Tag: plasmids

  • WCH Expert Panel Finds Cancer-Promoting DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines

    “By World Council for Health October 10, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE10 OCTOBER 2023 CONTACT: Dr Mark Trozzi and Christof Plothe, DOEMAIL: info@worldcouncilforhealth.org WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH EXPERT PANEL FINDS CANCER PROMOTING DNA CONTAMINATION IN COVID-19 VACCINES International expert panel concludes that Covid vaccines are contaminated with foreign DNA and that SV40, a cancer-promoting genetic sequence, has…

  • 5 ways to skin a (genetically modified) cat

    How many coincidences can there be in #plasmidgate? “Dr Ah Kahn Syed Oct 1, 2023 By now I sincerely hope that you have all been watching the exposure of the #PlasmidGate scandal unfold on twitter and various other platforms. If you haven’t I’m going to summarise it for you as briefly I can: When Pfizer…