Fauci’s COVID Coverup #2. Without a natural origin, we would have trouble demanding hundreds of $ billions to get everyone up to speed to handle pandemics.

We would have little excuse to demand nations go into the bush and collect biological warfare agents for us, would we?

Meryl Nass

Oct 25, 2023

There would be no justification to demand nations go out and catch dangerous viruses (a.k.a. “Potential Pandemic Pathogens”) then work on them and share them and create vaccines and drugs against them, or perhaps turn them into better bioweapons agents—if pandemics come from labs, not spillover.

In 2018, Daszak and his friends were pushing a multibillion dollar effort that he and his buddies would lead to find 500,000 new viruses in the wild. It would make them all rich.

The pandemic treaty, for which negotiations began in 20221, took Daszak’s plan and cut him out, demanding that nations do the virus explorations, then ship them off to the WHO’s BioHUB, where they will be looked after ever so carefully, right?

Countries who went along with the Biosecurity Agenda, searched for pathogens, shared them, siigned up for warp-speed produced vaccines with no manufacturer liability, agreed to let the WHO make their public health decisions for them could eat at the pandemic trough. But we wanted tens of billions in the trough, and the measly developed countries are not kicking in enough. Guess the poor countries will have to borrow the rest. And pay it back with interest. But we will give them a very long term, so the money won’t come due till most of us are already dead. Sounds good, eh?

While the statement below is from the G20 meeting in September 2023, the U.N. has issued similar reports about building a new international financial system and loaning out tons more money, particularly to mitigate climate change and pandemics.

An excuse to loan big bucks to the poorer nations, to effect a future takeover of their resources, and a scheme to pay them to get them to help out finding the viruses for the next pandemic. No wonder Fauci and Farrar (007, License to Overdose) were so keen to get this whole lab thing covered up.

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