Remember this about “Nipah virus:” Nothing Spreads like Fear.

Please do not inject what you fear this time..

Charles Wright

Sep 18, 2023

There may be some effort underway to restart “Nipah virus” based on reports out of India.

Contagion was a fictionalized documentary based on the so-called Nipah virus outbreak in Malysia in 1999. Ian Lipkin of EcoHealth was involved in creating the script. From Prof. Ian Lipkin Brings Science to Hollywood’s Contagion

“After early conversations about the movie concept, Lipkin signed on as technical adviser to Contagion in March, 2009 and played an active role throughout production.  He suggested the movie’s plot might be triggered by an outbreak of a virus similar to Nipah, a deadly virus that has, on occasion, migrated from animals to people.

It wasn’t the first time Hollywood had knocked on Dr. Lipkin’s door, but it was the first time he said “yes.”  Lipkin was persuaded that “this was an effort to accurately represent the science and to make a movie that would entertain as well as educate.

Dr. Lipkin also coached Contagion actors on the practices and process of scientific research. Kate Winslet and Jennifer Ehle visited the Center for Infection and Immunity to learn the mechanics of being a bench scientist, working with the lab’s equipment to do technical procedures. And Elliott Gould, who plays a research scientist named “Ian,” talked to Dr. Lipkin about the intellectual process of making a scientific breakthrough. Suggesting to the actor how to look through a microscope and reflect on what it reveals, “I told Elliott it’s important that you get this right, because you are playing me,” Dr. Lipkin recalls.

The laboratory at the Center for Infection and Immunity, where Dr. Lipkin and his team of 65 conduct their research, also has an invisible role in the movie. In pursuit of authenticity, Contagion’s production crew traveled to the lab to record centrifuges whirring, liquid nitrogen hissing, and even the squeaky noise of opening animal cage doors for the film’s soundtrack.”

Like the movie Contagion, the USAID PREDICT program also began in 2009. The movie was designed to increase fear, and thereby increase funding for EcoHealth and the like.

Contagion was financed by Jeff Skoll, a “philanthropist” associated with Steve Kirsch and Bill Gates.

Jeff Skoll: Billionaire Behind ‘Contagion’, Fighting Deadly Diseases Since 2009

“Skoll is the founder and chairman of Participant Media, a film and media production company that works on socially relevant issues. The firm was responsible for the 2011 film Contagion, a thriller depicting a virus outbreak on Earth, with eerie similarities to the present day Coronavirus spread. The film tried to portray the danger of pandemics in modern times.

The eye-opening thriller wasn’t the only contribution by Skoll before the COVID-19 pandemic towards such global threats. Back in 2009, Skoll directed $100 million to create the Skoll Global Threats Fund. Note that this was six years before Bill Gates’ now famous speech warning the world of an impending pandemic.”

Jeff Skoll and Bill Gates each made contributions to bail out the United Way of Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley) in 1999 at Kirsch’s request. Kirsch has said his relationship with Bill Gates goes back over 40 years. Kirsh, Skoll, and Gates were all involved in some “Philanthropy” with Gilead in discussions over compounds to test for “COVID” in 2020, although that fact is shrouded in mystery. No one in Kirsch’s vaccine adverse events fan club will ask Kirsch about the “treatments” using Gilead’s compound Remdesivir which was used to fake “COVID” deaths, creating the false perception of need for the deadly “vaccines” in the first place. Vaccine-truth super reporter Steve Kirsch has pulled his website offline.

Some facts I think you should know about Nipah. Nipah was an outbreak of something described as a virus in pigs in Malaysia 1997-1999, even though it actually started in Ipoh around 1997, according to unpubished research of EcoHealth member Hume Field. Hume Field had been involved in researching a similarly-described virus in Hendra, Australia, named Hendra virus, also blamed on fruit bats in 1994. In that tight of a timeline, with that much geographical separation, and considering that the information on Ipoh (even the naming of the virus) is suppressed, it’s pretty obvious that Field et al looked for another place to recreate Hendra. I’m sure Daszak was in on it, but again, it’s unpublished.

The reality is that someone likely added something to the feed of pigs in Malaysia to make the pigs become superspreaders of something deadly. Nipah was described to locals and in academic papers as a virus from fruit bats. Virologists claimed a fruit bat must have bitten a mango and dropped it into the pigs feed, which in turn caused them all to be infected and start rapidly spreading some very deadly disease.

There was a big problem with the theory. People had lived with these fruit bats in Malaysia for centuries. These bats weren’t considered to have anything particularly deadly about them. If you drank the water after the bats drank it, defecated in it, contaminated it, which was often the case in the jungles, especially in the crevices in trees which held water that people sometimes drank, it might make you a little sick, but nothing like what happened, where pigs became superspreaders of death.

From a skeptical 60 minutes report in 2004 featuring Peter Daszak: “Nipah Virus kills 40% of those it infects. The virus had likely been around for millions of years, but it only killed first person in 1997.”

Back then EcoHealth Alliance wasn’t called EcoHealth. They were the Consortium for Conservation Medicine- Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, etc.

There are two main theories I have about Nipah virus in pigs in Malaysia. The most likely scenario is that Daszak et al contaminated pigs feed with something that turned the pigs into “superspreaders” of some deadly compound. The other is that a chemical weapon was deployed around the pig farms, affecting the pigs and the humans alike. The use of chemical weapons to start a “disease” outbreak is conceivable and feasible in Nipah, Wuhan, and everywhere else. Something like that could be used to get the ball rolling on a Plandemic. Nipah and MERS only spread so far then died out, because whatever the primary driver was wasn’t being continued elsewhere, and human to human transmission by are just wasn’t happening. Likewise, COVID spread because COVID testing and deadly COVID treatments spread, regardless of how it started.

The most likely scenario in Wuhan is that the doctors in Wuhan, including DARPA’s Michael Callahan, in Wuhan Central Hospital just redefined typical winter inflenza-type symptoms as COVID and then treated them to death with Remdesivir, ventilators, and opioids, although it is also possible to create disease symptoms using chemcial weapons and/or 5G. Doesn’t matter, really. Some Chinese dude uploaded a SARS2 sequence to GenBank and no one in the world bothered to confirm it from blood samples. After SARS2 was uploaded, regardless of origin, and was described as a “novel” sequence, that was all it took to trigger Orwellian measures against mankind all around the world. Dr. Michael Callahan in Wuhan dropped a dime to his colleage Dr. Robert Malone in the United States, who in turn ran the DTRA DOMANE system, which identified Remdesivir and Famotidine, which were both used in Wuhan, along with everything else used to kill patients in the name of COVID in Wuhan. It doesn’t look like people in Wuhan started dying in high rates until those protocols were put in place in February. Anyway, if everyone else in this world is too scared, compromised, or stupid to say it, I’m not.

Nipah Virus was one of Peter Daszak’s first projects at the CDC in 1998. The screenshot below was taken from EcoHealth’s proposal for the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It describes that Daszak was working at the CDC on Nipah. This is where the USAID/PREDICT model got its start. They claimed Malaysia was a “hotspot” bringing bats, intermediate hosts, and humans together, so they should research the earth to find all the other hotspots and monitor things.

Daszak received some sort of “Meritorious service award” from the CDC in 1999, accoridng to his bio but I can’t find any information on that.

Anyway, after identifying the “hotspots,” they had their cover story to create Pandemics. They could start a Pandemic and blame it on bats. Like Peter Daszak said, “somewhere along the way, nature just went crazy.” Nature didn’t go crazy. Humans went crazy.

EcoHealth later turned camels in Saudi Arabia into superspreaders using vaccines. They called it MERS- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. I wrote about it in March 2022. Odds are you haven’t read it. All the internet supersleuths won’t take a position on whether they agree or disagree. It wasn’t even a good cover story. Supposedly the virus had traveled from a mine shaft in China to Saudi Arabia. There was never even a complete virus sample isolated from a bat. The virus sequence was known to be in camels for decades prior to the MERS outbreak. MERS was a complete fabrication, even more obvious than COVID. With COVID they at least had a plausible story of an engineered virus next to a lab. Just not that virus sequence, because China probably wouldn’t play along with that. So it had to be a virus sequence that would always lead to a dead end no matter how much you investigate it. As I’ve said over and over and over, the NSA knows everything that China has ever uploaded to the internet, and a lot more they haven’t. They have never confirmed this bullshit. Congress hasn’t even asked them to.

Were Vaccinated Camels the cause of a huge spike in MERS Cases in Saudi Arabia in 2014?

Charles Wright


March 26, 2022

Were Vaccinated Camels the cause of a huge spike in MERS Cases in Saudi Arabia in 2014?

Were Vaccinated Camels the cause of a huge spike in MERS Cases in Saudi Arabia in 2014? Originally published Nov 4, 2021 on WordPress Charles Wright Like Rand Paul said today, history will figure things out eventually. I would never have considered the possibility that a MERS “vaccine” could have mutated and spread the MERS virus in 2014 if I had not seen …

Read full story

Here’s the current Plandemic model.

Then, you inject what you fear, thinking it is a cure.
Neat trick huh?

Wash, rinse, repeat. If the world is this stupid yet again, you’ll inject it, spread it, and they’ll say, whoops, this vaccine didn’t work again either. Too bad the latest “virus” is spreading all over the world, again, after mass injections, again.

No one in the world other than myself has dared to say that the Emperor Wears no Clothes- that the God-Damned vaccines create the God-Damned “virus,” or whatever you want to call it, in your body, no matter how God-Damned obvious it is. Doctors, with all of their compartmentalized intelligence, have got to be the most stupid human beings to have ever walked the face of the Earth when it comes to common sense and the understanding the big picture. None of them will say the Emperor Wears no Clothes. They would rather chase their tail on ADE than admit they have been so stupid for so long.

PlandemicThe fucking vaccine creates the fucking virus, study concludes.

Charles Wright


Jul 3

The fucking vaccine creates the fucking virus, study concludes.

Shrestha et al, Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Vaccine, didn’t say “The fucking vaccine creates the fucking virus.” The said, “The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (Figure 2).” Look at it. You want to stick that in your arm?

Read full story

Please, do not inject what you fear with Nipah. If you do get sick, take some natural “antivirals.” Artemisia annua, Quinine (hydroxychloroquine), and garlic are the oldest and most widely used antivirals in the world. Ivermectin is a relative newcomer, but obviously works pretty well too. If you do what governement and pharma tell you to do when you know that they are murderers and liars who have not yet met their Justice, then you’re a fool.

FEAR, as described by Peter Daszak in the 60 minutes documentary on Nipah:

Peter Daszak says that other viruses, still undiscovered, are waiting, as man presses into the last wild places on earth. Daszak:

“What worries me the most is that we’re going to miss the next emerging disease. That we’re suddenly going to find a SARS virus that moves from one side of the planet to another, wiping out people as it moves along.”

Something more lethal than SARS is what worries you?

“Like Nipah Virus. Something that 40% of the people get infected die. That’s something to be keeping you awake at night.”

Charles Wright”





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