Opinion by Dan Fournier, published Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, 9:25 EST on fournier.substack.com
Jan 13, 2025

This post is segmented as follows. You can click on the desired section to go directly to it.
- 1. The Club of Rome (founded 1968)
- 2. 1971: The Year Pierre Trudeau officially launches the Great Climate Scam in Montebello, Quebec
- 3. The Club of Rome, revisited
- 4. Maurice Strong: Trudeau’s Right-Hand Man
- 5. Who are the Trudeaus exactly? Rewind to learn about their family lineage & close ties
- 6. Like Father, Like Son
- 6.1 Climate Scamming in 2019: Oh yes, Greta!
- 6.2 Climate Scamming in 2020: WEF, Please help!
- 6.3 Climate Scamming in 2021: COP CONning in the UK
- 6.4 Climate Scamming in 2022: Carbon-Tax me harder baby!
- 6.5 Climate Scamming in 2023: Just Transition Me already!
- 6.6 Climate Scamming in 2024: Justin’s own Right-Hand Man
- 7. Allegations of Pierre Trudeau being an Abusive Pedophile
1. Club of Rome (founded 1968)
In 1965, two key figures in Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, and Alexander King, a British chemist and OECD bureaucrat, formed a close bond.
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In April of 1968, a two-day meeting convening 30 European scientists, economists, and industrialists to Rome to steer the direction of global issues. This meeting essentially kick-started the Club of Rome with the organisation getting its name from the famous Italian city.
Such issues included overpopulation, environmental destruction, urban pollution, and social discontent, among others which they collectively labelled as the Problématique.

April 1968 two-day meeting in Rome. From left to right: President Luis Echeverría of Mexico, Chancellor of Austria Bruno Kreisky, Aurelio Peccei, President Léopold Senghor of Senegal, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau of Canada, Prime Minister of Sweden Olof Palme and Prime Minister of the Netherlands Joop den Uyl (Holland). Photo source: News Voice (Sweden) and The Club of Rome.
Just a few months later, a very key meeting organised by the OECDtook place from October 27 to November 2, 1968 at the Rockefeller Foundation‘s The Bellagio Center conference facility in Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy. Both Peccei and King attended this meeting from which THE BELLAGIO DECLARATION ON PLANNING was agreed upon by participants.
The Club of Rome was incorporated as a non-profit in 1970 in Geneva under the laws of Switzerland.
Both Peccei and King had visited Canada in June of 1969 for preliminary discussions about how Canadians could be involved in the Club of Rome. Informal meetings took place with Prime Minister Trudeau and senior members of his Cabinet, as well as the Privy Council Office, Senators, and the Governor General. More specifically, the pair sought support regarding the global issues of concern, the Problématique, further asking Canada to take a leadership role to bring other countries on board.
The pair once again returned to Canada in early 1970 whereby a dinner meeting was arranged with Trudeau.
After that dinner, Trudeau led a prolonged discussion of the “problems” perceived by Peccei and King and the role the Club of Rome would play, according to Dr. J. Rennie Whitehead, a physicist and Ottawa insider.
In addition, there was a lunch at Rideau Hall, the residence of then Governor General Roland Michener who showed himself extremely interested in the objectives of the Club of Rome.
Governor General Michener would later become active member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR).
Efforts gained by Peccei, King, and the Club of Rome with the Canadian government bore fruit; for, in April of 1971 the pair once again landed in Canada and with the help of Pierre Trudeau; they would change the course of history.
It should also be observed that Alexander King stated in a later interview that he found Pierre Trudeau as the one who “gave us [the Club of Rome] the most support,” as they had an “extraordinarily interesting meeting [with him] in Ottawa.”
2. 1971: The Year Pierre Trudeau officially launches the Great Climate Scam in Montebello, Quebec
Shortly after Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King’s arrival in Ottawa in April of 1971, they attended a Club of Rome second full meeting at the Seigniory Club in Montebello, Quebec, which was sponsored by the Trudeau Government.
It is at this meeting that a 28-year-old MIT researcher named Dennis Meadows presented his global model plan to club members and others, including J. Rennie Whitehead, a leading Ottawa insider whose personal memoir of the event portrays Prime Minister Trudeau as something of a comrade-in-arms with the Club of Rome’s founding leaders, concurs Terence Corcoran from the Financial Post.
Moreover and most notably, Dennis Meadows’ Limits to Growth proposals were first conceived and presented to members from many countries attending the meeting.
The Limits to Growth basically suggested that finite resources, continued economic expansion and population growth would lead to an “uncontrollable decrease in population and capital.”
“Population control,” is a thus major theme in the global model plan.
In the following section of this post, there will be a sub-section about the 1972 book of the same name.
Even half a century later, Dennis Meadows still contends that the population is a problem and that it should be reduced to 1-2 billion people; here is a segment on this point from his 2017 interview:
Quoting from his interview [with emphasis added]:
“We are so far, globally we are so far above the population and the consumption levels which can be supported by this planet. That I know in one way or another it’s gonna come back down. So, I don’t hope to avoid that.
Uh, I hope that it can occur in a civil way – and I mean civil in a a special way, peaceful. Peace doesn’t mean, uh, that everybody’s happy, but it means that conflict isn’t solved through violence, through force, but rather in other ways. So, that’s what I hope for.
That we can, I mean the planet can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have. If you want more liberty and more consumption, you have to have fewer people, and conversely you can have more people – I mean we can even have eight or nine billion probably if we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart. That’s unfortunately you never have smart dictatorships; they’re always stupid. So, but if you had a smart dictatorship and a low standard of living you could have but but we want to have freedom and we wan to have a high [inaudible], so we’re gonna have a billion people. And we’re now at seven [billion people], so we have to get back down.”
In 2017 when Meadows made the comment, the world’s population was over seven billion, and has grown to just over eight billion by 2024.
Though he does his best to try to hide or justify it, Meadows is basically suggesting that 75% of the world’s population needs to be eliminated; otherwise, it should be managed by a “smart dictatorship” – whatever that means.
Following the Club of Rome full meeting in Montebello, Trudeau’s Government policies radically shifted towards the proposals set forth therein; as the Network in Canadian History & Environment (NICHE) notes [with emphasis added]:
“These early exchanges between the Club of Rome and the Trudeau government were mirrored in Canadian environmental thinking and policy. Examples include creating institutions such as the Department of the Environment, passing a system of environmental laws, and creating a group in Statistics Canada to resolve tensions between environmental and economic indicators (Roberts 1990; Wood et al. 2010; McDowall 2008). For his part, Trudeau persistently voiced, and initially supported, a transformative environmental agenda that included a systems approach, rejection of economic growth in favour of an alternative view of prosperity, and a shift in societal values from consumerism and greed toward sufficiency and well-being. Together, these ideas and actions reflect a transformative vision of environmental governance.”
3. The Club of Rome, revisited
So much more can be said and written about the Club of Rome, including how Pierre helped to launch it.
It can also easily be explored how the club’s own parent organisation, the infamous Committee of 300 (see also here), and its brother organisation in NATO, have colluded to fulfill their heinously diabolical agendas.
But for sake of brevity, in this section I will merely outline two of the most important works that the globalist-eugenicist outfit had requisitioned from its co-conspirators – in this case, those disguised as authors and scientists.
3.1 Book: The Limits to Growth (1972)

The aforementioned M.I.T. researcher Dennis Meadows was the main author of The Limits to Growth (click here for PDF) which was published in March of 1972.
As per the quote from the book in the image above, the main premise of the book was to present purported limits of natural resources, food and industrial production given rapid population growth which commenced in the 20th century.
While the topic matter was inherently subjective or qualitative in nature, it sought to employ quantitative means through models to back its presumptions.
In the bottom section for the cover of the book it is written: A Report for THE CLUB OF ROME’S Project on the Predicament of Mankind.
Hence, from its inception, we can tell that it was written to appeal to Club of Rome members and amalgamate its “findings” with the true aims of the outfit, namely to thwart or impede continued industrialisation of the Western nations.
It’s models and modelling systems were largely flawed and even Club of Rome Executive member Eduard Pestel commented that these very modelling systems could not predict the future.
A year after its publication TIME Magazine also suggested that the report was under the banner of the “prestigious Club of Rome,” and that their a team of scientists at M.I.T. forecasted a massive economic collapse by the end of the 21st century.
Making such kinds of socioeconomic predictions and predicting that growth would stop by the year 2100 was inevitably a fools errand, to say the least. And this in itself shows the absurdity of The Limits to Growth.
Furthermore, according to the 2006 doctoral thesis THE LIMITS TO INFLUENCE: THE CLUB OF ROME AND CANADA, 1968 TO 1988) by Jason Lemoine Churchill presented to University of Waterloo, Pierre Trudeau had even disavowed [the findings] of The Limits to Growth and was rather drawn to the methodology and thinking processes advocated by the Club of Rome itself upon which sought “new political and moral approaches.”
Churchill added that such interrelated thinking permeated public policy in the Trudeau era.
Churchill’s thesis further explores Trudeau’s environmental policies and influence by the Club of Rome.
3.2 Book: The First Global Revolution (1991)
The First Global Revolution (published in 1991, PDF here) is the follow-up book to The Limits of Growth and undoubtedly the Club of Rome’s most ominous and inhumane manifesto.
On page 115, its principal author – the aforementioned Alexander King, summarises the Club of Rome’s broader plan quite succinctly:

Needless to say, before we ever even heard of “Climate Change,” there was constant talk of “Global Warming.”
We can see that their notion of global warming was completely fabricated, as stated in their own words, i.e., “we came up with the idea.”
In fact, the notion of global warming has never been scientifically proven.
Their “science” used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been proven to be both inaccurate and misleading.
That is the reason they changed their moniker from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change,” as their original faux narrative fell apart and needed an upgrade to sound more convincing for their lies and deceptions.
Moreover, the fact that they state: “The real enemy, then is humanity itself,” goes to show youthat they despise humanity and thus view us as theirenemy.
In other words, we are their disposable “useless eaters,” which really goes to show that depopulation figures among their principal objectives rather than a genuine concern for saving the planet.
4. Maurice Strong: Trudeau’s Right-Hand Man
If the entire globalist green environmental movement, including UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, can be attributed to one man, it would arguably be Canadian businessman and diplomat Maurice Strong [with emphasis added].
“If the United Nations stands for anything, it is the supposed triumph of mankind’s rational, humanistic mind over the dull biases of the past, especially religious fanaticism–correct? And so who would guess the UN’s most hallowed mission–that of saving the planet–was underwritten by an exposed con artist claiming inspiration from a “burning bush” spurring him to action? In fact, the person most associated with the early green movement is Maurice Strong, chief architect of Agenda 21–a Marxist opportunist scoundrel of the first order.”
The descriptive passage from above about Maurice Strong was written by Kelly O’Connell of Canada Free Press (CFP) in his article Weird Details of the United Nation’s Creepy, Cult-Like Environmental Religion.
In his scathing piece, he dubs him Mo Strong noting that the Canadian-born, multi-billionaire is “arguably the brains behind modern environmentalism–aka global warming, sustainable development, and the conviction mankind/ capitalism must be amputated before the earth dies.”
And despite being a high-school dropout, he notes his various stints in the corporate world which includes high-level posts such as Vice-President of Dome Petroleum, head of Ajax Petroleum, Chairman & Managing Director at Caltex Africa, President of Power Corporation of Canada, even leader heading Hydro Canada and Petro Canada – at the request of Pierre Trudeau in 1976. Strong also headed Ontario Hydro, one of North America’s largest power utilities.
Needless to say, Maurice Strong made a fortune working in the petroleum industry which is in clear contradiction to his purported environmental stance.
I will highlight more of the author’s interesting and relevant observations on Mo Strong in the next sub-section of this post.
But for now, it is worthy of noting that Maurice Strong was appointed Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in early 1970.
Five months after the full meeting which took place in Montebello, on September 15 of 1971 at the UN headquarters in New York City, Maurice Strong, the Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, showed then UN Secretary-General U. Thant the poster design for the Conference on the Human Environment which would take place in Stockholm Sweden in 1972.
In 1971 in the lead up to the conference, Strong had worked on behalf of the Conference’s Preparatory Committee from which the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (full text here) would be borne.

Maurice Strong showing the upcoming Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Notice the logo on the document which would eventually become the official logo of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Photo source: United Nations Historical Archive.
4.1 Only One Earth: UN Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm June 5-16, 1972
The Only One Earth conference (click to view the official UN video) represents a truly pivotal point in the green-environmental globalist movement.

Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Conference, answering a question put to him by a correspondent during a press conference held at the Old Parliament Building at the U.N. Conference on Human Environment (5-16 June, 1972) on June 4, 1972. Photo source: United Nations.
As Wikipedia notes, the Stockholm Conference (officially the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment) established the environment as part of an international development agenda. It led to the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and the election of Maurice Strong to head it.
In 1983 Maurice Strong also became a commissioner of the UN sub-agency World Commission on Environment and Development that aimed to unite countries in the pursuit of sustainable development.
As Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio de Janeiro Conference or the Earth Summit, Strong set the stage for yet another pivotal milestone in the environmental movement.
Agenda 21 (now the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development – commonly known simply as Agenda 2030), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as well as the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol emerged from the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio.
Both the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol served as the framework upon which the entire Climate Change narrative would spearhead the purported need to limit greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
And since 1995, the United Nations Climate Change Conferences – dubbed COP (Conference of the parties) – have been held on a yearly basis, including the infamous Paris Agreement, or COP21.
The last meeting, COP29 (see also Alex Newman on USAWatchdog), took place jat the end of 2024 in Azerbaijan.
4.2 Maurice Strong and his New Age, New World Order Cult
Returning to Kelly O’Connell’s article on Mo Strong – whom he labels as the “Envoy of the Antichrist”, he notes that his “dark side is eminently obvious from his evil ideas behind the modern environmental movement.”
He continues that his true character was revealed by his involvement in the Iraqi oil-for-food scam – by the United Nations which involved bribes, kickbacks, fraud, smuggling, stories of graft involving tens of billions of dollars and countless barrels of oil, implicating big business and high officials in dozens of countries.
“Strong accepted a personal cheque for nearly $1-million (U.S.) that was drawn on a Jordanian bank and came from a controversial international businessman who was working closely with the Iraqi regime, an inquiry into the UN’s scandal-ridden oil-for-food program has found,” noted the Globe and Mail back in 2005 on the matter.
“Investigations into the UN’s Oil-for-Food-Program found that Strong had endorsed a cheque for $988,885 made out to M. Strong — issued by a Jordanian bank. The man who gave the cheque, South Korean business man Tongsun Park, was convicted in 2006 in a US Federal court of conspiring to bribe UN officials. Strong resigned and fled to Canada and thence to China where he has been living ever since,” further noted Quadrant, an Australian political journal.

“We observe evil in Strong’s hypocritical use of capitalism to amass a fortune while claiming he’d like to destroy the world’s free markets–enslaving the globe’s population to the state,” O’Connell further adds.
Hypocrisy indeed.
He then dives into the “religious elements” of the United Nations’ Environmental Mission, as per the tenets devised in its infamous Agenda 21, the predecessor to Agenda 2030.
Central to these religious elements, we have the Ark of Hope which carries the Earth Charter (Humanist Ten Commandments).
For the Ark of Hope, O’Connell writes [with emphasis added]:
“Let’s not forget that the UN’s religious pretensions are a mask for socialism, as both are revealed in Agenda 21, the environmental platform meant to force the world to accept “sustainable development.” It is with this background that the importance of dispensing of biblical religions becomes paramount–since the Bible is the source book which released freedom into the modern world.
The Ark of Hope is a cheesy and presumptuous copy of the original Israeli Ark of the Covenant which housed the Ten Commandments that Moses received from God and carried down from Mt Sinai. This is meant to disrespect the original and also wipe out biblical religion.
The Ark of Hope, a 49″ x 32″ wooden chest, was created as a place of refuge for the Earth Charter document, an international peoples treaty for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. The Ark of Hope also provides refuge for the Temenos Books, Images and Words for Global Healing, Peace, and Gratitude. The Earth Charter’s 16 principles are the guiding vision behind the creation of these books. The Ark of Hope was created for a celebration of the Earth Charter held at Shelburne Farms, Vermont on September 9, 2001.”
It’s interesting that this ark was revealed two days before the events of September 11, 2001.
The following month, partisans of the Earth Charter carried the Ark of Hope at the United Nations in New York City where it was exposed as a symbol of hope and peace.
Canadian author Guy Boulianne notes on page 169 of his book La Société fabienne: les maîtres de la subversion démasqués (English: The Fabian Society: The Masters of Subversion Unmasked) that the Earth Charter was hatched by the Earth Council Institute which Strong founded in 1992 alongside none other than Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, with fellow globalists David Rockefeller and Al Gore.
It should also be noted that the Earth Charter emerged from the Earth Charter Commission which was presided over by Steven C. Rockefeller, son of former U.S. Vice-President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller.
More recently, COP27 which took place in Sinai, Egypt back in 2022 brought about the New Ten Commandments of Climate Change.
- We are stewards of this world
- Creation manifests divinity
- Everything in life is interconnected
- Do no harm
- Look after tomorrow
- Rise above ego for our world
- Change our inner climate
- Repent and return
- Every action matters
- Use mind, open heart
They never fail to reinvent themselves and their knavery.
Central to Maurice Strong’s globalist and New Age leanings we find his subtle penchant for depopulation.
This veiled stance was readily apparent in his 1972 interview with the BBC in which he recalls having proposed that human beings should obtain a license to reproduce (have children).
Yes, you read that correctly.
Here is what he said during that interview (verbatim):
“Now, licenses to have babies – something that um I got in trouble for some uh years ago for uh suggesting even in Canada that this might be necessary at some point, or some at least restriction on the uh on the right to have a child.”
You can watch it hereunder:
Need more be said about the man whom Canadian media described as Pierre Trudeau’s favourite businessman?
5. Who are the Trudeaus exactly? Rewind to learn about their family lineage & close ties
To better understand the mindset of leaders or persons of influence, it is primordial to revisit their respective backgrounds. Exploring their ancestral roots, family connections, where they pursued their studies, their travels, and who influenced them all serve to paint a more accurate portrait of who exactly we are dealing with.
Doing so with Pierre Trudeau and his son Justin helps us to better understand their rationales and motives behind their time in office.
So, let us explore this avenue, largely focusing on Trudeau Sr. since his own ideals were surely infused in his son’s own psyche.
5.1 Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s Socialist/Communist leanings
Given his European lineage and significant business and political ties, it would perhaps come as little surprise as to why Pierre Trudeau, Justin’s father, would eventually become Prime Minister of Canada.
Before getting into his ancestors and power relationships, it is worthwhile to get a feel for the young Pierre.
In the years following the Great Depression, the Trudeaus were well-to-do enough to skirt the destitute plight of the down and out commoners.
“The Trudeau family’s months in Europe during the summer of 1933 were a time of exploration and independence for the adolescent Pierre.
The Depression had also seized Europe, and the continent was witnessing the awakening of fascist political forces. In Germany, Pierre heard the revving of Nazi soldiers’ motorcycles and in Italy he stood in the square and saw the balcony from which Benito Mussolini had mesmerized crowds of Roman citizens. – Trudeau Albums, The Contrarian 1919 to 1949”
After his summer in Europe, Pierre returned to the classical private Jesuit Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montreal to pursue his studies.
Without getting too immersed into the weeds of his education and philosophical formations, suffice it to say that Pierre’s post-secondary studies consisted of a focus on political science at some of the most prestigious institutions, including as Harvard University, l’école libre des sciences politiques in Paris, and the London School of Economics.
Trudeau’s tutelage at the London School of Economics is particularly noteworthy and cannot be underestimated, as it is very well known that practically all of its staff since it foundation in 1895 have been staunch Fabian Socialists.
For those unfamiliar, Fabian Socialists are really Communists at their core.
For over a century, they have developed their political base largely through trade and labour unions, thus amassing a significant voter base upon which to rule.
Fabians from Britain were the principal actors behind the 1917 Russian Revolution which was, in a nutshell, an operation to install Communism, weaken the country, and destroy Christianity in the process.
The Labour Party in the United Kingdom was spearheaded by Fabian Socialists in order to promote their Socialist (Communist) ideology.
For a modern sampling of this destructive ideology, look no further than those promulgated by their Labour Party Leader and current Prime Minister Sir Ker Starmer.
For those who can read French, I again would highly recommend the book La Société fabienne: les maîtres de la subversion démasqués (English: The Fabian Society: The Masters of Subversion Unmasked) by the aforementioned Guy Boulianne; for, it meticulously documents the Fabian Society’s origins and founders, its principal architects, and devious underpinnings or philosophies.
For those who can’t read French, there’s a mini-documentary in English, Understanding the Fabian Window, by Truthstream Media that can give you a feel for the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing group.
The reason I spend a little while on the introduction about Fabian Socialists is because one of the principal means by which it churns out its operatives is via The London School of Economics (LSE) which Pierre attended.
There is no doubt that much of his ideological, philosophical, and political beliefs stem from his time at the Fabian educational institution.
While Pierre Trudeau came across as an advocate for individual rights (likely due to his tutelage by Emmanuel Mounier in Paris who was a key founder of the personalist movement), his true Socialist (Communist) political ideology comes from his time at LSE.
Trudeau attended the LSE from 1949 to 1951 to study Economics.
Other notable alumni from the LSE include David Rockefeller, George Soros, Kristalina Georgieva (current Managing Director of the IMF), Ursula von der Leyen (current President of the European Commission)
At the LSE, Trudeau was inculcated to espouse the mantras of the welfare state which consisted of the Fabian tenets of the UK Labour Party and its ilk. More specifically, he was deeply influenced by British Economist Harold Laski who was a prominent figure at the school during that period.
Laski, a Zionist, espoused Marxist ideology, and had served as the Chairman of the British Labour Party from 1945 to 1946, just after World War II.
“Postwar London was a hotbed of socialist and liberal ideals,” notes author Sara Borins in her book Trudeau Albums.
And there is little doubt that Pierre sought to replicated these ideals in his native Canada.
Interestingly, Borins’ book also emphasises Trudeau’s “Revolutionary Voyage” in the Spring of 1948 in which the future PM set out on a year-long journey that took him through Eastern Europe, Israel, the Middle East, India, Indochina, China, and Hong Kong.
“His journey was initiated by the need to complete is yet-unfinished Harvard doctoral thesis on the interplay between the doctrines of Christianity and Marxism,” Borins further reveals.
In his two stints as PM, first between 1968 to 1979 and then from 1980 to 1984, Pierre Trudeau not only reshaped Canada’s political landscape, but also its Individualist-Socialist-Marxist liberal social mores.
These were not only continued under the reign of his son Justin, but amplified to extreme levels, as has been painfully demonstrated throughout his rule (from 2015 to 2025).
Lastly, it is no secret that Pierre Trudeau, like his son Justin, admired the communist regime in China. In fact, Pierre met Chairman Mao twice in person.
In recent years, it was revealed that the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation had received a substantial donation by Chinese billionaire Zhang Bin who is a business magnate and political strategist for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), causing a scandal within the Liberal Party with regards to Chinese political influence in Canada and the foundation itself.
More specifically, the current Prime Minister of Canada and the Liberal Party are still holding secret the 11 Members of Parliament (MPs) who have received covert Chinese funds, sparking outrage on Social Media and across the country and causing worries about national security.
5.2 Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s Power Ties
Pierre Trudeau’s political and business ties are too numerous to dive into. So, I will just mention some (other than Maurice Strong) that worthy of perusal.
Like with other Prime Ministers in Brian Mulroney and Paul Martin, Pierre Trudeau had strong connections to the powerful super-elite Desmarais family which is closely linked to Rockefeller interests.
Paul Desmarais Jr. and André Desmarais (a current member of the Trilateral Commission whose spouse is France Chrétien, daughter of former PM Jean Chrétien) are key figures in the Power Corporation of Canada, a financial services, insurance, and wealth management behemoth.
Paul Desmarais Jr. was the Chairman and co-CEO of Power Corporation of Canada from 1996 to 2020. His father was Paul Desmarais Sr., a Canadian financier, business magnate, philanthropist, and previous Chairman and CEO of the same company.
The Desmarais family invested in Rockefeller Capital Management in April 2023, providing $622 million from IGM Financial Inc. in exchange for a 20.5% stake and two board seats.
Paul Desmarais Sr. and Pierre Trudeau were friends with the former being a firm supporter of the Prime Minister during his time in office.
As head of Power Corporation, Desmarais had significant influence over various sectors of the Canadian economy, including in media, insurance, and energy.
Moreover, he was a strong supporter of Trudeau’s political ideology, supporting various political and social causes.
Furthermore, Power Corporation controlled a number of media outlets through its subsidiary companies, notably including the La Presse newspaper which undoubtedly helped Pierre gain popularity early in his career, as exemplified during Trudeaumania.
The media empire owned by Power Corporation was often seen as sympathetic to the Liberal government during Trudeau’s tenure. This made Desmarais a key figure in Canadian media and a power player behind the scenes in Canadian politics.
As for when Pierre Trudeau retired from office, it should also be observed that he was a member of the International Advisory Board of Power Corporation of Canada from 1985 until 1994 where he leveraged his international experience and connections to benefit the conglomerate.
Pierre Trudeau was a member and speaker at the Economic Club of New York (ECNY) which he visited several times during his political career, often to address prominent business, political, and academic figures in the United States.
During this period, Pierre developed key relationships with some of the most influential figures in the U.S., namely Henry Kissinger (Klaus Schwab’s mentor), then the U.S. Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon, and David Rockefeller, the influential banker and philanthropist.
Along with other Presidents and power brokers, his son Justin was also a later speaker at the ECNY.
Finally, another important business tie with Trudeau consists of that of the Canadian Jewish Bronfman family who were, of course, famous for their Montreal-based Seagram beverages empire.
Though the Bronfman’s didn’t openly support either of the major political parties in Canada, they nevertheless maintained important connections in this regard, particularly during the Trudeau Sr. era.
Canadian culture, the arts, and philanthropy are some of the areas in which Pierre Trudeau and Charles Bronfman intersected, particularly given the fact that they both moved in similar elite circles in Canada and specifically in Montreal.
The above represent but a tiny sampling of Pierre’s power ties.
5.3 North American Colonizers: More on the Trudeaus & Justin
The ancestry of Justin Trudeau goes deep.
For the sake of brevity, I will just highlight a few notable ancestors who have left their mark on the North American continent.
Though the Trudeau family’s surname can be traced back to 16th century France, the lineage in North America was established by Étienne Truteau (1641–1712) in what is now Longueuil in Quebec province.
Étienne was an early French pioneer who emigrated to New France, which later became Canada where he helped colonise Longueuil and Saint-Lambert.
Étienne, a master stonemason and soldier in the 6th Squadron of the Militia de-la-Sainte-Famille, is also best known for his involvement in the 1662 battle against the Iroquois during the colony’s establishment.
He is considered the patronymic ancestor of the Trudeau family (Truteau) in North America.
Pierre’s father, Charles-Émile Trudeau (1887–1935), was the son of Joseph Trudeau (1848–1919), who was a direct descendant of Charles Laveau Trudeau (1743–1816).
Charles Laveau Trudeau, born in New Orleans in French Louisiana – an administrative district of New France, was a prominent figure in early Louisiana history, with connections to both the French and Spanish colonial administrations.
Interestingly, his granddaughter was Marie Laveau (or Laveaux / Lavaux), a renowned Voodoo priestess from the New Orleans’ French quarter.
These figures represent but a small, yet significant sampling of the complex Trudeau lineage.
As for more modern and wacky genealogical connections of the Trudeaus, we needn’t look any further than Justin’s famous cousins – which extend as far as to the current Queen consort of the United Kingdom, namely Queen Camilla Rosemary Shand, wife of King Charles III:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seated next to Queen consort Camilla and King Charles III during an official visit to Canada in 2022. Photo source: Chris Jackson/PA Archive via The Independent.
5.4 Justin Trudeau’s Net Worth & Investments
Like with all national “leaders,” who become quite wealthy during and after their respective political careers, Justin Trudeau certainly comes as no exception.
Justin and his siblings have inherited some of Pierre’s wealth. His current net worth is estimated on the lower end at C$10 million, and possibly as high as C$100 million (as of 2024) according to some sources, which is no small potatoes. I would add a caveat that some of the figures in these sources are not sufficiently referenced, and are thus difficult to fully corroborate.
Nevertheless, let us have a look at some of the assets amassed by the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada over the years.
Though his exact net worth is difficult to fully determine since some of his assets have been placed in a blind trust, some of them are verifiable.
Back in 2014, it was declared that Justin is a co-beneficiary of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Trust; but the precise assets and amounts in this trust are likely strictly confidential, given the nature of this type of investment vehicle.
As for his salary earned over his tenure as PM (since 2015) we can ballpark his revenue at a yearly figure over C$360,000 which includes the salary earned a member of Parliament for Papineau (excluding housing, car/transportation/travel, food, and other monthly allowances).
Justin Trudeau also owns a stake in at least three corporations (numbered companies), but his share worth in these investments cannot be presently determined, nor can the nature of the businesses themselves.
In terms of a personal residence, some sources say that back in 2007 Trudeau and his then wife Sophie Grégoire did purchased a family home in Ottawa’s Rockcliffe Park neighbourhood for $1.2 million, but it is challenging to find official records that corroborate it.
Back in 2016, Justin and his brother inherited a country estate (family retreat) spanning about 50 hectares (about 123 acres) in the Laurentians valued at $2.7 million in 2016 (click the link for a video of the residence, archived here).
Given these facts, Justin Trudeau’s true wealth is certainly much higher than what is publicly available.
The 2016 Panama Papers
The 2016 Panama Papers leak scandal reported on by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) revealed offshore holdings of 140 politicians and public officials from around the world with Justin Trudeau connections figuring among its tax dodgers.

The Guardian’s November 5, 2017 article Revealed: Justin Trudeau’s close adviser helped move huge sums offshore has exposed how Justin’s close advisor and childhood friend, Stephen Bronfman, used his family’s investment businesses in a complex web of entities across multiple jurisdictions to evade, or at least avoid, taxes.
“Stephen Bronfman, heir to the Seagram fortune, who was instrumental in Trudeau’s successful bid for the leadership of the Canadian Liberal party in 2013 and the premiership two years later, engaged through his family investment business in a complex web of entities in the US, Israel and the Cayman Islands. Multimillion-dollar cashflows between the three jurisdictions might legally have avoided taxes in the US, Canada and Israel.
The leaked documents unveil a close relationship between two wealthy families who collaborated to shift millions of dollars to the Cayman Islands. On one side were the Bronfman family, inheritors of the Seagram distillery fortune in Montreal.”
The Guardian article also explained how Stephen Bronfman had raised $2 million for Trudeau’s leadership campaign and was rewarded by being made the Liberal party’s chief fundraiser with a seat on its national executive.
It also states that Bronfman runs Claridge, the Montreal-based investment private equity firm set up by his father, Charles Bronfman, to manage the vast wealth of the Seagram liquor empire.
One of Claridge’s clients was the Cayman Islands-based trust of Leo Kolber, Stephen Bronfman’s godfather and predecessor as chief fundraiser of the Liberal party who for decades was in charge of the Bronfman family’s investments.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Kolber was appointed to the Canadian senate (for Victoria, Quebec) in 1983 by none other than Pierre Trudeau, serving until January of 2004.
Wikipedia’s Stephen Bronfman page states that he is the current Chief Revenue Officer of the Liberal Party of Canada and a senior advisor to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Bronfman is listed as the Revenue Chair on the Liberal Party’s National Board of Directors page.
Given the revelations from the Panama Papers, the fact that Bronfman is still active as the Liberal Party’s Revenue Chair certainly raises some conflict of interests issues, not to mention some really bad optics.
Though Justin Trudeau publicly stated back in 2016 that he does not hold assets or investments in offshore havens amidst his lack of transparency on issues such as what exactly is held in his blind trust, among other financial affairs such as with his stakes in numbered companies, one can easily question whether he is really being honest.
Regardless, such statements are rather ironic, if not laughable, given that at the time Justin Trudeau stated “It is absolutely unacceptable that there be people not paying their fair share of taxes,” when his close advisor Stephen Bronfman was caught lying about it and is a key shareholder of Claridge Israel LLC, a Delaware company that was owed more than $8 million by the Kolber Trust which was set up for former Liberal Sen. Leo Kolber and his family in the no-tax Cayman Islands.
There are many more details to this sickening affair which, if you can stomach it, you can read about in the ICIJ’s Paradise Papers investigation’s Canada’s Elite: Justin Trudeau’s chief fundraiser linked to offshore tax maneuvers page.
The Trudeau – Acuitas Therapeutics-COVID-19 Controversy
Back in late-2021, there was a lot of online speculation as to whether or not Justin Trudeau or the Trudeau Foundation held shares in Acuitas Therapeutics Inc., a private Canadian biotechnology company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and was thus a beneficiary to hefty profits.
Initial claims came from prominent, outspoken doctors during the Covid-19 Pandemic, namely Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. David Martin.
Acuitas Therapeutics had developed the Lipid nanoparticles, a key ingredient for the experimental Covid-19 mRNA shots produced by Pfizer for which they held a licensing agreement.
As reported in the National Post in February of 2022, the CEO of Acuitas Therapetucs, Thomas Madden, issued a statement that “neither Prime Minister Trudeau nor the Trudeau Foundation owns or has owned shares or any part or percentage of the company… There is no connection between the prime minister and/or the Trudeau Foundation and Acuitas Therapeutics.”
As Acuitas Therapeutics is a privately held company Madden’s statement cannot be fully corroborated without a proper probe or investigation by authorities.
Moreover, the fact that the Prime Minister had ordered no less than 80 million doses from Pfizer in 2021 alone and 35 million boosters for 2022 and 30 million for 2023 – much more than what would apparently have been needed for the entire Canadian population rightfully raises suspicion regarding Trudeau’s motives for such excessive amounts of doses which have cost north of a whopping C$9 billion.
What is additionally suspect, is that on January 4, 2022, Dr. Pieter Cullis, the Co-Founder of Acuitas Therapeutics, received the prestigious Order of Canada which is one of the nation’s highest honours by Mary Simon who is the current Governor General of Canada.
While it is next to impossible to determine whether or not Justin Trudeau or the Trudeau foundation does indeed have investments in Acuitas Therapeutics and in the absence of a proper investigation, it nevertheless remains important to call attention to the facts from above in the hopes that further information on the matter may come to light.
6. Like Father, Like Son
Though we find a three decade reprieve between the reigns of Pierre and Justin, the damage inflicted on Canada and on Canadians by the pair is incalculable – both monetarily and in terms of human suffering.
Trudeau Sr. sold us out in the early 1970s to globalists interests as outlined in this work along with his treasonous subservience to the private banking cabal.
Social and Economic policies continued by his Socialist son have further caused near irreparable damage to Canada which will take decades to repair, if at all reparable.
What follows in this section is merely a sampling of Justin’s continuation of his father’s cultish, if not Satanic, depopulation agenda masquerading as a benevolent mission to save the planet from climate catastrophe.
Coerced, blackmailed, brownstoned, or whatever shady levers of power the globalists have used to maintain their hold on Justin, this skullduggery has held our nation hostage for way too long, and at least, thank God, the Trudeau reign is coming to its conclusion in 2025.

“Yes step-father, I will continue implementing your Communist regime just like my real father would.”
6.1 Climate Scamming in 2019: Oh yes, Greta!

Screenshot of The Montreal Gazette’s September 28, 2019 online article As it happened – 500,000 in Montreal climate march led by Greta Thunberg. The caption for the photograph show reads: “Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau greets Swedish climate change teen activist Greta Thunberg before a climate strike march in Montreal, Quebec, Canada September 27, 2019. Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV /REUTERS”
Amidst a “climate strike,” on Friday September 27, 2019 in the streets of Montreal, Justin Trudeau took part in a march led by Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg.
In their 15-minute meeting together, Thunberg told Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau that he was “not doing enough to protect the environment from the threat of runaway climate change.”
In a subsequent press conference, Trudeau pledged a $3 billion climate fund which included a tree-planting initiative.
That’s a lot power for a little teen girl from a far away land, wouldn’t you say?
It is now clearer than ever that Greta Thunberg has been used as a tool of the elite to push the climate change hoax.
Like her parents, she is a Freemason and has been repeatedly unable to justify her stances on so-called climate change, as was the case at the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Davos meeting.

Climate Activist Greta Thunberg showing her fellowship and allegiance to Freemasonry (all seeing eye). The photo on the right is her as a child with her Masonic parents.
What is even more hypocritical of the event held in Montreal is the 2016 assertion by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that commercial aviation accounted for two percent of global greenhouse emissions.
I say hypocritical because it is because of the geoengineering policies adopted by the airline industry (through the ICAO) to purportedly help mitigate climate change that has actually caused C02 emissions to rise, as per findings of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Screenshot from page 3 of the briefing paper published by the Royal Aeronautical Society called CONTRAILS AND CONTRAIL MANAGEMENT, Greener by Design Specialist Group from April 2023.
But hey, they do, after all, need a premise to force airline passengers to pay for this $5 trillion carbon cleanup mess they have created in the first place.
6.2 Climate Scamming in 2020: WEF, Please help!
As Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party had been introducing unpopular taxes on carbon emissions to help mitigate the alleged impacts of Climate Change, he employed Machiavellian means to justify them.
Among them, as reported on by the Counter Signal in October of 2023, the Liberals paid the World Economic Forum (WEF) to produce a report to help justify imposing even harsher carbon taxes.
Specifically, the WEF’s report titled The Future Of Nature And Business states the following:
“Ultimately, to make nature-positive models investable, explicitly pricing in and articulating environmental cost factors to penalize unsustainable practices – such as through carbon taxes, for example – will be a game changer.” (page 94)”
“Just months later, in December 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a significant hike in his government’s carbon tax scheme — one that would raise the tax on fuels to $170 a tonne by 2030,” Mike Campbell from the Counter Signal further reported on the matter.
Needless to say, to employ such deceptive means to steal money from Canadian taxpayers is abhorrent, if not criminal.
6.3 Climate Scamming in 2021: COP CONning in the UK
Becoming the global poster boy for the Great Climate Con, Trudeau Jr. Would make his father proud (either one) as he continued to show his true Communist red during the UN’s COP26 Climate Scam Conference in the United Kingdom, home of the British Crown from whence he receives his the vast majority of his marching orders.
As I previously reported on, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada and Under the Paris Agreement, countries are required to submit national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), every five years.
And Canada’s extremely ambitious and unrealistic target for 2030 was stated as follows:
“Canada’s target up until today was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Yesterday, Prime Minister Trudeau announced a target of 40-45% reductions below 2005 levels by 2030.”
Accordingly, Canada’s commitment to these levels were cemented by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the United Nations Climate Change Conference UK 2021 (COP26).

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) UK 2021 [43:33 to 48:53 mark]. AUTHOR NOTE (2023-07-11): The UNCC have removed this video (it might still be hidden somewhere here); however, the Trudeau’s segment can still be seen on YouTube via the following link.
Here are excerpts from Trudeau’s full speech [with emphasis added and lies included]:
“Canada is warming, on average, twice as quickly as the rest of the world. And in our north, it’s three times quicker.”
“The science is clear. We must do more, and faster…We’ve already laid the groundwork. In 2015 at the COP in Paris, I committed that Canada would put a price on pollution…And Canadians supported it, in our last two elections.”
“We know, pollution pricing is key to getting emissions down while getting innovation up and running. Our carbon price trajectory is one of the most globally ambitious ones. And it’s rising to $170 a ton in 2030. This is a meaningful price on pollution designed not just to make life cleaner, but also make life more affordable and less expensive for Canadians.”
“…Just as globally we agreed to a minimum corporate tax, we must work together to ensure it is no longer free to pollute anywhere in the world. That means establishing a shared minimum standard for pricing pollution.”
“Of course, what’s even better than pricing emissions, is ensuring they don’t happen in the first place. Which brings me to my next major commitment: we’ll cap oil & gas sector emissions today and ensure they decrease tomorrow at a pace and scale needed to reach net zero by 2050. That’s no small task for a major oil & gas producing country. It’s a big step that’s absolutely necessary.”
[in French]:“C’est pourquoi le Canada s’est fixé comme objectif de vendre uniquement des voitures zéro-émissions et d’établir un réseau d’émission d’électricité à être émissions-nettes-zéro d’ici 2035.” translated to English: “That’s why Canada has set a goal of selling only zero-emission cars and establishing an electricity emissions network to be net-zero emissions by 2035.”
There are four main takeaways from Trudeau’s gloomy and very dishonest speech:
- Pollution (emissions) will be priced;
- Canada’s oil & gas sector will essentially become extinct by 2050;
- Net zero (the equivalent of zero CO2 emissions) is an unyielding goal to be met by 2050;
- New gas-powered cars and diesel-powered trucks will be completely prohibited in less than 13 years.
Are you getting a taste of just how destructive these commitments are?
6.4 Climate Scamming in 2022: Carbon-Tax me harder baby!
As if what you’ve just read in the sub-sections above wasn’t enough, Trudeau and his then Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced in their 2022 federal budget that to attain their net zero economy by 2050:
“Canada will need between $125 billion and $140 billion of investment every year over that period.”
Yes, you read that correctly – and it can be verified in their budget document.

That’s $125-140 billion dollar EACH AND EVERY YEAR folks!
Are you starting to comprehend why basically everything in Canada has been increasingly expensive?
And according to Canadian energy expert Allan MacRae, zero dollars of these carbon taxes actually get earmarked for efforts to clean up the environment.
Rather, they are simply added as taxation revenue to the federal government’s coffers!
And who knows how many of these carbon tax billions are being funnelled to globalists outfits such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and The Global Fund on a yearly basis.
6.5 Climate Scamming in 2023: Just Transition Me already!
Apart from paying hundreds of billions through carbon taxes, we must also not exclude the lost energy sector-related revenues which figure in the hundreds of billions.
As I noted in an earlier article, Canada is missing out on very lucrative opportunities, particularly with regards to the ongoing ban on Russian oil and gas in Europe. Canada, as a European-friendly nation, could be providing these resources to countries that are desperately seeking them. But Trudeau’s destructive net zero, full insanity, policies have forsaken what could have been a golden opportunity to capitalise on the energy crisis in Europe.
Another, perhaps much larger, missed opportunity for Canada was with the Keystone pipeline, originating from Alberta towards the American heartland, which would have provided our energy-hungry neighbours to the south with crude oil they need along with significant revenues for our country.
In lockstep with Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which boasts $430-billion green energy subsidies, Trudeau, with his Just Transition bill, is moving away from an oil-based economy by “helping workers and communities thrive in a net-zero carbon economy.”
The term “Just Transition” generally refers to policies that ensure the shift from carbon-based industries like oil and gas to low-carbon alternatives such as wind and solar.
While Just Transition is not a formal bill or law, its policies are still in development across many sectors of the Canadian economy.
In addition, shuttering the oil and gas sector is leading to thousand of lost jobs in addition to the thousands that would be created should we be ridden of net zero fairy tales.
6.6 Climate Scamming in 2024: Justin’s own Right-Hand Man
Amidst what has surely been his most unpopular year as Prime Minister, Trudeau continued to double-down and triple-down on his Climate Change narratives in 2024.
“Just watch me!” must have been the prevailing thought resonating in Justin’s mind last year on his unswerving Climate Change posture, in obvious reference to Pierre’s own narcissistic psyche.
It must be stressed that Justin was not alone pushing climate doom; for, he had heaps of help from members of his Cabinet, including the Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, in addition to staunch, not-at-all-compromised, globalist bankster and UN Special Envoy on on climate action and climate finance Mark Carney (more to come on him in a future extensive Exposé I will be publishing soon).
Moreover, just like Trudeau Sr. had his right-hand man in Maurice Strong propagating the Global Climate Hoax, Trudeau Jr.’s own henchman in Steven Guilbeault – the notoriously relentless climate scammer who poses as Minister of Environment and Climate Change and who has previously been arrested for his eco-terrorism – does a lot of the Crime Minister’s bidding.

Steven Guilbeault in the orange jumpsuit on the right arrested and led by officials from the CN Tower in Toronto on July 16, 2001. Photo source: Aaron Harris/The Canadian Press via the CBC.
Like clockwork, Guilbeault can be seen relentlessly gaslighting the Canadian public via his X account on a daily basis.
His level of deception, lies and thievery is commensurate to Tavistok Institute-level propaganda.
Guilbeault, therefore, must not be forgotten in his years of complicity for the continuation of the decades-long implementation of the Club of Rome’s initial vision for humanity.
Looking at the damage that has been caused to Canada and other countries in the past several decades, it is hard to argue that their plan has not been successful.
Au contraire, not only have they decimated Western democracies’ economies through the implementation of their destructive climate- and energy-related policies, but they have also managed to reduced life expectancy and spur depopulation efforts while doing so.
Furthermore, Trudeau Jr. has demonstrated egotistical tendencies akin to those of his father.
Specifically, he has done so through years of virtue-signalling his woke ideology, stubbornly clinging to power despite being the most unpopular Prime Minister in the history of the Liberal Party – which stretches back a century and a half, it must be said.
Many, including his half-brother contend that Justin Trudeau is blackmailed and takes his marching orders from higher globalist powers such as with the WEF, Bilderberg, and the Council on Foreign Relations, serving their interests and sought agendas.
7. Allegations of Pierre Trudeau being an Abusive Pedophile
There have been more than one allegation of abusive pedophilic behaviour on the part of Pierre Trudeau.
First, we had the first-hand accounts of former MKUltra mind control victim Cathy O’Brien who who wrote a book called TRANCE Formation Of America about her experiences which included being subjected to sexual abuse by Pierre Trudeau. If you want to see her precise allegations, all you need to do is search the PDF of the book for the key word “Trudeau,” and what you will discover will turn your stomach.
While claims made by O’Brien have been mostly brushed off as conspiracy theory, similar allegations have recently surfaced.
To wit, during a very recent (November 25, 2024) PBD Podcast, former child sex-slave victim Anneke Lucas revealed that in 1972, then Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau wished to kill (sacrifice) her.
In the related segment of the interview, Lucas explained (verbatim):
“About [Pierre] Trudeau, I said that I could never please him as long as was alive. That’s how scary that was.
It means that he couldn’t kill me because at that point I was not a throwaway child.
And he scared me enough so that I then tell [David] Rockefeller that that’s what he wants – a child to kill.
Then you understand that the next time he can, if he wants to use that, he can use it.”
Accordingly, even though these are considered allegations, one has to wonder the extent to which truth lies therein, along with all its ugly implications.
What are your thoughts on the Trudeaus and the damage they have done to Canada, the Club of Rome, the Great Climate Scam, or anything else exposed in this essay? Please write them in the Comments section below.
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