DARPA’s Ties to the NIH, Flunky Fauci, and COVID

The deep state cover-up continues unabated

Rand Paul Review

May 21, 2024

Was DARPA collaborating with Fauci on the COVID-19 virus?

In 2017, DARPA declined to fund Fauci’s offshore COVID project conducted in Wuhan, China. As Rand Paul details, Fauci requested that DARPA support the DEFUSE project, funded by NIH and directed by Peter Daszak’s Eco Health. Fauci wanted to insert a furin cleavage site into coronavirus but DARPA said no with a caveat. DARPA was one of the 15 federal agencies that Rand Pual recently discovered were complicit in either helping to create a bioweapon in the form of Coronavirus, or fully knowing what Fauci and the NIH were up to.

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Why Did DARPA Say No?

What’s a furin cleavage, and why would DARPA pause on giving Fauci permission to conduct this type of research when they were already doing gain–of-function research too (which makes a virus more deadly and spread more easily)? A furin cleavage makes a virus like COVID transmissible from one living entity to another. Though trials were conducted on animals like ferrets, the idea was to get COVID to spread more easily among people

Though DARPA denied the furin request, they left it open to potential exploration in the future, according to documents that detail the denial:

 “The DEFUSE proposed project by EHA was rejected by DARPA, although “if funding became available”, certain components of particular interest could have gone ahead, subject to a clear contractual Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) risk mitigation plan that ‘includes a responsible communications plan’.”

Incidentally, two years later, a furin cleavage site study began in Wuhan under Fauci and Peter Daszak’s direction. 

The DEFUSE project was pitched to 15 different government agencies, which all knew that Fauci was basically creating a bioweapon. 

In April 2024, Rand Paul wrote an op-ed piece for FOX News detailing the 15 agencies who knew what Fauci was up to but never sounded the alarm. Paul writes:

“For years, I have been fighting to obtain records from dozens of federal agencies relating to the origins of COVID-19 and the DEFUSE project. Under duress, the administration finally released documents that the DEFUSE project pitched to at least 15 agencies in January 2018.”

DARPA was very clued into what Fauci and Daszak were up to. In their refusal letter, they state that the scientists who had been working on the bats infected with SARSr (corona)  from the Yunnan caves. “ Their proposed preemption approaches can rapidly be validated using bat and “batenized” mouse models.”

DARPA also launched a program in 2017 that focused on rapid discovery, and testing for DNA- and RNA-encoded medical countermeasures against infectious disease. This was started under the Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT) program that provided them with instructions on how to immediately produce protective antibodies for a possible threat.

Just two years into a four-year program, P3 worked with AbCellera Biologics (who worked with Eli Lilly), AstraZeneca, Duke University, and Vanderbilt University (who received a $4 million grant from NIH to study coronavirus), all of which magically came up with antibodies for COVID-19. As their documentation states, this process traditionally takes several years to complete. Why were they rushing to find antibodies while DNA and MRA-filled vaccines were being created? 

DARPA has also conducted experiments on virus transmissibility under its bioweapons arm for over a decade under the auspices that “biological warfare agents pose more than a hypothetical threat to U.S. military service members.” That’s odd when the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System VAERS system is now projecting more deaths from the coronavirus shot than the virus itself, with astounding numbers of events for military members specifically. 

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NIH Lies Again

VAERS is considered to be underreporting, but even if this isn’t verifiable, deaths from Covid-19 shots were 3X the number of deaths from all other types of vaccines combined since 1990. Funnily enough, the NIH also published a paper trying to discredit the deaths and adverse events being reported through VAERS, but it states an outright lie if we’re to believe the many military healthcare providers and military family members that have come forward discussing what they’re seeing with their own two eyes. NIH states, 

Reporting rates for death events were lower than the all-cause death rates expected in the general population. Trends in reporting rates reflected known trends in background death rates. These findings do not suggest an association between vaccination and overall increased mortality.”

This is patently false. 

As an example, Fort Bragg lost more than 80 soldiers from “sudden” and “unexplained” causes and stopped reporting these deaths to VAERS after June 2021, and the military’s own medical database called The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows at least a 1000% increase in medical issues since 2021. The Defense Department (DOD) has revealed that more than 3887 pilots triggered reporting that adverse events happened in connection with COVID-19 vaccines. This likely prompted the Federal Aviation Department to talk to their buddies at the DOD to stop requiring pilots to be vaccinated. 

Recall that in September 2021, Joe Biden signed an executive order requiring all federal employees and contractors to get vaccinated. American Airlines and Southwest didn’t fire anyone, but U.S. military members didn’t have a choice. 

These are just some of the adverse events reported on VAERS:

  • Deaths: 23,419
  • Permanently Disabled: 40,069
  • Pericarditis: 29,716
  • Severe allergic reactions: 38,603
  • Heart attack: 11,765
  • Miscarriage: 3,903

Did DARPA and the other 15 federal government agencies not anticipate such fallout from the COVID shots or did they know, and help facilitate COVID’s origins?

Is Corona Truly a Bioweapon?

A former researcher from the Wuhan lab says that coronavirus was absolutely created as a bioweapon. The NIH refutes this claim on their website.  However, are we to believe the NIH when they were under the directorship of Fauci, and we already know that Fauci lied about conducting gain-of-function research, and on top of that he was looking for a government agency to fund research for creating a more potent virus that would spread more easily from person to person? In the NIH’s denial, they don’t come right out and say that the Chinese researcher’s claims are false they instead, through a word stew, state that several mainstream media publications refute the claim including BBC and Financial Times. Plausible deniability much? 

It is clear that Fauci went straight to DARPA to try to make his little experiment more transmissible.  The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a biological weapon as a virus or other biological agent that can cause an epidemic. They go on to say that these “unconventional weapons” can be considered a terrorist attack. You can draw your own conclusions from here. 





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