WOW! Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election

by Patty McMurray Sep. 24, 2024 8:00 am688 Comments

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Democrats have devised a brilliant plan to steal our election in 2024—and it’s really quite simple.

By telegraphing to the American people that they believe the key to winning our elections is getting 9 million individuals to vote for Kamala Harris from a pool of 2.4 million eligible overseas voters in total (according to US government data), Democrats essentially remove the shock value when it’s announced they only achieved a percentage of their goal when it’s revealed they received millions of new overseas votes.


For those determined to decide the outcome of our elections by using every possible loophole, like the United States FVAP website and the Democratic Party overseas registration website,, where overseas voters can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the same time, it would seem to an outsider a brilliant plan.

The problem is for those concerned about the legitimacy or security of our elections: the fact that none of the so-called “9 million voters” Democrats claim they are trying to recruit will have to prove their identity or even provide a legitimate address for their past or present residence in the United States, leaving America with another significantly flawed election outcome with no way to prove it once the votes are cast.


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Last week, the Gateway Pundit published the first investigative piece in a series explaining how easily our elections can be stolen without a trace.

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According to Heather Honey at Verity Vote, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) is a Federal law passed in 1986.

UOCAVA requires that the states allow members of the US Armed Forces, their family members, and US citizens who reside outside of the US to register and vote absentee in elections for Federal offices in a standardized format.



After HAVA passed in 2002, there were numerous projects undertaken to test the viability of electronic voting for UOCAVA eligible voters. The 2004 Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE) project was intended to develop an Internet-based registration and voting system in 55 volunteer counties.

However, the SERVE project was canceled before it was deployed due to security concerns, including findings that the use of personal computers over the Internet could not be made secure enough for public elections.

Security professionals also pointed out that it was critical that the States, not FVAP or contractors, would have ultimate control of the servers used in any such system.


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After the cancellation of the SERVE Project, FVAP developed and tested the Interim Voting Assistance System (IVAS), which was fielded in 2006. This system provided for electronic submission of ballot requests and delivery of blank ballots using a Department of Defense secure server.

Use of this system was restricted to voters enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), which was the source for voter identification valida- tion. DEERS covers members of the military and their dependents. Only those whose identity and eligibility could be verified were given access to download a blank ballot from the secure server.

In 2009, Pew Trusts released a report in which they claimed that Military Voters were being denied their right to vote in 2008 due to voting impediments.



This report, which was funded by the JEHT Foundation, was used as justification by Chuck Schumer to advocate for electronic delivery of ballots to unverified non-military requestors claiming to be US citizens living overseas.

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

Advocacy for military voting access had wide support, and lobbying efforts described the bill as benefiting the military, but in reality, non-military overseas voters benefited most from the changes–a bait-and-switch.

The result of Pew’s reporting and Schumer’s advocacy was a revision to UOCAVA.



In 2009, the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE Act) was passed, which requires states to distribute blank ballots to eligible voters 45 days before election day.

The MOVE Act further requires states to deliver the ballots by email and other electronic means to all who request them. It also enabled counties to use online communication, email correspondence, and websites for voting.

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Most states also allow the electronic return of electronic ballots by any person claiming to be a US citizen while requiring no verification of identity or citizenship.



In our first article on UOCAVA Voters (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act), we explained how both federal and Democratic Party websites allow online voters to register without verification of identity or citizenship status.

US Citizens in the USA who would like to register to vote must share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID, but UOCAVA voters can bypass the requirement to share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.

The screenshot below shows how the Democrat Party website, much like the federal government’s website, registers UOCAVA voters to vote in US elections and allows the user to bypass the ID portion of the online registration process.




UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting.

Here are a few additional details about UOCAVA voters who register to vote on the FAVP or Federal Voting Assistance Program application (a federal government website) or the Democrat-funded website

  • Applicants may choose any state or address they wish to vote in.
  • No one verifies that these registrants ever lived at the address they list or that they have any connection to that state.
  • Voters in most states receive and return their ballots via email, making chain of custody impossible for election inpsectors. 

In the DNC memo, Democrats share a chart outlining the number of estimated voters they plan to work to register in each battleground state before the 2024 election.



Last week, Barack Obama’s former US Ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman, was interviewed by DNC mouthpiece/Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski, who did her part to help Mr. Helman promote the Democrat scheme to recruit 1.6 million Democrat votes from 7 swing states out of a total of 2.4 million eligible overseas voters.

Heyman told Brzezinski during their Zoom call with celebrities and social media influencers that 1,000 overseas voters registered to vote on the Democrat Party-sponsored website.

During his interview, the former Goldman Sachs executive and Barack Obama fundraiser spoke about how overseas voters like Democrats talk about minorities, suggesting that most overseas “US citizens” don’t even know they can vote (similar to most minorities who don’t know how to obtain an ID), and that it’s the job of Democrats to help them navigate the extreme complexities of voting.



Of course, Heyman was able to push the baseless Democrat lie to Morning Joe viewers that they must eliminate the “THREAT” of having Donald J. Trump as their next President by voting for Kamala Harris.


The MSNBC host isn’t the only one pushing the narrative that Democrats can win the election by convincing millions of new overseas voters to participate in our elections.

Almost all at once, the left-wing media machine has been fired up and is running on all cylinders to help Democrats push their message about recruiting millions of “voters” from overseas for Harris.

Reuters was first to begin the DNC propaganda campaign with this headline: Democrats target US swing state voters overseas to win support for Harris

A highly unlikely tale from NPR about the Democrat enthusiasm for Kamala Harris was published on September 10, 2024:

JUANA SUMMERS, HOST: The bounce within the Democratic Party since Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz became its nominees goes beyond United States borders. The organization that represents the Democratic Party overseas tells reporter Teri Schultz that American voters abroad are going to be more important in this election than ever before.



TERI SCHULTZ: France and Finland may never have been thought of as swing states in a U.S. election, but that could change this November if the millions of eligible U.S. voters living overseas become actual voters. Democratic activists say enthusiasm for the Harris-Walz ticket makes this an unprecedented possibility.

Yes, NPR would like us to believe that enthusiasm for a presidential candidate who never received a single vote from Democrats and had to drop out of the Democratic Presidential Primary race in 2020 because she was polling at the bottom of the large pack of candidates, is somehow creating “unprecedented” enthusiasm amongst overseas voters.

SCHULTZ: At a cafe near her apartment in Paris, Tanya Dohoney hosts voter registration drives for overseas Americans, fewer than 8% of whom traditionally use their right to vote. Before Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic candidate, Dohoney was struggling to convince people to sign up.


Again, LOL!

DOHONEY: There were several of them that I had tried to talk them into voting, and they’re like, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t affect me. And every possible persuasive thing I said, they were like, maybe. Now they’re coming out of the woodwork, wanting to vote. They’re so happy.

Literally, no one is coming out of the woodwork to vote for Kamala Harris in the United States, but NPR would like us to believe that overseas voters are “coming out of the woodwork” to vote for America’s most popular Democrat and that somehow, the woman who never speaks with the media or makes any sense when she does speak to them, makes overseas voters “so happy!”

SCHULTZ: This same surge was seen around the world in the days after President Joe Biden stepped down, according to Democrats Abroad, the party’s overseas organization. The group says voter registration numbers quintupled almost immediately, and membership in their organization tripled.



The Democrat Party voter registration group’s numbers have “quintupled almost immediately”? Could the quintupling of overseas voter registrations have something to do with the ability for literally anyone in the world to register to vote on the federal and Democratic websites with no follow-up for applicants?

DANA FRELING: Oh, I see some people…

SCHULTZ: Texas native Dana Freling founded a Democrats Abroad chapter in Helsinki after Donald Trump took office in 2017. She says Harris’ choice of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate had positive repercussions all the way to Finland because he’d visited there in 2021 to sign an environmental agreement between his state and the Finnish government. She says now even Finns are asking her how they can get involved.



FRELING: They cannot give money. They cannot see our data. But they can go out and tell people about Vote From Abroad. They can help go get the vote out.

Politico also helped to push the narrative that Democrats could win the election by miraculously recruiting millions of non-existent voters to register to vote, particularly in swing states.

On Sunday, The Gateway Pundit wrote about how Politico was also promoting the Democrat plot:



CHICAGO — The November election could come down to a hair’s breadth margin, and both Democrats and Republicans are looking to rack up as many votes as they can from American voters abroad.

For the first time in a presidential cycle, Democrats are allocating significant money to the effort to help push their party over the finish line. The Democratic National Committee and private donors are putting more than $450,000 into a get-out-the-vote campaign aimed at reaching Americans from swing states living abroad — a number the State Department puts at nearly 9 million. The program includes direct advertising on traditional media and social media, billboards across Canada, mailers and in-person gatherings.



True the Vote expanded on our reporting with screenshots of individuals working for the Democrat group “Vote from Abroad.” True the Vote writes:

Photo shows the Democrat group “Vote from Abroad” actively registering … everyone they can.

Screenshots from the group’s website affirm that you needn’t ever have lived in the U.S., nor are any identifying documents necessary to register or to vote.

Seems outrageous, right? But, is with great frustration that we must acknowledge what this group is doing is NOT illegal. Federal law allows it.

This is just one of many scenarios that clarify how easy it is to exploit weaknesses in Federal law in order to use noncitizens as political pawns to achieve desired outcomes.

While there is broad support for programs that enable service men and women to exercise their right to vote, that is no longer the primary result of the UOCAVA program.

In 2020, civilian participation in UOCAVA ballot returns rose to an inexplicable 63%.

Democrats in Detroit, MI, went to great lengths to hide the processing and counting of the UOCAVA ballots in 2020

Remember when GOP poll challengers were kicked out of Detroit’s absentee ballot counting room on the day after the 2020 election?

Can you guess which type of ballots they were counting?

If we told you they were UOCAVA votes, would that mean anything to you?

In addition to my testimony about the UOCAVA voters not being found in the MI voter rolls, when I followed up on some of the addresses the election workers assigned to the voters, many of them were abandoned homes or vacant lots in Detroit.

Since the addresses used by UOCAVA voters when they register to vote are not being checked by anyone, it makes sense that this would happen.

Democrat election workers, poll challengers, and outside leftist agitators at the TCF Center went to great lengths to ensure GOP poll challengers couldn’t watch election workers close up while they duplicated faxed copies of the UOCAVA ballots by recreating their votes on paper ballots that would be tabulated by Dominion voting machines.

Could Democrats and outside leftist agitators have been hiding the process from GOP poll challenges because all the votes were for Joe Biden or straight-party Democratic?

Heather Honey of PA Fair Elections, Verity Vote, and Haystack Investigations does an excellent job of explaining what happened with the UOCAVA votes in 2020 and the inexplicable and, some may say, the astronomical increase in overseas voters, given that after American citizens were flocking home from foreign countries during the COVID pandemic. Curiously, multiple key states saw a sharp increase in votes from overseas voters.

Prior to 2016, the majority of voters who utilized the privileges associated with UOCAVA were military voters. This program has been drastically expanded through the use of electronic Federal Post Card Applications and is now dominated by non-military requestors.

These applications do not require verification of identity or citizenship prior to registering or receiving a ballot. And no verification of eligibility is required before voting.

The 2020 General Election took place amid a global pandemic, and the US State Department ordered many employees home and went to extraordinary lengths to repatriate all US citizens who wanted to return to the US. In June 2020, the State Department issued a press release indicating that they had successfully repatriated 98,000 US citizens and that the work was ongoing. Private companies with US employees working abroad collaborated with the State Department in what was described as an ‘unprecedented global effort’ to repatriate US citizens.

IRS records confirm a decrease of at least 805,000 US taxpayers abroad from 2019 to 2020. The IRS records are a clear indicator of the magnitude of repatriation because US citizens abroad are law-bound to adhere to their tax reporting responsibilities.

Although there was a massive repatriation, a sharp reduction in citizens living overseas, and restrictions on traveling to foreign countries, all decreased the number of US citizens eligible to claim UOCAVA privileges in 2020.

Still, transmitted ballots increased by more than 389,000 ballots over that from the year 2016.

Even more alarming is that most of the increase (268k of 389k) was for non-military ballots.

Heather Honey’s Verity Vote report reveals stunning anomalies in the vote totals: The only reported full hand recount of electronically returned UOCAVA ballots was conducted in Maricopa County, Arizona. The tally revealed a significant deviation from the state’s razor-thin 50-50 results. The presidential election on the UOCAVA ballots favored Biden over Trump by approximately 74% to 26%.

The slide below was used in the propaganda interview with former Obama Ambassador Heyman. It reveals the signifigance of the overseas votes to Democrat as in 2020, 18,475 UOCAVA ballots were received in Georgia, a state where Trump allegedly lost by 11,779 votes.

Poll workers in other states reported similarly remarkable irregularities:

  • In Fulton County, GA, a hand recount of 950 UOCAVA ballots had zero votes for Trump—a curious 100% tally for Joe Biden.
  • A poll worker in a Louisiana County reported that 80% of the UOCAVA ballots were for Biden.
  • In Cobb County, GA, a poll observer challenged the authenticity of the UOCAVA ballots when she realized that 80 to 90% were votes for Biden.
  • A judge of elections in Colorado observed the tabulation of UOCAVA ballots and was alarmed that nearly 95% of the ballots were votes for Biden.
  • In the City of Richmond, VA, a poll worker reported that a hand-tally of approximately one thousand ballots showed 85-90% Biden.

These are just four examples of shocking asymmetries in party preference. Verity Vote submitted multiple FOIA requests to counties across the country requesting records of the UO—CAVA ballot tabulation.

Most counties do not keep records of the results for this category of ballots.

The accommodations necessary to ensure that uniformed service members are fully able to participate in elections should not be the same as the accommodations offered to every non-military requestor.

Men and women on an aircraft carrier or in a combat zone need more support and options than a businessman in Toronto, Canada.

HAVA requires states to verify the identity of voters prior to accepting ballots in federal elections. Overseas US citizens are subject to the same federal law.

The few overseas persons who can claim US citizenship but who have never resided in the US and who have never been issued a social security number, should be required to provide a passport number or some other verifiable form of identification to prove identity and eligibility.

It seems reckless to allow the lowest common denominator, as applied to these citizens who’ve never lived in the US, to dictate the level of security utilized to protect the vote.



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