The Great Reset: A Global Public Private Partnership between UN and WEF

The end result is a toxic cocktail that constitutes a serious health hazard for humanity.

Jacob Nordangård

Jun 14, 2024

On June 3 2020, Klaus Schwab, the executive chairman of World Economic Forum declared “The Great Reset”. It was followed by statements from UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Prince Charles (now Charles III), and representatives from IMF, Microsoft and Mastercard.

The key message was that the old system was no longer fit for the 21st century. The COVID-19 crisis had, according to Klaus, created an opportunity for change:

The Pharos Chronicles – Jacob Nordangård, PhD is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Now is the historical moment in time, not only to fight the real virus but to shape the system for the needs of the Post-Corona era.

Guterres stated that:

We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face.

This was one year after a strategic partnership had been signed between UN and WEF with the intent to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The United Nations leadership would “engage in and utilize the different platforms” provided by the World Economic Forum “to advance impact”.

This constituted a common futures agenda between UN and the global business community. It would deliver opportunities for the crisis profiteers as well as for those who sought centralised control. The Great Reset would be achieved through a revision and transformation of the UN-system into a global Public-Private Partnership with WEF as a key partner.

Only a week after the declaration, a UN report with an action plan was presented, based on the recommendations from the United Nations High Level Panel on Digital Connectivity (headed by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma, president of Alibaba and at the time a WEF board member). The purpose was to implement the digital agenda, “CONNECT, RESPECT, and PROTECT all people in the digital age.” 

In the report The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020 published by the UN on July 7, 2020, António Guterres, under the heading “Launching the Decade of Action at a Time of Crisis,” remarked that “[t]he 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demand nothing short of a transformation of the financial, economic and political systems that govern our societies today to guarantee the human rights of all.”

The report stated that the pandemic had demonstrated the benefits of digitalization—such as research collaborations on vaccine development, working from home, online education, and e-commerce, while the pandemic had also emphasized the divide between those who had Internet access and those who did not. This now had to be remedied. The goal was, once again, to include every human in the digitalization agenda.

In September 2020, during the UN 75th anniversary celebrations, the UN member states asked the Secretary-General for recommendations on how our global challenges, such as the climate and health crises, could be handled more effectively.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us in the most powerful way that we are closely interconnected and only as strong as our weakest link. Only by working together and in solidarity can we end the pandemic and effectively tackle its consequences. Only together can we build resilience against future pandemics and other global challenges. Multilateralism is not an option but a necessity as we build back better for a more equal, more resilient and more sustainable world. The United Nations must be at the centre of our efforts.

ITUC welcomes the UN Secretary-General's report "Our Common Agenda" -  International Trade Union Confederation

A year later,, in September 2021, Guterres report Our Common Agenda was published. It contained twelve concrete commitments on how to achieve a multilateral world order with muscles that could effectively implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and manage future crises.

It was also proposed that the future direction of United Nations would be decided at a “Summit of the Future”. All to create “The Future They Want”.

The High Level Advisory Board for Effective Multilateralism was launched in April 2022 to advise Member States on issues where “governance improvements are most needed.” As Guterres asked, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the co-chair of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, to lead the board, with Tharman Shanmugaratnam, co-chair of G20 High Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, as one of the board members it was quite obvious what kind of advise that would be delivered. The HLAB produced the report A Breakthrough for People and Planet in 2023.

The agenda has since been further developed in eleven Policy Briefs (published between March and September 2023). These form the basis for summit’s outcome document “The Pact for the Future”.

  1. Safeguarding the Planet–The planet shall be safeguarded against actions that have a negative impact on future generations.
  2. Managing Global Shocks–An emergency platform that acts under command from predetermined protocols shall be convened if a global crisis occurs.
  3. Meaningful Youth Engagement–Youth shall be torchbearers for the sustainable development goals and putting pressure in order to change the system.
  4. Measuring what we value–Our actions shall be valued in relation to the well-being of the planet and displayed on scoreboards.
  5. A Global Digital Compact–International data collection systems shall be created to advance monitoring and actions against unsustainable practices.
  6. Reforms to the International Financial Architecture–The financial system will be restructured into an apex body for the world economy.
  7. Outer Space Governance–Space technologies will be used to surveil the earth system and detect potential risks.
  8. Information Integrity on Digital Platforms–Social media will be surveilled to prevent the spread of harmful information.
  9. A New Agenda for Peace–Peace shall be maintained with a stronger collective security machinery.
  10. Transforming Education–Teachers will be transformed from passive educators to active agents of change.
  11. UN 2.0–United Nations will be upgraded and use the “fusion of data, innovation, digital, foresight and behavioural science expertise” to turbocharge the 2030 agenda.

This “common agenda” is a blueprint for a digital world brain. Our Common Agenda has many similarities to the futurist organisation World Future Society’s technocratic visions from the 1970s, and the notion of a “world brain” for surveilling and managing all processes on the planet (a concept originally conceived by sci-fi author H.G. Wells). The idea is to create a sort of digital crystal ball, where future events can be anticipated with the help of massive data gathering and “negative development” can be managed through the use of behavioural science techniques (digital sticks and carrots). This is a cybernetic concept which in the future opens up for a merger between man and machine, under guidance of a “trustworthy” AI god.

Our Common Agenda combines United Nations humanitarian goals of a diverse, inclusive and equitable world society with World Economic Forums technocratic and transhuman Fourth Industrial Revolution. The end result is a toxic cocktail that constitutes a serious health hazard for humanity.

Read more about the agenda in my books Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, The Global Coup d’Ètat and my forthcoming book The Digital World Brain.

The Pharos Chronicles – Jacob Nordangård, PhD is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.





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