnitude cannot be tolerated! We trust our healthcare providers to achieve their clinical goals. Your efforts to seek redress should ensure that this hospital and its practitioners succeed as intended!

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Sasha Latypova9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago


It is not a failure. As I explained, it is an intentional DOD-funded human extermination ward. They are quite successful. They failed to kill my relative and are pissed off that they failed, but they succeeded with other.

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Blue Electric StormWrites Laughing’s Substack 21 hrs agoDon’t want to fill this up with too much…but I’ll probably want to so much I’ll have to do my own stack on it. I just want to say..again and again and again…water water water, pure as you can get it water, is tops absolute tops, …for backing off the microwave heating of the body. Now I get it, why they immediately won’t hydrate. Fucking monsters, pardonnez mon francais. I’m french, got the right, and they have more than twenty ways of saying FU, creative or what?hang in there, the storm has come out of the wild and is back in town….and for god’s sake people, turn off, oh, you can’t turn them off…blow up your secret militarized armament in residential technology, and don’t ever allow one to be active anywhere near a child or ill person. We are living in a world wide microwave oven. See why they gave us the idea of the frog in the pot of heating water? Friend of mine many years ago, Judy , who had the sense to say “who wants to call themselves a dead head? ” and also, a motto for easy living, “pee here now”, told me she’d had a dream of us “on the other side” and we were slapping our knees and laughing uproariously, as I was saying “did you see that lightning bolt I hit them with?” That would most likely be the geoengineers. Musta intuited what they were up to …somehow…in Judy’s dream. Judy’s dream….hmmm…nice title….”Keep a fire burning in your eyes, pay attention to the open sky, you never know what will be coming down…”Jackson Browne….and by the way, don’t be so quick to “believe”, people, okay? Remember, a healthy human cell and a healthy human body put out an overall negative charge, so hang on tight to that critical faculty, and use it, incessantly…as a favor to a great mother, okay? Give ’em hell, be “the sharpp stick on the block”, poking, poking. No sense worrying about keeping friends if they’re gonna be offing themselves, right?I better shut up now. Much Love…heading back to blessed Pai at end of month, I need a buddhist culture, I’m too lightweight for the astounding aggression, brutality, and violence of this US. On the outside looking in is such an inclusive perspective. Who knows more about who? The slave of the master, or the master of the slave? You got that right….

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Sacha12 hrs agoThe military engineers and subs who are being paid to work against those who are trying to survive know how the physical and metaphysical systems work. If your energy fields and other spiritual structures get damaged, it causes significant illness and trouble. Tptb are doing things to change how the body works; hence, faster illness regardless of receiving the vaccine.


Daisy Moses Chief CrackpotWrites The Heterodox Cheering Section … 21 hrs ago1. US-of-Hay (bale’n out everybuddy but ourselfs) is indeed an’ epic mess / aka dumpster fire (with us in the center’ve it and MaoWhee via CCP Lasers at one end…), with the rest of the world bein’ a mega-epic mess too (all ‘cept Brics nay-shuns cuz they said nay an’ shunned “Precedent Bribe’in”) close behind, 2. NYSchate is a MESS–we left ol’ NyShitty fer upstate New Yawk an’ I kin tell ya’ it ain’t only in Rochester that HossSpitAlls are killin’ folks–all’ve Central New Yawk is on the same soiled page… I jus’ signed my younger daughter up fer ice skatin’ and had ta sign a TWO PAGE single-space CovidCon19 release form holdin’ the rink directors “harmless” in case DD catches “the rona” aka the bioweapon. TWO FULL PAGES listin’ the supposed’ “dreadful” special (side) fx of the horror movie disease (no mention ‘ve the bad jabs of course)… This insane paper-werk is the gift we git in lieu (loo!) of doin’ jabs, testin’, distancin’ an’ upside down jumpin’ jacks on ice. (I had ta refuse all inter-vent-shuns on the medi-cull forms too). Insanity rains (and reigns!) in NYSchtate…3. an’… last but not least, PREP should be PERP! (an’ fergit about our “reps”, all bought n’ sold, Perp-Reps do preps!). I’m full out convinced they all WANNA kill us ALL with them countermeasures–not just them globalists & globalistas but ALL’ve ’em–NurSis, DokTurds, all’ve ’em. Them bribes must be good… an’ folks still don’t git it. What ‘r they gonna do with their ill-gotten gains, take a vacate-shun in Hawaii?My wacky idear is ta make a website like yer How Bad Wuz My Batch cuz mebbe it’ll red pill some folks: https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/your-government-wants-to-kill-you Anywho, keep this good stuff comin’ — we need ta see what’s under the hood (of the wreck!)


CharlieWrites Charlie’s Substack 22 hrs agoImagine you’re sick from geoenginering of the air. Imagine the food is tainted with hydrogels, and who knows what but not good. Imagine the water is tainted. The list of arsenals is getting long.Somehow we remain healthy for the most part doing detox type regimens. I can taste the metals in my mouth. I have anew taste and smell disorder. This tells me to keep on the alkaline diet first and foremost, remove the bio poisoning by targeting each of the components and most of all avoid crowds of people. I personally think 5g is gonna be the real killer manifesting certain frequencies in tandem with this crap in everything we consume to live. Why else is this taking place. And pertaining to this post, ha, haven’t stepped in a hospital or healthcare center in who knows how long. Declined part b of ss. Use all the savings from being uninsured (fear) to buy first class food, essential oils, top shelf suppliers and even a titanium mountain bike. 20 years plus is a lot of money! (Apply it to your mortgage) and put your own insurance in place in the form of a Heloc for must us healthcare. Haven’t needed to tap in and my home is free and clear. I try to do everything opposite of what most people are doing.Peace ☮️ to all…


aileenSep 9That interviewer talked far too much, repeating herself continously…and both women believe there was a ‘pandemic’….it was a scamdemic propagandised in order to jab and kill people inside and outside hospitals.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9·edited Sep 9


i never said there was a real pandemic, learn to listen, please

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Richard RayburnSep 9( DNC) Deceiving Needy Citizens


Christine MealerSep 9Does anyone know about jural assemblies?


Spartan GirlSep 9Where can I find actual research that shows Remdesivere harms the kidneys. My husband and I both received it.

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CurrerSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova


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JamesSep 9It was withdrawn from trials for toxicity, and that was for another virus, possibly AIDS. It was one of Fauci’s failures he recycled and then mandated.


MichaelSep 9Sasha, I have read this post a comments and will be watching this video in its entirety later this morning. Quick Question: Do you have a list of these key federally funded locations where the protocols are still in place?Thank Goodness for you, Sasha. Bless your warrior’s ♥️

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


I don’t have a list, but any large hospital system that has received a lot of NIH (and DOD) funding over time is where this is ongoing. Obviously more likely in blue states, but there are really bad ones in red states too. Small community hospitals or independent (if they still exist), non-teaching hospitals – those are probably ok.

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Michael20 hrs agoThank you very much Sasha. I shall do more research. Wishing you a relaxing Sunday… ☀️


JillSep 9Sasha,First I am very sorry this happened to your or anyone’s relative. It is evil. I’m glad you are exposing the murder protocol and I hope people will understand what is actually happening in hospitals. What I’m not clear on is why you say people cannot sue the entities like hospitals. A case against a hospital was just recently won in court as the court found the hospital gave out adulterated remdesivir. Because they could show it had been done willfully, the PREP act protections were null and void. Everyone involved in that willful act is completely liable. The wall of immunity has already been breech in several court cases and more are on the way.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


please re-read the Prep Act part of this article. the reason that case was won, because some vials remdesivir was found to be “impure” poison. when it is used pure and according to HHS instructions, like in 99.99% of the time – nobody can sue. it is clearly spelled out.

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JillSep 9Yes, I understand the circumstances. But people have been suing under both fraud and adulteration and winning. So both fraud and adulteration void the protections of the PREP act. It’s terrible that the Used as intended voids redress but even this may not stand in the courts. I would like to see where these cases go. Since the shield is already broken under some cases, we may find ways to keep breaking the shield. For me at least, I would not cut off that possibility because there are many dedicated attorneys ready to do battle with these evil people!

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9·edited Sep 9


Who won? Let me know. Neither fraud nor adulteration are valid causes the way PREP is written, if both are sanctioned by HHS and part of the “protocol”. Nobody has broken the shield, including that remdesivir case. It follows squarely how PREP is written, in fact that case only solidified it in court practice.

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SachaSep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I’ve been saying it’s fraud the entire time. I’ve been trying to litigate under “fraud”. Also, intent and being incentivized to kill, injure, and harm people. If you have any suggestions for attorneys, please let me know. I’ve called dozens of them.

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JillSep 9Hi Sacha,In this article from CHD they go through many actions being taken. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lawsuits-remdesivir-covid-cola/# Your friend, Meryl Nass will know this lawsuit. I will try to link to it when my computer allows me to do that..Tom Renz might be a good place to go. He is suing individuals in the govt. and in private, but govt. funded companies/universities, for making covid. I think you will have a different view of what covid is from him but I still feel it may be worth talking with him because he will take on the USG. I’m really sorry this happened. It is horrible!

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


I approached Tom Renz several times, and he is not interested in my materials.

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SachaSep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

He ‘amazingly’ became an attorney right before the pandemic started.

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Sasha Latypova11 hrs ago


exactly. At a minimum, he is not very competent or experienced. However, that’s not a limitation imo, anyone should try to do the right thing regardless. But certain people go out of their way to avoid me, and over time it’s obvious. His personal friend (high status) called Tom on speaker in my presence (I did not ask him to, he wanted Tom to take my material, and this was way back). Tom made sympathetic noises and nothing afterwards.

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Sacha10 hrs ago

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I’m very sorry to hear that. I find that unsurprising given my own experiences. I also read that Tom had some sort of surveillance company prior to the pandemic. I’m sure you can connect the dots. He seems like a nice guy, but is probably a gatekeeper for cases getting through.

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Jill11 hrs agoHi Sacha, I don’t think Tom is not a sincere attorney. He’s been working on this from the very beginning and already won cases for our side. I don’t agree with some of the positions he holds, for example, he thinks Trump is supporting the injections because Trump is the victim of bad advisors. I think that is really wrong but many, many conservatives hold to this opinion, no matter what the evidence. And I’ll tell you something about that. His advisers just told Trump that the people who would vote for him hate the vaccine and he needs to stop pushing it. Low and behold, Trump started saying Pfizer should look into side effects! OMG!!! As if Pfizer doesn’t already have all the info and has been trying to hide it. So, I think Tom is being willfully pig headed on refusing to hold Trump accountable for his actions, but that doesn’t mean he is controlled opposition. It means he’s like a whole lot of conservatives who just can’t be honest about Trump!

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Sacha10 hrs agoI think it’s having to wade through a sea of people who are all out for themselves. I have never spoke with Tom, but I respect that he’s doing something to work against what’s going on. After watching a few of his videos and reading about his background, I could immediately tell that he would never take my case. The cases they take are all pre-selected and fit a narrative – one that protects the government. All of their cases are FCA torts, which falls under defrauding the government. IE The manufacturer defrauded the government. However, the entire “pandemic” is a military/DOD agenda and is being run by the government. Additionally, the laws have been weaponized against the victims further insulating and protecting the government. Otherwise, attorneys with years of experience would jump all over these cases, because the injury and malfeasance is so blatant. The patents for the countermeasure products go back years. There wasn’t a mad dash to produce anything. Everything was already carefully created and orchestrated. This was all an agenda for depopulation and move everyone to One Digital ID for biosurveillance and digital currency. Something that many government contractors and politicians are aware of. I’m not sure why you’re mentioning Trump. I don’t have an issue with him. His entire team has come out against the vaccine. He had no choice but to change his position on the vaccines, because no one in their right mind would vote for someone saying the vaccines are so great when people are dropping dead left and right.

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Jill10 hrs agoSacha, are you also Sasha, the author of this substack? I’m confused because I Sacha told me I was mixing her up with you but it seems like you are the same person. Would you please clarify this for me?My comment was in response to Sacha which is why I said things that do not apply to my conversations with you, for example, why I mentioned Trump to her in regards to why I think Tom is wrong but not controlled opposition.It appears you definitely believe he has bad motives. I can’t agree with that or your characterization of his cases.I do agree that it is clear from the patents that this goes back years and everything was “carefully created and orchestrated” for the purpose of depopulation and control through surveillance and CBDC (among other things). There is too much evidence of this to deny it.

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Sacha9 hrs ago·edited 1 hr agoHi,I’m not the author of this ss. I have a similar name. I also have issues I’m trying to litigate. I think Tom Renz is definitely aware of what is going on. I don’t think he has bad intentions or motives. I suspect they are only helping certain people that fit a specific narrative. Given that, I’ll keep looking for resources to litigate.

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Jill9 hrs agoHi Sacha,It’s weird because things some in from Sasha then switch over to your name. My computer is a bit crazy so that is likely the cause of why it comes in under her name, not yours.I hope you can find the correct lawyer to help you. It’s very true that people specialize in the types of cases they take. I think they have to do that. I wish I knew some others to refer you to. I know it’s very hard to find someone. I think Steve Kirsch was going to put together a list of lawyers and what they specialized in. I don’t know if he’s done this but if he has, that would surely help out a great many people!Good luck! Jill

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Jill11 hrs agoHi Sasha, From what I understand, I believe they do know about your materials but don’t agree with you that it’s impossible to sue Federal Govt. officials. That may be why. I can’t say as I don’t know him personally. I wish that people who hold a different view from you and have their own high level of expertise would sit down with you and hash things out in an open interview. It would be interesting with you stating your position and showing your documents and them stating their position and going over their documents. I believe this could be resolved or at least people would hear what each side is saying and see what they conclude.

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Sasha Latypova11 hrs ago


Where did I say “it is impossible to sue Fed Gov officials”, please?

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Jill11 hrs agoSasha, I must misunderstand you but I believed it was and is your position that no one can be accountable in the Federal govt. or the industries because of immunity they hold by virtue of the PREP act. If I am wrong about that, I apologize.

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Sasha Latypova11 hrs ago


My position is the PREP Act must be repealed. If you attempt to sue without this, all you are going to do is solidify the insanity of the government license to kill via case law.

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Jill10 hrs agoJillI agree that it should be repealed. It is very bad law. I still think however, that this lawsuit, reference below, is important because it has pierced the shield of immunity granted by the PREP act. This ruling has seemed to stop some of the vicious cruelty we have seen because they are getting nervous about not having their kill “shield”. We have a difference of opinion on this issue but I understand your point. https://meganredshaw.substack.com/p/shocking-ruling-remdesivir-contamnination “A Michigan judge says Gilead Sciences Inc. is not protected by the PREP Act after a man suffered two strokes and a leg amputation from glass particles in contaminated lots of COVID drug remdesivir.


SachaSep 9Hi,We seem to have a mix up regarding the author of the SS and myself. Similar name. In any event, thank you for the information. I have my own issues I’ve been trying to litigate. It’s horrible what is going on and how so many have been harmed. Thank you

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JillSep 9Sacha, Sorry about that! I certainly did make a mistake!!I also did find the article, finally!: Shocking Ruling: Judge Denies Immunity to Maker of Remdesivir Under PREP Act After Man Suffers Severe Injuries https://meganredshaw.substack.com/p/shocking-ruling-remdesivir-contamnination “A Michigan judge says Gilead Sciences Inc. is not protected by the PREP Act after a man suffered two strokes and a leg amputation from glass particles in contaminated lots of COVID drug remdesivir.Megan Redshaw8/10/2023I hope this will help. If Renz cannot help you, ask for a referral. It is difficult to find attorneys.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


This case does nothing to overturn immunity under PREP. I am glad they won.

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SachaSep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

I read they updated countermeasures again saying something to the effect that you can’t litigate based on the amount of time between receiving a countermeasure and experiencing any type of injury.

It’s just ridiculous lawfare. I think the way around all of this is proof of collusion based on financials – especially cryptocurrency holdings.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


It was always limited to 12 months to submit a claim for countermeasures injury. Not sure about lawsuit, but yeah.

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SachaSep 9·edited Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

It was my misunderstanding. My statement was regarding determining proof of injury. Their website says: “Temporal association between the administration or use of the covered countermeasure and onset of the injury (i.e., the injury occurs a certain time after the administration or use) is not sufficient, by itself, to prove that an injury is the direct result of a covered countermeasure.”

If someone receives a countermeasure and dies instantly, that’s not enough to prove injury. They’re just making it more complicated.

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SachaSep 9That’s okay! Thank you for the extra information and thank goodness for the ruling from this judge!

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JillSep 9Thank you for your understanding. Yes, this was a fantastic ruling and Tom has had success as well!! In addition, some really larges cases are in process. Make Americans Free Again, Pam Popper has some info on those cases to include some against A. Fauci!

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SachaSep 9I’ve read about Pam Popper. It’s difficult to discern where to get help from in this mess. Thank you. I appreciate it.


Renee MichelWrites Renee Michel on Substack Sep 9I am hoping there is someone out there to investigate the experiments that are being done on Covid-19 patients. I wrote about my experience here on Substack (The Hospital). Patients quarantined in isolation were and are the perfect people to experiment on. Please read my story and know that since it happened, I have spoken to people about what happened and everyone seems to be fully aware that these things are being done, but they feel powerless to do anything about it.


StellaMarisSep 9This just in …from Canada….As We Hurtle, Eyes Wide Open, Towards Another Disastrous Winter Respiratory Virus Season, Where Is Public Health? https://yonifreedhoffmd.substack.com/p/im-hoping-i-deleted-this-post-before?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1186605&post_id=136846165&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email …comments are even scarier……


Timothy WineyWrites Timothy’s Newsletter Sep 9https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/from-plandemic-to-plandemonium


VölvaSep 9What would be of interest would be some speculation about ulterior motives about the actions described here.

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


Ulterior motives: hospital gets $100K + per kill, if they used remdesivir +20% (including bonuses to staff), if they managed to kill slowly by starvation and dehydration, the bounty can be $500K per kill.

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John Day MDWrites Dr. John’s Blog Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

“Perverse incentives”


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Rhys JaggarWrites Rhys’s Substack Sep 9

Liked by Sasha Latypova

Slightly better terms than fighting for Wagner isn’t it?

Surely such mercenaries need to face some rather unfriendly fire?!

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Transcriber BWrites Transcriber B’s Substack Sep 9·edited Sep 9

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AJ DePriest on the Funding Driving the Covid Mandates

Mike Dakkak, April 3, 2022

Also at:


DESCRIPTION: AJ DePriest of the Tennessee Liberty Network joins ITN to discuss her organization’s findings on the Federal Government’s funding mechanisms that drive much of the Covid hysteria. Learn about the funding mechanisms in your state on Telegram at FindMyTakedownGroup. Email AJ at KickCommieAss[at]protonmail[dot]com. Find Covid education and patient advocacy at TheAdamGroup.net.

Mike Dakkak’s In the News podcast home page is https://itnshow.com

And for those who don’t do video, I posted a transcript of an excerpt at:


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We The PeopleWrites We’s Substack Sep 9

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SaHiBSep 9That does not explain exploding the national debt to “pay” the perps at the expense of the rest of us. And yes, Trumpenstein is every bit as much a perpetrator as O’Biden. Explain that, Q-Anon!

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VölvaSep 9Yes, in understand the local incentives, including falsely attributing deaths to Covid etc. But on the government level (and above)? Have you written about that in previous Substack articles?

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Sasha LatypovaSep 9


yes, i have


deletedSep 9Comment deleted

Sasha LatypovaSep 9


I am going to remove as not relevant. This article is not about Jewish or Christian religion.

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SaHiBSep 9But Nordic pagan religion exempt? 🙂 Veklury/valkyrie was an amazingly blatant admission! Religion ties into everything, but is also immensely distracting.

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Martin – Vetenskapliga partietWrites The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter Sep 9Sorry if your comment was removed, Sahib. Listening to these lovely women, my inner viking wants to torture the guilty ones slowly to death, in order to save future generations from anything similar.I am not a violent man, not even when provoked, and will use minimal force when needed to save someone from violence, and it looks like it could be needed, actually.I do however follow Yehoshua [Jesus] the best way I can. I simply wish someone could scare future psychopaths into submission, so they will not hurt humanity again.Furthermore, I see the greater power of Yehoshua [Jesus] and doing this the political way through democracy, removing the power of the psychopaths, just like Shannon & Sasha also wants to do.”Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.”/ Abraham LincolnReligious books contain wisdom, if read in a higher awareness, finding the spiritual meaning, and reading more books looking for truth with an open and skeptical mind. If interpreted literally, they may lead to disaster.This world is a disastrously cruel place. Religion is a comfort for many. An opium for the people. I am hooked myself, and in heaven on earth, without any side effects so far.And look what might happen if you misuse the name of Jesus! This is no joke. People, especially scientific atheists, do not understand the power of Jehovah [God]. https://rumble.com/vuoulq-heather-mcdonald-jesus-loves-me-the-most-stand-up-comedian.html

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SaHiBSep 9Not mine; Shane Sweeney’s. I did not see his original before it was removed. The problem with discussing religion is it’s an endless rabbit hole, and tends to rile everyone, perhaps also including the owner of this Substack. Though I can’t blame her for avoiding unnecessary discord.Hey, power your home for pennies! Are power companies charging people for fake “power” that’s really just capacitive or inductive amperage with no voltage drop? My electronics instructor (or a student in the class) said power companies will give a discount for primarily capacitive loads since inductive loads unbalance the grid. Is Heather McDonald a Kathy Hochul wannabe?


Shane SweeneySep 9Sorry





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