Tag: transhumanism
Artificial white blood cells detected! They have ruined humanity. >VIDEOS< First we saw the erythromer, now we have new white blood cells.
Karl.C Jan 30, 2025 I am sorry to say that I am still seeing artificial white blood cells since having seen the first ones in a friends blood around earlier 2023. It is becoming more frequent, and now there is consistency enough that I feel I should call this observation too. I found two today,…
Globalist death cult’s ‘trans’-human digital agenda demands your submission, or else…
“It’s rare, but every now and then you come across someone who seems to fully understand the anti-human nature of the globalist agenda being pushed on society today by the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, et al. It’s an agenda which I believe is a form of…