How To Celebrate Christmas

Yuletide greetings from Yuri featuring holy art, Billy Graham, and the story of my spiritual journey

Yuri Bezmenov

Dec 22, 2023

Comrades: Merry Christmas!

Botticelli - Adoration of the Magi (Zanobi Altar) - Uffizi.jpg

Adoration of the Magi – Boticelli, 1475

In March 2020, we left Karenland FUPAZ for several months to escape the COVID lockdowns. On Easter Sunday, I went for a hike. The trails were closed off with police tape, but I ignored them. Then a masked Karen started yelling at me to mask up and go home. For the first time, I felt demonic possession and mass formation psychosis. Hell is empty and all the devils are here; once you see them you can’t unsee them.

Adoration of the Shepherds – Stom, 1640

While resting at a babbling brook, I got goosebumps taking in its beauty in contrast to the ugliness I had just witnessed. Something supernatural spoke to me. The hair stood on the back of my neck. I felt compelled to learn more about Easter and Jesus Christ.

Christ Pantocrator – Arthur Kwon Lee, 2022

Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil - How to Visit, History, & Facts

Then I found Billy Graham. He changed my life. I am awestruck by how his sermons are more relevant today than ever before. Through his crusades around the world, he preached the gospel to more humans in person than anyone in the history of Christianity. His estimated lifetime audience including TV/radio exceeds 2 billion. When he passed away in 2018, he was the first religious leader and fourth private citizen to Lie in Honor in the Capitol. His voice and preaching style are unmatched. Most of the churches in our area are demoralized, so I watch his videos every Sunday instead.

Here are my favorite Billy Graham sermons:

I did not grow up in a religious family and never went to church. However, I hope to raise Baby Yulia in a holy way. Her arrival into the world was by far the most spiritual event I have ever experienced. I lost many earthly things this year, but gained a heavenly peace. It has given me joy and resilience that I never knew. Memes help too.

Meme – Woke Jesus Christ, 2022

The decline of Western civilization has followed the decline of Christianity. Several generations grew up in broken homes and schools with no moral foundation. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the secular cult of Current Thingism has filled the void. The masses now worship DEI, BLM, ESG, LGBTQ+, drugs, sportsball, Islam, video games, porn, and COVID fear porn through CCP TikTok sermons. Idolatry, blasphemy, degeneracy, and desecration are everywhere.

Once again, Yuri was right:

The most difficult and at the same time the simplest answer to the subversion, is to start it at the process of demoralization and even before. It’s to bring the society back to religion. Something that you cannot touch, or eat, or put on yourself. Something that rules society and preserves it. Have you ever met a person who would sacrifice his life, freedom for 2+2=4?. I never met someone who did. But millions sacrifice their life, freedom, comfort for things like God. Something which is not material moves society and helps it to survive. The moment we turn to this [2 + 2 = 4] and make it a guiding principle of our life and existence, we die. Even though this [math] is true and this [religion] you cannot prove.”

Nativity, 1644, Louvre

Nativity – La Tour, 1644

Christmas and Easter are about the birth and death of Jesus Christ. God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins. It is the greatest sacrifice ever made and the greatest story ever told. I cannot comprehend that level of agape love. Both holidays have strayed away from religious meaning towards commercialization and demoralization. Christmas is saturated with Black Friday consoomerism, Santa with reindeer, and Frosty the snowman; Easter is centered around bunnies, eggs, and chocolate.

Nativity by Giotto

Nativity – Giotto (1303)

In times of darkness, we must let the light within us shine brighter than ever. I pray for those who are more upset by the existence of this Substack than the darkness it shines a light upon.

Mary Margaret Olohan @MaryMargOlohan

Police in the UK arrest a woman for silently praying: “Are you praying?” “I might be praying in my head.”

4:05 PM ∙ Dec 22, 2022


Thank you for all your prayers and kind words for our Godson, who is in for the battle of his life against leukemia:

Yuri Bezmenov

Dec 10

Happy Hanukkah and Sabbath Day, Comrades. I would like to humbly request your prayers for our 3-year-old godson. He has been diagnosed with leukemia and will have to endure months of chemotherapy. Any advice on how to help him and his parents heal would also be appreciated.




Let us all pray that the world can rediscover the true spirit of Christmas.

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Merry Christmas to All, and to all a Good Night!

Share your favorite Christmas music in the comments. Find the God Note:

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By Yuri · Hundreds of paid subscribers

A dissident’s guide to modern urban progressive life through sarcasm, memes, and data.”


