Tag: covid

  • Texas and Oklahoma v. US Department of Health and Human Services and Xavier Becerra: case documents

    “Katherine Watt Oct 17, 2023 Orientation for new readers. Reporting and analysis to follow. This is an important case, dismissed by US District Judge Terry R. Means of the USDC for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division, by order dated Aug. 18, 2023. My understanding is that the plaintiffs (Texas and Oklahoma) had…

  • Israeli DNA and Human Lab Rats

    The Future’s So Bright – Bibi Gotta Wear Shades “Robert W Malone MD, MS“Robert W Malone MD, MS Oct 17, 2023 Listen to Benjamin Netanyahu (below in this short video) talk about he purposefully used his own people as experimental lab rats during the pandemic. How he sold Pfizer on the idea of using the…

  • COVID-19 vaccines immediate onset Autoimmune Disease adverse events in VAERS

    Non-random patterns and enrichment patterns COVID-19 vaccines immediate onset Autoimmune Disease adverse events in VAERS Non-random patterns and enrichment patterns “Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D. Oct 16, 2023 My article on immediate onset autoimmune disease adverse events with immediate onset following vaccination is published online here: Ricke, GTM (2023) https://doi.org/10.36922/gtm.1455 This post focuses on 30+…

  • WCH Expert Panel Finds Cancer-Promoting DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines

    “By World Council for Health October 10, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE10 OCTOBER 2023 CONTACT: Dr Mark Trozzi and Christof Plothe, DOEMAIL: info@worldcouncilforhealth.org WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH EXPERT PANEL FINDS CANCER PROMOTING DNA CONTAMINATION IN COVID-19 VACCINES International expert panel concludes that Covid vaccines are contaminated with foreign DNA and that SV40, a cancer-promoting genetic sequence, has…

  • Data Analyst: “We Have a Crisis Underway”

    Heart attacks, cancers, and non-COVID-related deaths have ravaged young people over the past two and a half years. Unfortunately, the situation is only getting worse. “The Vigilant Fox Oct 7, 2023 Originally Published on Vigilant News Since the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” deaths among young people have surged at alarming rates. And, unfortunately, the…

  • 5 ways to skin a (genetically modified) cat

    How many coincidences can there be in #plasmidgate? “Dr Ah Kahn Syed Oct 1, 2023 By now I sincerely hope that you have all been watching the exposure of the #PlasmidGate scandal unfold on twitter and various other platforms. If you haven’t I’m going to summarise it for you as briefly I can: When Pfizer…

  • Transcript of My Interview for the Epoch Times

    Interview conducted by Jan Jekielek, July 20, 2023 “Sasha Latypova Sep 30, 2023 Link to The Epoch Times article Due Diligence and Art is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Pharma Insider Speaks Out About Vaccine Batches Huge variance in COVID-19 vaccine batches…

  • Hydrogel-Like Substance Found in Vaccine-Injured Nurse’s Blood

    “This is not healthy blood. This is Nuremberg 2.0.” “The Vigilant Fox“The Vigilant Fox Sep 25, 2023 Originally Published on Vigilant News The life of Lyndsey, a registered nurse with over a decade’s worth of ER, ICU, and oncology nursing experience, took a drastic turn following her third COVID shot, her Pfizer booster injection, on…

  • Update on CHD Lawsuit Challenging Government’s License to Kill (PREP Act)

    Or, why you should not expect Donald Trump speaking the truth about hospital murders or vax death/injury any time soon… “Sasha Latypova Sep 18, 2023 First, let me answer the burning question about Trump – no, it’s not because he is not a scientist and Fauci and Birx lied to him. It’s the PREP Act,…

  • Talking to Dr. Jane Ruby about Hospital Covid Murder Protocol and PREP Act

    Forget POTUS election theater. Focus on your backyard. “Sasha Latypova Sep 15, 2023 Link to video on Rumble Shout out to Anne Can’t Stand It! for the featured cartoon. Please follow Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox who is a hero in NY state. Watch Bobbie Ann getting an ovation after her speech to the court. Watch…