Maybe you have millions, even billions?… they will take it all… pretty soon.

Over 50 years, laws have been changed the world over. You have “beneficial ownership” not ownership. This means someone else owns it. Will you fight it?

Dr Mike Yeadon

Jul 11, 2024

This essay is constructed from many of my Telegram posts. The resulting repetition feels helpful under the circumstances. The central idea is not complicated but it is fiddly. Coming at it from many sides helps.

The prediction

Unless you are very fresh to peeking behind the mainstream curtain, you will know of WEF’s infamous, arrogant and chilling prediction for 2030.

Maybe you’ve wondered what the number 1 in the top-left corner means? Still up on YouTube is the whole video of lunatic predictions it comes from.

Klaus Schwabb, Executive Chairman of WEF asserts that “The world needs a Great Reset”, only hinting at what this means between the lines and in the small print. He is using mendacious propaganda in order to pretend to build consensus on this act. You’ll recall that numerous people said, early in 2020, that there was a necessity to “Build Back Better”.

Prince Charles was among many who said this. I remember at the time muttering “What do you mean, build back? Nothing is broken”. Obviously, the covert actions of the supranational organization running the Non-pandemic are aimed at making sure that plenty is broken, even that in due course, everything will be broken.

The mechanism by which ‘you’ll own nothing’

You may NOT yet have heard of something happening in absolutely every country on the planet, which retired financier David Rogers Webb calls “The Great Taking”.

For decades, the illegitimate supranational organisation has been working with and “leaning on” national legislators to ‘amend’ the laws governing private property rights.

Unfortunately, this is a done deal.

It has already been tested in superior courts and found legally valid.

Under certain circumstances, the executive in any country can seize all sorts of assets that you believe are yours. This includes but is not limited to stock market investments such as stocks, shares, bonds and other traceable instruments, cash held at banks, property / real estate and numerous other categories.

Only the other day, I was logged into a well known execution-only online broker to obtain a tax statement for my tax return. I noticed weird wordings describing the category of assets listed. I thought I owned, as an example, ten shares in a famous Swiss chocolate manufacturer. It seems I do not. It now indicates that I’m noted as having

“beneficial ownership of a part of a numbered pool of such shares”.

In other words, there are no identifiable shares with my name virtually on them.

Originally you possessed physical paper. Then ‘for convenience’, virtual electronic shares became the rule. From this point the sneaky steps to a pool… and then “beneficial ownership of a part of a numbered pool of such shares” was easy.

You can still buy and sell them what’s the problem?

The problem is subsection b) in Section 57A-8-511 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

If certain economic actions occur in a given financial climate, it turns out that pooled shares have long ago been pledged as collateral in a transaction in which a party has borrowed money from a lender.

In the event that the borrower defaults, the ultimate beneficiary is the lender and they have the right to seize whatever collateral there is. That’s your savings, investments, pensions, home etc, including your car if a loan or HP arrangement was used to acquire it.


Even if it has been paid off.

Perhaps, even if you bought it outright with cash.


Obviously, the perpetrators are going to create and trigger such a set of circumstances.

I have long suspected that lockdowns were a crucial cover for the extent of central bank money creation necessary to place a sovereign country and currency beyond any plausible rescue scenario.

The Great Taking

Book as a pdf or tap picture.

The book, “The Great Taking”, by David Webb, was a punch to the solar plexus when I first heard of it back in summer ‘23. I would urge you to please take this punch yourself – for your children. Read it. It’s a free pdf

– or buy a paper copy from the website

At first, I wasn’t sure if Webb could be trusted. While I’m inclined to believe him, I’ve experienced enough disappointment to start with what a person is telling you. Can you validate or invalidate any part of it through your own experience? Does it have internal consistency? Does the purported expert check out? (Swiss chocolate…)  What might their motives be?

Taking a leaf out of my own book, there are two basic positions.

  1. Ignore. If you’re correct, you’ve avoided worry and potentially bad investments, for example, in a self invested personal pension if you have one. If you’re wrong, you’ll probably suffer very substantial losses which you’ll not have mitigated in any way.
  2. Listen then act. If you were wrong, you might still have made a more diversified portfolio than you otherwise would. If however you were right to heed the warnings, it might literally save your life.

Having listened to interviews the author has given, and heard comments from others, I do think this could be the huge, missing piece of the agenda leading to the Bond villain, Schwab’s seemingly impossible pronouncements

See what you think.

Here’s a ‘narration’ of it.

I don’t like the auto narrators voice but it’s a lot easier to do a purely mechanical task while listening to this than trying to read a book. I’m not good at the latter these days!

Wait, does it apply to me though?

If you don’t own much today anyway, you might think not. I understand why that reaction could be commonplace. What those with no scope to resist will face (if and when the perpetrators trigger the next and very much larger global financial crisis) is

  • loss of freedom.

Several of us, independently, expect (at some point):

  • abolition of cash and
  • seizure of all assets held by a custodian (such asa bank deposit taker,a building society mortgage provider,an online execution-only broker holding a SIPP (pension),a life insurance company responsible for paying a final salary pension on behalf of a former employer,possibly even a car dealer or car finance house.

It seems to some people completely ridiculous and implausible.

Those with such a reaction tend not to bother listening to the evidence.

One might point out, so were the decade by decade changes to public health emergency laws, the changes that made the unlawful, legal on paper, so that billions of people ended up rolling up their sleeves to receive an intentionally harmful injection.

Ahem. It seems to some people that this, too, is completely ridiculous and implausible.

Those with such a reaction tend not to bother listening to the evidence and may well get jabbed again.

David’s story

You can also watch a documentary here:

Or currently on YouTube still. (How does this work??)

I cannot recommend highly enough that you make a tea or coffee, sit quietly and listen to this.

Even though I already knew the highlights, I still found it chilling when Webb gets to discovering that the laws governing private property rights have been changed in every US state and later in every country on earth.

Instead of actually owning something, you have only a right to benefit from it (dividends, rent, capital appreciation) and the right to buy and sell it.

But in the event of a major financial dislocation, your “property” is forfeit to the owners of the top slice of the creditor list because, unbeknownst to you, it was pledged as collateral in a loan that was nothing to do with you.

Parallels with ‘medicine’

Maybe you’ve read up about how public health laws have been changed over many decades, reaching the point today where you might think you’re receiving a pharmaceutical product but in actuality it’s a military countermeasure, for which no liability sits with anyone involved and you’ve no rights to informed consent…

Dr Mike Yeadon

Legalised Iatrogenocide

To get up to date on this two figures are essential. Sasha Latypova And Katherine Watt They have done so much work. This post will be augmented and amended with their help hopefully…

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7 days ago · Tim West

If you have, then these evolutions in laws governing property (financial assets, real estate etc) can be viewed as somewhat analogous, solely in its intent, to deceive and deprive you of rights.

If more people knew about this, we’d be at pitchforks and torches by the weekend.

Even comparatively wealthy people are going to have almost everything they think they own legally stripped from them.

Who do you need to explain this to?

Even comparatively wealthy people are going to have almost everything they think they own legally stripped from them.

Now you’re dependent upon the state for basic survival. Which means compliance to earn CBDC, UBI, and this also includes being ‘up to date’.💉

Killing people en masse while pretending to protect them from the next hobgoblin of an alleged lethal pandemic will be much easier than conquering and killing a population by open force.

Who are the ultimate creditors?

I don’t know who the ultimate creditors are, but they’ll be one and the same as those I call the perpetrators.

Those lower down the food chain but blind to what’s about to happen are in for a horrible shock.

Just as were those influencers, musicians, nurses, doctors and sport people who took the jab.

Only the perpetrators know anything about timing.

David talks with Edward Griffin

Creature from Jekyll Island is one of the must-read books for anyone seeking to understand the financial shenanigans. The private institution The Federal Reserve and the way it was created is central to the current financial situation.

A talk here between its author and the author of The Great Taking. They find much in common, and in common with myself, though in my case I speak as the man on the bus and not as an economics guru.

Our own talks with David

I contribute to a weekly podcast. Here is our own interview with David

Truth’s Substack

The Great Taking: You Really Own NOTHING

The 50-year conspiracy to subvert all of our private ownership rights into a collective ownership without our knowledge is detailed in David Rogers Webb’s book The Great Taking and David Webb joins the international Whistleblower Report team today to discuss the details of how we have arrived at this point where none of us really own the private propert…

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5 months ago · 41 likes · 16 comments · Truth For Health Foundation, Dr Mike Yeadon, Andrija Cajic, and Jonathan Gilthorpe

An additional recording by TFHF between David Rogers Webb and Dr Lee Vliet explaining what is happening in the South Dakota legislature. It could hardly matter more.

First though, it’s useful to understand the core sleight-of-hand they are trying overturn in South Dakota.

Dr Mike Yeadon

Beware of the leopard

This criminal attempt to steal everything is intended to be hidden in a similar way. But it is really hidden about as well as this…

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7 days ago · Tim West

The South Dakota Bill

Here then is the Truth For Health Foundation talk on the South Dakota Bill.

Truth’s Substack

The GREAT TAKING: Steps to Preserve Your Property Part II with David Rogers Webb

David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking, continues his discussion of the changes to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and other legislation that have put into law the provisions for legalized stealing of most of the assets WeThePeople think we own. These provisions take effect in the event of insolvency of a financial institution (bank, brokerage…

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5 months ago · 19 likes · Truth For Health Foundation

Another presentation by David…

In short

we know changes to the UCC and other legislation have provided for the legal stealing of most of the public’s assets in the event of insolvency of the broker

or whichever entity controls private property on your behalf,

with legal certainty (ie it’s been done and was upheld in a senior court).

The South Dakota bill seeks to re establish true ownership rights such that in the event of an insolvency, your private property is automatically returned to you.

If you have watched Beware of the leopard you will fully understand the power of this proposed clause removal from section 57A-503 of the UCC

Naturally, this is being strongly resisted by those in the pay of the banking lobby.

Whether the legislature has the sense and cojones to pass such an amendment remains to be seen.

Well worth also listening to the hearing in the Tennessee legislature. Amazing sophistry as the hired goons try to say David is wrong.

David Webb and a colleague again seek amendments.

The amendments proposed go a small way to restoring some of the property rights of those who think they own securities.

‘Entitlement’ is not ownership

Currently, because of changes made to the Uniform Commercial Code, those who think they own securities now only have an “entitlement”, which is much weaker and is contractual, not absolute. Because it’s a contractual right, there’s a counterparty.

If the latter goes insolvent, the effect of changes to the UCC is that the entitlement holder (e.g. you) is ranked lower on the list of creditors than the Secured Creditors, the parasites at the top of the food chain.

Say Boris lends Frank some books. Then Frank sells one of them to you for £10 and disappears. You may be reading it in the park one day when Boris grabs it off you and says ‘that’s my book’. Everything you have turns out to be like that book. And Boris planned the whole thing.

A financial crisis will certainly see all assets legally stolen.

Most people are unaware of this.

There’s literally nothing you can do about it, except not to own securities.

If you hold physical gold in a safe nobody else knows about, that’s the only way you can be secure. Cash unfortunately suffers the same fate, because it isn’t segregated and is controlled by the big clearing banks and ultimately the central bank, nationally and internationally.

What is Beneficial Ownership?

Over 50 years, financial assets (“securities”) that you previously owned under private property rights, as bits of paper, have been dematerialised (digitised) and pooled. Most importantly, a new legal category of “beneficial ownership” has been created and substituted for “ownership”. Why this matters is that ultimate ownership falls to a minuscule number of holders of collateral against debts incurred. Central banks, which are privately owned, are able to seize everyone else’s assets in a crisis because those assets are pledged as collateral.

A shared view

Webb says that deliberate collapse of the entire global economy is imminent and this mass theft will cause and amplify violence and tremendous hardship. A hard rain’s going to fall.

Webb sees the endgame as I do: evil, totalitarian, digital control system. No liberty or democracy anywhere is going to be tolerated nor will the development of a parallel economic system be allowed.

It is probably already way too late to prevent the economic collapse.

Whether anything can be salvaged by way of reverting changes to private property rights locally remains to be seen. It’s not necessarily a political issue but a criminal matter that private property rights have been subverted.

Unfortunately, the way I see it, the perpetrators of the ongoing “covid super crime” need do nothing more than to play out their existing hand, to reduce the population to any value they choose.

Here’s my near term summary of what I think they’re up to:

  1. A new event will trigger obligatory digital ID (eg for rations).
  2. If 1. isn’t a financial crisis,they can trigger one at any time, destroying all sovereign currencies and stealing almost all private property (David Rogers Webb). Total dependence upon the state in order even to be fed. CBDC (digital-only money) introduced.
  3. Lies about a wave of pandemics. Pharma will pretend to make mRNA vaccines. Govts will mandate them (if WHO hadn’t already done so). Digital ID validity will depend upon being up to date on jabs. No jab, no food. CBDC simply won’t work.
  4. Rinse and repeat until population reaches their desired levels. I think it’s likely many countries will be completely emptied, removing the need for the authorities to have to pretend that recovery is even the dream, let alone intent.

The perpetrators have such control of main media and almost all internet traffic. If we reach point 1. without insurrection, we’re done in any case. The perpetrators do not require cooperation from anybody from this point onwards.

I would point out two things. First, once you realise you’re being lied to by “the authorities” about things fundamental to your health and even life, freedom aside for a moment, surely you must begin to question everything else from the same source?

Second, I see the only chance of delaying or deflecting the overall control agenda is by more and more people knowing about it and saying NO.

So I ask everyone to assign an important part of their lives to doing this, personally.

How brave are you? Do you try to communicate with everyone you know, who serves you in shops, on-line?

The perpetrators are counting on you not doing this. They really are. So let’s do it.

Without fear of reprisal.

If we rightly criticise doctors who knew but didn’t speak out for fear of losing their jobs, then losing membership at the gym shouldn’t hold us back from frank conversations..

While you’re at it, please put in place at least some precautions to buy time, in the event the perpetrators initiate something faster moving that the last nonsense, such as building a few weeks worth of calories in your home.

Nobody is coming to save us. Sorry.

If the above information doesn’t prompt you to immediately getting into “prepping” as best you and any awake, close friends and family, then you’re not taking this as seriously as I believe you’re should.

How to avoid despair

Now, I’m well aware this is terrifying and a common reaction is to dismiss it. However, it fits horribly well with what we know already. I’m probably able to imagine it because parts of it are already proven in my mind (the intentional harms from the totally superfluous injections).

I continue to recommend two things.

  1. Invest your own time and thought into waking up others. Be selfless. It’s your best defence to dilute what’s coming, as more people will become allies in unpredictable ways. It also feels like you are helping stop it rather than being a victim – This is because you are.
  2. Do something rather than nothing also to prepare for a period of discontinuity. I’m talking basic food and water, basic meds, some things you can barter with, some skills you might have, something to defend yourself with, better yet, a safe place to be if the SHTF. If you’re already a grower, great. Grow stuff. I don’t think I can do that. I’m not in one place long enough. You might be bored on a narrow diet, but enough calories and nutrients plus clean water means you can sustain yourself for some considerable time. Time means you don’t HAVE to go out into the melee when it’s at its worst. If there are people you can trust with your life, talk with them. Get right with the power in your universe that is important for you.

If nothing happens, laugh.

Breaking: J J Couey interviews David

Long term simultaneous planning in all areas

I and many draw a parallel between the 50 years of change in public health law, leading to the genocidal deception namely,

  • the fake vaccines that are intentionally toxic
  • can legally be injected into billions of people
  • and there is total immunity from prosecution or liability.

I’ve easily been able to find trails of evidence of premeditation of the current ‘health’ crime which go back 25 years (tabletopped pandemic simulations, despite their being events that do not happen in reality, well characterised by journalistic Paul Schreyer. See video within Treaty of Lies post embedded below).

When you examine the history of “climate change”, you can easily find at least half a century of planning.

Now we see that, in parallel, preparations to seize all private property has also been going on since the 1960s.

Plenty of people give a hollow laugh at this point (seizure of assets) saying “Good luck with seizing my debts!”

While it’s true that you cannot lose that which you don’t have, what little people do have will be seized and controlled by the perpetrators.

I cannot stress enough my expectations are that those with very little will actually be impacted most strongly and immediately by any planned financial system collapse. The perpetrators will “come to their rescue” with the issuance of centrally controlled digital money in exchange for signing up for a government issued digital ID.

The digital concentration camp

digital ID

I remain convinced that the most likely and entirely plausible method for highly controlled depopulation is the requirement to hold at all times and obligation to display the mandatory digital ID,

effectively mandatory jabs

along with the need to be up-to-date with WHO-recommended “vaccines” (which of course will be of mRNA type), where failure to comply will lead to the digital ID losing validity.

mark of the beast CBDC

No valid digital ID, no ability to transact.

If you are determined not to immediately be drawn into what I call the killing machine then, to the extent that you can, it’s very important NOW to be preparing not to totally vulnerable on Day 1. Beyond whatsoever preparations you can do, you’ll need to grow at least some of your own food or know others who create surpluses, from whom you stand a chance of obtaining food in exchange for labour, skills, gold or silver (even small amounts are better than none at all).

Two arms in a pincer movement

I take the view that, once one has sufficient proof of a lethal assault, backed by evidence of decades of planning, it’s not unreasonable to interpret anything unusual as likely a component of such attacks.

toxic by design

There is proof for example that the injected purported to be “vaccines” are in fact constructions designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors. I am but one giver of truly expert opinion on this front, and I am one of many. I can debate all day with anyone who wishes to resist this conclusion. I understand why they don’t want to accept it. It is however true, unquestionably.

legalised iatrogenocide

Interestingly, people totally unconnected to me, like Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova (mostly KW initially) have uncovered decades of stealthy modification to “public health” laws and regulations. These culminate in making the obviously unlawful, “legal on paper”, including and especially injected toxins called “Covid19 vaccines”.


Yet further separate experts identified that there’s not been a pandemic or public health emergency. This was all a PsyOp. Lying, big time. Again see previous posts for Professor Rancourt’s papers for example. That some proclaiming truth and freedom still act as if there was a spreading pathogen is deeply regrettable.

Dr Mike Yeadon

Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

I saw the two gentlemen at the end of this post, Dr Christian Perronne and Stefan Homburg, make short speeches close together in time. Knowing as I do that there was no pandemic, no public health emergency… …only lies about a dreadful new disease sweeping across the world, followed by deliberate misattribution of illness and death to this supposed diseas…

Read more

3 months ago · 325 likes · 254 comments · Dr Mike Yeadon

PCR fraud

I and many others knew that you cannot use bulk testing using PCR with any chance of getting valid, let alone meaningful results. These tests were all carefully fixed, like a conjuring trick, long before the audiences attention was drawn to the magician.

Irrational masking, lockdowns, distancing

Masks and “lockdowns” are literally absurd. There were never part of the public health emergency plans of any country. I know, because I read a dozen of them. In 2019, some in WHO detailed the lack of evidence of effectiveness in making the slightest difference to apparent epidemic spreading of acute respiratory illnesses.

For me, the first evidence that I found genuinely terrifying was when scores of countries simultaneously “locked down”, using lies and identical wording. I interpreted it then and now as unequivocal proof of supranational cooperation. In retrospect, my intellectual core worked out that this could only point to objectives being totalitarian digital enslavement and mass depopulation. Nothing else comes close to fitting all the important observations.

you will own nothing

Arm two, David Rogers Webb takes us through a century of preparation and planning to make legal the taking of almost everything you own. The most intense and dramatic changes started again in the 1960s. There’s no uncertainty about what has happened or what will happen, by design, WHEN and not IF the perpetrators trigger The Great Reset, which is very likely to originate with the insolvency of globally significantly important banks.

These two major arms of a malevolent, long planned pincer movement, now closing on humanity.

As a highly qualified, experienced and at least moderately successful executive in commercial biomedical research, we’re way past theory, on either arm

  1. lies about contagious illnesses, the lies on necessary countermeasures and especially “vaccines” and
  2. Theft on a global scale of substantially all private property, destruction of money and replacement with centrally controlled digital currency).
Freedom – a memory of the old

This imminent totalitarian control system will delete freedom forever. Unlike political or religious followings, this one relies not at all upon a mass following. If they succeed in replacing cash with digital money and getting us used to showing ID ahead of every transaction, there’s nothing that can be done to resist total control and importantly, coerced injection.

Taking these two arms together alone has no plausible benevolent interpretation and to resist my conclusion is, in my opinion at this point an act either of cowardly denial or of a troll. Yep. I said it.


Given that backdrop, the enforced movement towards BEVs might have several explanations. Ockhams Razor strongly ties these two assaults together.

Agenda 2030

It fits with 24/7 surveillance, 15 minute cities, the perversion of foodstuffs and many more, strange themes and events, in the skies, on the ground and under the sea.

The Hidden Hand

I’m often asked “So who is doing this?”

I believe we will never know. We know the names of a small number of those who are obviously all-in on this, and your know their names. They’re often referred to on TV and representatives of wealthy trusts and funds, too, not infrequently seen. There is some attention on “think tanks” such as WEF, UN, WHO, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, the Davos Set, the Crowned Heads of European countries, especially U.K. and the Netherlands, even The Committee of 300.

But know this, we’re never going to be allowed to know their names and identities. In my opinion, it makes no difference whatsoever whether we have their names or not.

In terms of countermeasures, being as prepared as possible is very important. My own knowledge has enabled avoidance of just one crucial risk so far: not being injected with “c19 vaccines”. I’m mostly though not protected by knowledge. There’s nowhere to run and hide anyway. We have to stop it or limit the destruction that they’ll commit.

Finally, this truly extended planned assault upon humanity has a spiritual aspect to it, to say the least. I doubt they’re alien lizards, but I do think they’re from extended families who have held very terrible views on “ordinary people” like you and me, forever.

We’re not in a hopeless position but I do recommend we recognise just how much trouble we’re in. I encourage each of us to prepare to be able to resist for a long as possible. Buying time may be the single most important thing you can do.

Important is the relay idea. Those reading this for example are already wide awake. Those in your personal network may not be. In those cases, you are pretty much their only salvation. The media is never going to tell them the truth. I cannot ever reach them, because they’re not looking for (people like) me. So this battle may turn on your willingness and effectiveness in opening the eyes of people important to you.

It doesn’t matter how rich you are

Just as public health laws were changed over decades to make legal the absurd and malign things that have happened in relation to gene-based injections, an analogous, patient process of dissolving private property rights in favour of those at the top of the list of creditors in the event of a bankruptcy of any entity against which the private property of all of the public has been used as collateral.

It’s unbelievable that this has happened. As of now, even billionaires who aren’t among the perpetrators will lose everything, as will you and I.

Everything that you think you own, on which you owe any debt at all, will be forfeit in the event of failure of a remote business, where the debts of which rest in part on your assets, because that claim on your assets is being used as collateral.

As Webb says in his excellent interview with James Delingpole, this cannot be run away from. He’s spoken with large numbers of wealthy people, some of whom are billionaires, and none of them had any idea of this. After a flurry of denials, they read his booklet and slumped in defeat.

Nobody is coming to save us. If this information doesn’t prompt you to immediately getting into “prepping” as best you and any awake, close friends and family, you’re not taking this as seriously as I believe your should.

So. Will you act to stop this?

David’s hope then, is that the currently well-off and more than that are being forced to become active. They don’t have a choice. If they do nothing, they will lose everything.

For example, if you have a private pension, you’ll probably own shares / stocks and bonds.

Your broker, nowadays typically “execution-only online brokers”, has followed your instructions to buy and hold on your behalf certain assets. Unfortunately these, too, have been pledged as collateral.

The value of collateral based financial instruments is said to be a huge multiple of world GDP, by astonishing amounts. So large that there’s no hope ever of recovering even pennies on the pound.

If you’ve a workplace related pension, the assets being used to pay your monthly pension will also be automatically transferred electronically to those on the top of the stack of creditors.

I’m not sure what, if anything, is not forfeit to these diabolical creatures. I understood that assets in your physical possession which are free of debt and were not purchased with now-cleared debt, might still be seized.

If your car, say, when it was an asset of the manufacturer or of the car retailer, was pledged as collateral for some transaction they’d entered into, it seems absurd but true that your car, too, might never have had its collateral status revoked. If so, even that vehicle might be forfeit. Boris will claim it back.

On cars, it may become moot, because so many cars definitely are assets of finance companies that can be seized. We know how very keen are the perpetrators to find ways to get our car keys out of our cars. I could envisage a situation where demand for petrol and diesel would fall so hard that fuel stations would have to close. At that point, your car becomes a very heavy paperweight.

Webb doesn’t offer a prediction on timing or the way that has been (or will be) chosen to create a new global financial crisis and implode the globeconomy, taking everything with it. He does, however, list a set of preconditions necessary to initiate this global heist. He was quite sure that this is what is going to happen.

As mentioned above, he puts all his hopes onto the shoulders of wealthy but uninvolved people. I know two billionaires personally (one through old business connections and the other was a major donor to a campaigning organization that I was helping). They’re just like you and me other than that they have huge numbers in the “net worth” category. Webb knows that an ever-widening set of wealthy (but uninvolved) people are becoming very upset about this whole situation. Enlightened self-interest being what is, they’ll have to get active.

More on ways of preparing

You must do your own research, but I strongly recommend you explore ways to protect what you can by converting some cash or cash-like assets into something that cannot be automatically seized.

I do think anyone with life savings and no earned income or capacity to generate any would be unwise to leave it solely in the standard categories of stocks (shares) and bonds, real estate (houses) and deposits of cash. These are all subject to seizure if Webb’s concerns materialise.

This is an interesting interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, on Greg Hunter’s podcast.She’s my go-to person on matters macro-financial.

I’m aware of a joining of forces between her and David Webb, the author of “The Great Taking”.

As always, buyer beware on all these things. I’m a very basic investor, but I’m not conservative. Sometimes, I’ll be in what looks to conventional wisdom to be highly risky. For example, I was at one point heavily into peer-to-peer lending and did very well out of it over a 6-7 year period where base rates were so low that you couldn’t generate a meaningful income off even a sizeable amount of money. Got out early enough to ensure I made no net losses despite all the warnings.

She makes interesting comments on physical gold. Every bit as interesting are her comments on relationships of trust as being among the most important things to strengthen in 2024.

I’ve no useful idea when “The Great Taking” will be triggered, but this I know. When it happens, everyone will know it. It might be in days or not for years.

Stakeholder Communism

Yellow forum videos including the film Stakeholder Capitalism

Schwab is proud of his invention, his new economic system.

All the videos in the link above, from some that are mere seconds long to the full film, serve to establish that this astonishing coup d’etat of the planet isn’t ongoing but has already happened.

That’s why elections are irrelevant and have been for many years, unfortunately.

Please find ways to share this information. While I’ve been wrong about timing, often, I do think they aim to get it completed and bedded in by 2030. That seems to be a key date for WEF and the UN. Thus, I anticipate that at any time a global financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude will be triggered, most assets automatically seized and from that point on, I could envisage our focus necessarily moving to survival rather than protest.

Alternatively, a war would suffice to create such discontinuities as the perpetrators may wish to use to move some chess pieces around before triggered GFC2.0 and asset seizure.

As always, I’m piecing together the clues, as I don’t have a copy of the plot.

Best wishes


All help for my assistant Tim gratefully received by way of a paid subscription to this publication if you are able. Or subscribe for free to receive everything anyway.


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