Mindblown: a blog about philosophy, Theology, politics, and all they touch.
Science confirms cancer-causing SV40 DNA in Pfizer’s COVID shot, validating concerns over genetic health risks
Rebel News
Inside The UN Plan To “Fundamentally Restructure The Global Economy”
The United Nations wants to introduce a “carbon market” in addition to limiting your travel, meat consumption, and more. The American people must say, “Enough is enough!” Alex Newman Dec 10, 2024 The United Nations and globalists at large are currently restructuring the global economy through a “carbon market,” revealed journalist Alex Newman on InfoWars’…
Henry Lamb: The UN’s PUBLISHED 1995 ‘Global Neighbourhood’ plan for a One World Government!
ByRhoda WilsononDecember 3, 2024 In 1996, Henry Lamb exposed the UN’s plan to take over the world using a book the UN had published the year before. The title of the book is ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’. Written by 28 “experts” the book describes a global taxation scheme to fund the UN’s operations; a standing UN…
Can Fenbendazole Cure Cancer?
This case series reveals what could be a game-changing discovery. The Vigilant Fox Nov 29, 2024 Recently, fenbendazole has generated significant buzz, with some hailing it as a potential breakthrough in cancer treatment. What makes this pet medication even more intriguing is its astonishing affordability—using it for treatment only costs about $11 per week. But…
8 Lines of Evidence FROM EGYPT for the Exodus
Cross Examined 615K subscribers
Shroud of Turin studies
Dr. John Campbell
Top Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman Turned To God Because of THIS (POWERFUL!)
BREAKING NEWS – Twice-Censored Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Study Fully Peer-Reviewed and Published
After enduring relentless censorship, our systematic review linking COVID-19 vaccines to death is now available for the entire world to read. Nicolas Hulscher, MPH Nov 17, 2024 by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH The largest COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study to-date, providing robust evidence that COVID-19 vaccines can cause death, has been officially republished following successful peer-review in…
Peer-Reviewed Study Reveals 1,236% Surge in Excess Cardiac Arrest Deaths Among 2 Million COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals
Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on CDM with Bill Quinn Nicolas Hulscher, MPH Nov 14, 2024 By Nicolas Hulscher, MPH Last month, our study titled, Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington, was officially published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine: Open Access: Here’s a concise summary of our study (Abstract): Introduction:…
‘Historic’: Federal Court Says AstraZeneca Not Immune From Liability in Case Involving Woman Injured by COVID Vaccine During Clinical Trial
Federal Judge Robert J. Shelby said the PREP Act’s liability shield does not extend to breach-of-contract claims. He said the basis of Brianne Dressen’s claim “is a broken promise, not a countermeasure.” by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. November 5, 2024 RSS 2Comments Listen to this article Download 00:00/05:22 A federal court ruled Monday that a lawsuit…
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