Injectable Biosensors & Neural Dust

Conspiracy Theory until it isn’t.

Conspiracy Sarah

Sep 5, 2023

Peter and Ginger Breggin posted a substack yesterday, which I’ve included below, regarding their recent interview with with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. It coincided with exactly what I have been researching for this post.

Many, including myself, have been reluctant to address the conversation regarding hydrogels, nanotechnology, and their presence in the injectable bioweapons. Dr. Mihalcea has been one of the loudest voices in the arena.

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Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators

Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines, and Control

Audio Interview and Column We are now in the year 2023. Humans everywhere have been under assault and have been being attacked for four years. Increasing numbers of freedom-loving scientists and physicians fear humankind is on the brink of a mass extinction event. The health and life impact COVID…

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2 days ago · 69 likes · 58 comments · Peter and Ginger Breggin

As farfetched as the nanotechnology disclosures would have seemed to us three or four years ago, the evidence has been mounting, despite enormous efforts to suppress both the message and messengers, even within the health freedom movement. This is the looming dystopian drumbeat that we hear coming.

I’ve come to learn that anything that is met with intense opposition, especially from both sides, should be considered further. I won’t list all of the times that this strategy has proven beneficial to me, but I imagine most folks reading this stack will concur. Nanotech, hydrogels, graphene….these topics have been floating around for the entirety of the “pandemic”, and have been met with HARSH criticism and opposition from both the mainstream and the “medical freedom movement” “thought leaders”.

Astrid Stuckelberger was bounced off the stage by one, Dr. Ryan Cole, at the Pandemic Strategies Conference for bringing up graphene oxide in the injection.

Click photo to watch on Rumble.

To me, this is reminiscent of the vaccine arena, where The Science™ has no idea what causes autism, but is 100% sure that it’s not the childhood vaccines.

There is plenty of agreement that these injections are harmful. I think it’s also safe to say that most agree that good manufacturing practices were largely nonexistent. Also, everyone, save a few, are VERY sure that there is absolutely no graphene based hydrogel nanotechnology in these injections. If you mention any of this hydrogel, graphene, nanotech, you relinquish all credibility and solidly situate yourself with the lunatics.

I am NOT saying any of this stuff is in there.

I don’t have a way to look for myself.

And I don’t have red pants, so I have no way to know.

But I’ve been digging into several areas recently related to energy, power, and digital platforms. And I’ll say that it sure is VERY convenient to the continued Digital Prison Construction Project for Dr. Mihalcea and Dr. Stuckelberger to just be batshit crazy lunatics.

It’s impossible for graphene to be in there! Ryan Cole looked at 100 vials and didn’t see graphene. So there you go. It’s not in there. Just look at his pants. He knows.

And that would be listed on the package insert anyway….

Oh snap!

Click photo to view video on BitChute.

Ok friends….reminder, I am NOT saying that there are graphene based nanotech hydrogels in the injectable bioweapon.

But just for shits and giggles, let’s imagine what that might look like.

→ Oh look, here’s this dude from DARPA talking about it.

→ And here’s the patent. I’m sure that they aren’t using this stuff though.

The Injectable Biosensor – Profusa Lumee Oxygen Platform

Profusa’s unique bioengineering approach overcomes the largest hurdle in long-term use of biosensors in the body: the foreign body response. Approximately 5 mm long and 500 microns in diameter, each tiny biosensor is a soft, flexible fiber designed to be biologically compatible with the body’s tissues for continuous monitoring, while overcoming the effects of local inflammation or rejection. (Source: Profusa)

These sensors are created using a bioengineered “smart hydrogel,” which Profusa describes as a material similar to a contact lens. The hydrogel makes up a porous, tissue-integrating scaffold that, when applied, promotes capillary and cellular in-growth from surrounding tissue.

In case you didn’t read the preceding paragraph:

“These sensors are created using a bioengineered “smart hydrogel,” which Profusa describes as a material similar to a contact lens. The hydrogel makes up a porous, tissue-integrating scaffold that, when applied, promotes capillary and cellular in-growth from surrounding tissue.”

I think that Profusa might be a bunch of conspiracy theorists.

Someone should tell them that conspiracy theorists have been saying something, that sounds a hell of a lot like this, is in the bioweapon injections that a fuck ton of people were just coerced into taking. All over the world. Like, billions of people.

Oh, and then embalmers have been pulling these “clots” out of dead people.

Could “a porous, tissue-integrating scaffold that, when applied, promotes capillary and cellular in-growth from surrounding tissue” cause something that looks like this?

I’m not an expert, so I don’t know.

Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since ...

Probably not.

→ Here’s some more relevant info on Biosensors from 2018.

In order to overcome some of these challenges, a team of researchers from the lab of Ardemis Boghossian at EPFL engineered stable optical nanotube sensors using synthetic biology. The use of synthetic biology imparts increased stability to the optical biosensors, making them more suitable for use in biosensing applications in complex fluids such as blood or urine and even inside the human body.

“What we did was wrap nanotubes with ‘xeno’ nucleic acids (XNA), or synthetic DNA that can tolerate the variation in salt concentrations that our bodies naturally undergo, to deliver a more stable signal,” says Ardemis Boghossian.

The injectable nanosensor that will one day read your thoughts

A new kind of injectable biosensor might one day be able to read your thoughts or let you communicate with nothing but your mind. Researchers behind NeuroSWARM3say its gold-plated nanosensors, which are the size of a single viral particle, could travel through the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier. Once inside the brain they would act like a kind of antenna, turning neural activity into optical signals that could be wirelessly sent to an external device.

The fact that the technology operates at the nanoscale is what makes it incredible. Despite their tiny size, each nanosensor particle includes wireless power transfer, electronic translation of neural signals and broadcasting of those signals. And because the neurosensors can pass the blood-brain barrier, it means that it can be injected directly into the bloodstream.

“NeuroSWARM3 can convert thoughts (brain signals) to remotely measurable signals for high-precision brain-machine interfacing,” professor Ali Yanik said.

Ok, cool. To sum it all up…


There are patents and studies and papers and videos and our government was testing it on the military… but there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that any of that conspiracy stuff is in the covid injections… that in lieu of proper clinical trials, underwent a really fucking short demonstration…which was contracted by our government….oh, and they eliminated the placebo group in the demonstration. No biggie.

Yeah, those injections. Free and clear of all that stuff.

And that’s 100% certain.

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