World Government Pinko Hillary Clinton gives Walters Cronkite his World Government Award — Surely it’s a conspiracy theory!

Feb 14, 2025

“Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite at World Federalist Association meeting (1999)

Cronkite receives award from the World Federalist Association. The award is the “Norman Cousins Global Governance Award.” Through a closed-circuit hook-up, Hillary Clinton commends Cronkite for his promotion of a fascist one-world government.”


uh you know that we have come to the 0:10 point of our really being here this 0:13 evening uh and that is to honor with the 0:17 Norman Cousins Global governance Award 0:21 of Walter kronite we are proud to 0:24 present to you this amethyst geode 0:30 uh and I hope all of you will take the 0:33 opportunity at the conclusion of the 0:36 program uh to come up and examine it 0:38 we’re not worrying about anybody 0:40 carrying it off it’s too heavy for me to 0:43 lift um but uh it illustrates a very 0:47 important lesson the crystals of a geode 0:52are formed within another rock that 0:55 serves as the foundation for their 0:59fragile Beauty 1:00 uh the rock provides the structure 1:04 necessary for the crystals to grow and 1:07 in similar Fashion World Government is 1:11 the structure necessary for Global 1:14 Justice you 1:20 sir you sir have been a lifelong 1:24 advocate of this principle and it is 1:28 appropriate therefore that that we 1:30 present you with this amethyst 1:36 [Applause] 1:45 Geo thank you very much Mr 1:48 President and uh there are many of us 1:50 here who had wished back a couple of 1:53 decades ago that we had been addressing 1:55 you as Mr President in a slightly 1:57 different 1:58 environment2:04 and thank you Mrs Anon for those lovely2:06 words you spoke I will treasure them and 2:09 I’m greatly honored quite obviously byà 2:12the Norman Cousins Global 2:15 government governance award I’ll try to 2:19 get it right since I will be referring 2:2 to it frequently of course from now 2:25 on uh first uh I whether two reasons 2:30 really why I’m particularly grateful and2:33 honored by this award uh the first uh I 2:37 I I believe as Norman Cousins did that 2:40 the first priority of humankind in this 2:45 difficult era is to establish an 2:48 effective system of world law that will 2:50 assure peace with justice among the 2:52 peoples of all the 2:58 world but uh second I uh I feel rather 3:02 sentimental uh about this award and this 3:06 organization because half a century ago 3:09 Norman Cousins offered me a job as the 3:12 spokesman and the Washington lobbyist 3:15 for the really nicent uh organization 3:19 called World 3:21 Federalist I uh I was honored he and 3:24 Oscar hamilin Hammerstein met me in the 3:27 wardor and twisted my arm quite 3:30 vigorously get me to take the job to 3:33 take the place of Ted Waller who was the


first lobbyist and a noted supporter of


the world Federalist movement I chose


instead uh it turned out to continue in


the world of

3:45 Journalism uh for many years I did my 3:48 best to report on the issues of the day 3:50 with as much fairness as I possibly 3:54 could an objective manner as as possible 3:58 to achieve when I had my own strong4 :00 opinions I tried to put them aside for 4:03 the moment in the interest of fairness I 4:06didn’t communicate to my hope to my 4:08 audience now however now 4:11 however my circumstances are 4:14 considerably different I’m in a position 4:17 to speak my mind and by God I’m going to 4:19 do 4:26 it you know those of us who are living 4:29 today can truly influence the future of


civilization we can influence whether


our planet is going to live or die


whether it’s going to drift into chaos


and violence or whether through a


Monumental educational and political


effort a Monumental effort we will


achieve a world of Peace under a system


of law where individual violators of


that law are brought to Justice


here for how many thousands of years now


have we humans been what we insist on




civilized and yet in total contradiction


we also persist in the Savage belief


that we must occasionally at least


subtle our arguments by killing each


other while we spend much of our time


and a great deal of our treasure in


preparing for war we say no comparable


effort in establishing peace meanwhile


emphasizing the sloth in this regard


those Advocates who work for World Peace


by urging a system of world Law and


Order World Government if you please are


called impractical


dreamers those impractical dreamers are


entitled it seems to me to ask their


critics what is so darn practical about


war first we Americans are going to have


to yield up some of our sovereign


that’s going to be to many a bitter pill


it would take a lot of Courage a lot of


faith a lot of


persuasion to them to come along with us


on this necessity our forefathers


believe that the closer the laws are to 6:17 the people the better cities legislate 6:20 on local matters of course states make 6:22 decisions on matters within their 6:24 borders and the national government 6:26 deals with issues that transcend the 6:28 states such as interstate commerce 6:30 Foreign Relations that’s what we mean by 6:33 federalism today we must develop Federal 6:36 structures on a global level to deal 6:39 with world problems we need a system of 6:42 enforceable World law a democratic 6:45 Federal World 6:47 Government you know what Alexander 6:49 Hamilton wrote about the need for law 6:51 among the 13 states applies today to the 6:55 approximately 200 sovereignties in our 6:58 Global Village all of which are going to 7:00 have to be convinced to give up some of 7:03 that sovereignty to the better greater 7:06 Union Hamilton 7:09 said and it’s not going to be easy 7:12 Hamilton said to look for a continuation 7:15 of Harmony between a number of 7:18 independent unconnected sovereignties in 7:21 the same neighborhood would be to 7:23 disregard the uniform course of human 7:26 events and to set at Defiance the 7:29 accumul at ated experience of 7:31 ages today the notion of unlimited 7:34 National sovereignty means International 7:37 Anarchy we must replace the anarchic law 7:41 of force with the Civilized law of uh of 7:46 law a force of 7:47 law 7:55 ours that’s 7:58 water 8:02 come you know Church used to 8:04 say nearly every speech at some point 8:07 he’d reach for a little glass he take a 8:10 slip and he’d 8:11 say that’s water you know 8:14 water except he 8:22 lied ours is never going to be a perfect 8:24

world for heaven’s sakes we all know 8:26 that not a there can’t be a world 8:28 without some agreement probably 8:30 occasional violence but it will be a 8:33 world where the overwhelming majority of 8:35 national leaders will consistently abide 8:38 by the rule of world law if we have our 8:41 way and can sell our program and those 8:43 who 8:44 won’t body the law the international law 8:47 with which we’ll be governed are going 8:49 to be dealt with effectively and with 8:51 due process of the structures of that 8:53 same world law we’re you know we’re 8:56 never going to have a City without crime 8:57 we’re never but we we we certainly would 9:00 never want to live in a city without law 9:02 a law to deal with the criminals who are 9:05 always Among Us not here this evening 9:08 you 9:10 understand the three suggestions with 9:12 which I’ve been furnished uh for 9:14 immediate action that would move us in 9:16 the direction firmly in the American 9:18 tradition of Law and democracy are 9:20 these first keep our promises for 9:24 heaven’s sakes keep our FR we help 9:26 create the United Nations of course we 9:28 help veloped the UN assessment formula 9:31 by which it is financed Americans 9:34 overwhelmingly I think every poll shows 9:36 it wants us to pay our un 9:44 dues wants us to pay them with no none 9:47 of these crippling limitations that we 9:49 with our arrogance seem to want to 9:52 impose we owe it to the world in fact we 9:55 owe it not only the world we owe it as 9:58 well to our national 10:00 self-esteem how embarrassing it is to go 10:03 among the peoples of the world knowing 10:05 what they know about our 10:07 niggardliness please get that word right 10:09 if anybody quotes me uh at the United 10:14 Nations and second ratify the treaty 10:18 ratify several treaties ratify the 10:21 treaty for goodness sakes to ban 10:22 landmines why can’t we 10:27 understand our Representatives worked 10:30 hard and long to get the law of the sea 10:32 treaty and we haven’t ratified it even 10:36 selfish interest dictate not the 10:39 national interest or the international 10:41 interest the comprehensive these are 10:43 other treaties we haven’t ratified the 10:46 comprehensive nuclear test band treaties 10:48 you 10:52 know a a treaty with the catchy phrase 10:56 catchy title the convention to eliminate 10:59 all forms of discrimination against 11:05 women title may not be catchy but the 11:08 idea certainly is and the convention on 11:11 the rights of the child we haven’t even 11:14 done 11:16 that most important we should sign and 11:19 ratify the treaty for a permanent 11:21 international criminal 11:28 court is now at the core of the world 11:31 Federalist movement’s drive that Court 11:34 will enable enable the world to hold 11:36 individuals accountable for their crimes 11:39 against humanity and the third point 11:43 just consider if you will after 55 years 11:46 the possibility of a more representative 11:48 and democratic system of decision making 11:51 at the UN this should include both 11:54 revision of the veto and the security 11:56 Council and Adoption of a weighted 11:58 voting system in the general 12:04 assembly our organization the world 12:06 Federalists have endorsed Richard 12:08 Hudson’s binding Triad proposal George 12:12 Soros in his recent book the crisis of 12:14 global capitalism has given serious 12:17 attention to this concept which would be 12:20 based upon not only the one nation one 12:22 vote but also on population and 12:26 contributions to the UN budget 12:34 res resolutions adopted by majorities in 12:37 each of these three areas would then be 12:39 binding enforceable law within the 12:43 powers given it in the charter the UN 12:46 could then deal with matters of reliable 12:48 financing a standing Un Peace Force 12:52 development the environment and of 12:54 course human 12:56 rights some of you may ask although I 12:59 think most of you know the answer why 13:02 the Senate is not ratifying these 13:04 important treaties and why the Congress 13:06 is not even paying our un 13:09 dues even as with the American 13:13 rejection so many years ago now of the 13:15 League of Nations after World War I our 13:18 failure to live up to our obligations to 13:20 the United Nations is led by a handful 13:24 of willful Senators who choose to pursue 13:27 their narrow selfish political 13:29 objectives at the cost of our nation’s 13:33 conscience they Pander to and are 13:35 supported by the Christian Coalition and 13:38 the rest of the religious rightwing 13:40 their leader Pat Robertson has written 13:43 in a book few years ago that we should 13:46 have a world government but only when 13:49 the Messiah 13:52 arrives he wrote literally any attempt 13:55 to achieve world order before that time 13:58 must be the work of the 14:01 devil well join me I I’m glad to sit 14:04 here at the right hand of 14:06 Satan the only way we can do it is to 14:09 organize a strong educational counter 14:12 offensive stretching from the most 14:15 publicly visible people in all fields to 14:18 the humblest individuals in each of our 14:21 communities that’s the vision and the 14:24 program of the world Federalist 14:25 Association it begins with education and 14:29 it ends with success and 14:36 hope let us hear the peel of a new 14:39 international Liberty Bell that calls us 14:43 all to the creation of a system of 14:44 enforceable World law in which the 14:48 universal desire for peace can place its 14:51 hopes and its prayers as Carl voran has 14:55 written history is now choosing the 14:57 founders of the world feder generation 14:59 that was back there at the beginning and 15:02 he said any person who can be among that 15:05 number and fails to do so has lost the 15:08 noblest opportunity of a 15:11 lifetime thank 15:16 you we would like to bring you a message 15:20 from the first lady of the United States 15:23 Hillary rodam 15:25 Clinton good evening and congratulations 15:28 Walter on receiving the world Federalist 15:30 association’s Global governance award 15:33 for more than a generation in America it 15:35 wasn’t the news until Walter kite told 15:38 us it was the news every night at 6:00 15:41 we welcomed you into our living rooms 15:43 and listened as you explain the Complex 15:45 events of the day whether it was the 15:47 space race or the Vietnam War 15:50 presidential elections or peace treaties 15:52 you were there telling us in simple yet 15:55 riveting Pros what was happening you 15:58 became a trusted member of my family and 16:01 of families Across America for decades 16:04 you told us the way it is but tonight we 16:07 honor you for fighting for the way it 16:10 could be we honor you for Lending your 16:13 voice to the cause of Human Rights 16:15 around the world and for your lifelong 16:17 commitment to international human rights 16:19 law from your reporting on the nurg 16:22 trials to your work with the WFA 16:24 campaign to end genocide you have 16:26 stirred our consciences and challenged 16:28 all all of us to live closer to the 16:30 words of the universal Declaration of 16:32 Human Rights all human beings are Bor 16:35 free and equal in dignity and rights so 16:39 thank you Walter thank you for inspiring 16:42 all of us to build a more peaceful and 16:45 just world we are still listening to 16:48 your every word and with your continuing 16:51 leadership we can sail across these 16:54 unnav Seas into the 21st century and 16:57 there’s no better Captain I can imagine 17:00 than you thank you my 17:04 friend I’m very pleased to present uh 17:07 the distinguished actor Michael Douglas 17:10 well Mrs Clinton sort of said it for me 17:13 because 17:19 like

…. HILARY Clinton democrats always were anti-sovereign and pro global governance.

*** Michael Douglas got an award

*** Soros is mentioned

*** you understand their contempt for Christianity as an oppositional force to the one world order.

*** it’s a club that missed it’s point. It is not for humanity that they bring this about. Not in the least. Any life can be harmed, because in their religious cult view, they pursue Peace on Earth. Imagine the actual logic they must endure to perform their deeds. They must be tied in Pretzels as wars and depopulation are pursued in the name of Peace. I wonder if they lost their family values and understanding of God because they opposed Christians and thus embraced the enemy of Christians. I wonder if the veneer has warn off in Lost Angeles.


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