Lahaina Incident: In-Depth Discussion on Possible Weaponization of GIS

Contributor videos on GIS and other web tools for understanding the Maui event

Sasha LatypovaSasha Latypova

Sep 24, 2023

“Biden will govern with the spirit of aloha, you assholes, you’ll see!” Tulsi Gabbard, paraphrased by Sage Hana.

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Guest post by Brian “the GIS guy” 🙂

This information is provided by a reader who supplied the original analysis of possible use of GIS in the Lahaina “forest fire” event. That post generated a lot of attention and feedback. Thank you to all who provided comments, and special thanks to

Mark Crispin Miller for sharing it. Here are several videos and explanation using GIS to look at the impact and draw some conclusions.

Video 1 (9 min): Introduction and background. Link to video on bitchute.

Video 2 (1min): Fire did not affect wealthy homes, resorts and a new development right next to Lahaina and was contained only in Lahaina itself. Link to video on bitchute.

Video 3 (3min): The government owns large parcel of land with highly flammable grasses on it, where the fire might have originated. The area is designated for a large residential development, possibly equal to the housing that was destroyed – on this government owned land. Link to video on bitchute.

Video 4 (5 min): This video shows Kahoma Village, a miracle of fire-proof new housing materials that only work when used on wealthy single residences but don’t work when used in construction of low-income housing of the same village. I previously published on this using another You Tube video footage. I guarantee you even without looking into the original documentation, that the Kahoma village development was approved only on condition that the low-income condos would be part of it. How convenient that they are now – poof! – reduced to dust. Some cars had aluminum melted, while the grass right next to them is ok, and other cars remain intact. Link to video on bitchute.

Video 5 (6 min): Curiouser and curiouser. Large areas right outside of Lahaina appear to be proposed developments, which likely were opposed by the current residents and conveniently positioned to quickly get go-ahead now that the opposition has been literally wiped off the map. Are those development plans linked to the Hawaiian government, and are political campaigns funded by capital gains? Does the bear crap in the woods? Link to video on bitchute.

Video 6 (2 min): Roads planned to connect the “new” development areas together outside of the “old” downtown Lahaina which is conveniently destroyed now. Link to video on bitchute.

Video 7 (10 min): Discussion on the new development “Village of Leiali” which will likely progress now that the old town is gone. And how coincidentally marvelous that this multi-billion project is owned/proposed by the State Department of the Hawaiian Homelands, and ostensibly this is to provide housing for “Native Hawaiian beneficiaries”. Link to video on bitchute.

Here are some comments received from a reader (thank you SW) regarding Hawaiian Dep of Homelands. Very interesting background. Looks like the Hawaiian Homelands is going to move Hawaiians from the lands that they used to own to the housing where the land is owned by the government. Is this the “own nothing and be happy” part?

Folks, I come from the lands of deep knowledge of what happens when the government starts promising “free housing” after some untold disaster like, say, WWII for example, levelled your cities and villages, and you are on the waitlist for the government’s free housing. Trust me and 3 generations of my family to tell you – this is a BAD, VERY BAD SIGN. They start by building worker paradises in Hawaii and it looks in theory like a great thing, but very quickly it becomes this:

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

And I assure you, this picture is a nice version of it, and you still have to be on the waitlist for 15-20 years, and yours will be “smart”. Ask me why most of the people of my generation in the Soviet Union were conceived in the summer.

Post comments and questions and maybe Brian can make more GIS videos in the future.

Art for today: Taos collection (all sold).

Due Diligence and Art is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.”





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