The Hidden Hand Behind the Covid Response: NSC & the Military Cornelia Mrose podcast with Debbie Lerman

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Okay, so they did the same, pretty much the same things at the same time, but you don’t have like some sort of smoking gun, you know, evidence that they actually collaborated on it and coordinated it. Okay, fair enough. So this COVID dossier, it’s really the fruit, I think, of several years of your research.
I mean, it’s digging extensive research that both of you did. And we’ll go into what exactly you found and what it means. But tell me, first of all, what was your starting point to this research? So where did you begin and why and when? The starting point for me was
sometime late 2020, I mean, I became suspicious of government actions, like nonsensical actions during so-called COVID pandemic at the, let’s say, April timeframe of 2020, when they started suppressing hydroxychloroquine. So I became concerned and started looking into it, but I didn’t start digging into actual data until later in 2020 and then 2021.
when these mRNA shots started being rolled out. And so from then on, I started investigating VAERS data, and I found that these shots were not compliant with good manufacturing practices, which was shocking to me because it’s a big crime, actually.
And that’s your expertise, right?
Not being compliant with good manufacturing practices and shipping billions of doses is a massive crime. And that’s why, you know, I was frantic. I didn’t understand what’s going on. I was losing my mind because I couldn’t understand how in the face of this very clear data, there’s no action from anyone, not from manufacturers, not from regulators.
And it took me several years or a couple of years to figure out exactly how they were pulling this off.
And Sasha, just tell me briefly, why is it that you know so much about this? Tell me a little bit about your background.
Well, yeah, my background is in pharmaceutical research and development industry. I spent all my career basically working in pharma R&D in various roles. And I ultimately managed my own businesses, contract research organizations, which are contractors working for pharma, implementing clinical trials. And so, you know, I was always acutely aware of the compliance requirements in the pharmaceutical industry,
The Hidden Hand Behind the Covid Response: NSC & the Military
Cornelia Mrose podcast with Debbie Lerman
Sasha Latypova
Mar 26, 2025

Link to video on Rumble

Topics discussed with approximate time stamps:

~5min: PREP Act declarations – enabling attacks with deadly/disabling weapons and psychological terror on the people in the US and worldwide under pretenses of “public health emergency”;

~15 min: Covid (or other arbitrarily declared “health” emergencies) do not have any scientific, medical or epidemiologic justifications – the Congressional reports obligated under PREP Act are not available (because covid is a classified military campaign);

~19 min: continued inaction by the new HHS Secretary Kennedy, who, according to the PREP Act language has the sole authority to terminate the contrived emergency declaration and remove the shots from the CDC schedule;

~28 min: Trump/Musk MAGA deception: the censorship on X is more sophisticated than before Musk took over, but very much alive and well. Musk is banking on mRNA;

~33 min: there is no legal product definition of a “vaccine”, only an arbitrarily declared application of any technology/chemical substance. This is true for all vaccines, not just mRNA shots.

~40 min: vaccine-induced anaphylaxis (including all allergies) as the #1 reason for all chronic illness, especially in under 65 yo;

~50 min: no “conservative” journalists with large social media following (e.g. Tucker Carlson, Sharyl Atkisson) will touch the story of the military operation or PREP Act;

~59 min: why did DOD and HHS partner on Operation Warp Speed?

~1h 12min: the nitty-gritty on faking pandemics by the CDC – change the definition of a pandemic, case, positive and negative tests, cause of death coding, use of fake PCR computer modeling to fear monger the public;

~1 h 30 min: covid shots are a failed product by any definition, however as a military countermeasure there is no product standard that applies to them;

~1h 42 min: Military contracts for all Covid-19 products;

~1h 45min: worldwide replacement of the normal public health policies with “new” policies that put military-intelligence apparatus in charge and invoked military laws.

Art for today: The Tea Ceremony, watercolor, 8×8 in.


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Yet Another Tommy
Tommy’s Excellent Newsletter

“There is no retroactive liability.”

We’ll see.
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David Buckwalter

The wuestions begs, why is the world population totally disinterested in knowing that their government is intensionally killing them. Almost no one will listen to what I have to say. I have been told not to talk about it
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I know the feeling:).
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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish

More associated shenanigans and bamboozle as defined by Wikipedia:

“The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) is an international effort operating in the field of infection prevention and control. A brainchild of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was launched in February 2014 by a group of 44 countries and organizations including WHO.

It was launched in 2014 as a five-year multilateral effort with the purpose to accelerate the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005), particularly in developing countries. In 2017, GHSA was expanded to include non-state actors.

It was also extended through 2024 with the release of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) 2024 Framework (called “GHSA 2024″). The latter has the purpose to reach a standardized level of capacity to combat infectious diseases.”

Complete text:

“In 2017, GHSA was expanded to include non-state actors.” Gee! What could possibly go wrong?
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Paying money but still pushing the killer jabs.

“Covid vaccine victim awarded $2.5 million; 14,000 claimants on hold”

Historic: Covid vaccine victim awarded $2.5 million; 14,000 claimants on hold

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Dave Scrimshaw
Dave Scrimshaw

Why did DOD and HHS partner on Operation Warp Speed? As before, they are part of the Klingon Empire (which is dying.)
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Eric Jacobson
Eric Jacobson

Good interview. So many need to understand just how criminal and deliberate this COVID operation was perpetrated and how this PREP act absolves and supports the State apparatus from any criminal misdeeds. Thank you ladies for continually speaking out against this evil agenda.

It looks like the RFK MAHA agenda continues to disintegrate with Trump’s recent nomination of

the current director of the CDC, Susan Monarez for the administration’s CDC director.

Here are some of Monarez’s job descriptions from her illustrious resume:

Monarez was part of Biden’s biosecurity team, Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health,

(ARPA-H). ARPA-H was started in 2022 to “help develop breakthrough technology for health.”

At the agency, she was known for working on AI, and a 2022 post on the ARPA-H LinkedIn page described her as: “The Kevin Bacon of bio-medical innovation.”

Prior to the formation of ARPA-H, Monarez once had a leadership position at the Department of Homeland Security and the Biomedical Advanced Research Projects Authority, (BARPA) in HHS.

It seems pretty clear that since she is an insider and the current CDC director, she will easily be confirmed by the Senate. So, former Congressman Dr. David Weldon, who has been noted to be skeptical of vaccine safety was dropped like a hot potato from securing that position, and an avid proponent and advocate of all things vaccines, Monarez will secure the CDC position.

Perhaps the MAGA acronym should be changed to:CMACPI: “Continue to Make Americans Chronically and Perpetually Ill”. 🙁
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Jeff Hauck
Jeff Hauck

Thank you for the topics with minute markers
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Jean Murray
Jean’s Newsletter

You’re right about X Sasha
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Include DOD Global Pedo GeoWx
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Bard Joseph
Joseph’s Substack

“Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium.” The Curse of Canaan…. Eustace Mullins 1987
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Bard Joseph
Joseph’s Substack

Eustace Mullins lived in the Library of Congress to create his book, Murder By Injection, a deep dive into the Drug Trust.

“Thus the Drug Trust, while maintaining the Stalinist Communist Government in Russia, simultaneously maintained a Communist back up regime in the United States, the Trotskyite Movement, in case the Stalinist regime should fall.”

Eustace Mullins

Murder By Injection.
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A bit off topic but Katherine may be interested in this legal case that involves non-US law.

Lawsuit Against the Canadian Government Over Teen’s Sudden Death Following Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccination DISMISSED

In a ruling from the Ontario Superior Court, Justice S. Antoniani struck down the case without leave to amend, finding that it had no reasonable prospect of success.

Justice Antoniani’s decision follows legal precedents shielding governments from liability over public health decisions. The judge cited past cases in which courts ruled that vaccine approval and public messaging serve the general population rather than creating legal duties to individuals.

“The representations made by the Defendants here were the expressions of core policy decisions, made in an effort to protect the general Canadian public during a pandemic,” the judge ruled.

While the lawsuit against the government has been dismissed, Hartman’s case against Pfizer, the manufacturer of the COVID-19 vaccine, is still making its way through the court system. That case may take a different legal path, raising broader questions about corporate responsibility and vaccine safety.
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Art Hutchinson
Art’s Substack

Rome 2.0 puts on a big centralized we’re-in-charge show – let the reader understand.

Who is like them? Who is able to wage war with them? Who even knows who they are?
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Vicki S Ragland

Thank you so much for posting this.
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Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0

Musk is banking on mRNA; Musk hasn’t said anything about mRNA.
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Bard Joseph
Joseph’s Substack

Musk is financing MRNA factories in every State.


In the UK the government pandemic programme is rolling out at full speed.

We are going to have “pandemic exercises nationwide” in the autumn.

“The country’s preparation for future pandemics will be stepped up by the largest ever national response exercise due to be held in the Autumn.”

Pandemic planning stepped up with unprecedented exercise between government, emergency services and nations and regions.

Over 4,000 resilience and emergency workers to be trained every year through the UK Resilience Academy.

New tool built by the Cabinet Office and Office for National Statistics will help identify vulnerable groups who need targeted support.

National test of the Emergency Alert System to take place.

The country’s preparation for future pandemics will be stepped up by the largest ever national response exercise due to be held in the Autumn.

Ministers have also set out plans to better support vulnerable groups – such as the elderly or those receiving care – and train thousands of public servants to handle a range of crises, including pandemics.

These measures come in response to the Covid-19 Inquiry’s Module 1 report, which examined the resilience and preparedness of the UK prior to the pandemic.”
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Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, The Rt Hon. Pat McFadden MP, said:

We must learn lessons from the Covid pandemic as we cannot afford to make the same mistakes again. But we will plan in a way that recognises the next crisis may not be the same as the last.
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Jonathan Engler substack.

Cambridge University.

“Established in 2024, the Engineered Pandemics Risk Management Programme is a pioneering transdisciplinary initiative dedicated to tackling the urgent challenge of engineered pandemic risk management.

The aim of the programme is twofold:

Develop the conceptual underpinnings for a transdisciplinary approach to the risk management of engineered pandemics

Help develop the capability of the UK’s engineered pandemic risk policy and practice communities through supporting a network or learning and exchange.

The Engineered Pandemics Risk Management Programme is supported by a £5.25 million donation to the Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge.

Norman Fenton made me aware of this new initiative out of the Universtity of Cambridge.”

Someone is sponsoring an entire programme dedicated to preparing for future engineered pandemics.

As for the £5.25m donation, nowhere on the website is the donor named, but Norman asked via an FOI request- However, the University is claiming exemption “on the grounds that its disclosure would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the University”:
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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish

It should be obvious by now that the National Security Council – an “advisory” group to the US president, was the group in charge of US Covid-19 response policy. Persons employed in this ‘advisory group’ coordinated with all listed equivalent off-shore agency as detailed in the “Covid Dossier”. Though not specifically proven, bilateral coordination *must* have occurred many months or years prior to the ‘convid’ event. For persons unfamiliar with the functions of the NSC:

If the above assertions can be proven, all NSC members committed acts of conspiratorial Sedition and Treason within the office of the presidency. Mr. Trump knows this very well.
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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish

Another link in the chain:

Read carefully…
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Bruce Cain
Bruce’s Newsletter

It took me awhile to seriously consider your writings about Smart Dust, Nanotechnology etc. But I now believe you are definitely on to something and humanity is now in grave danger. Below I share my view on the “conspiracy theory” about Musk’s Neurolink from another author. I’m not concerned about Neurolink and think the theory is an example of misdirection, deception or controlled opposition. There is no there, there. LOL. But that does not mean we are not in danger and I’m still on the fence about Trump as he may just be another globalist in disquise. I surely hope I’m wrong about that.

Love your writings. I’ve learned a lot.



The biggest flaw in your essay is that very few people are going to allow a Neurolink device to be plugged into their head. I think it far more likely that neuro control will come from Smartdust distributed by chemtrailing, mRNA gene therapy, or through the food supply. That is more likely to be the mechanism for neuro control. But none of these is essential to control the masses. A CBDC, creating a ledger for every human, seems the obvious mechanism. Once they know everything you purchase, everywhere you go, they will have full control to determine what you can purchase and further debase the value of money. At that point we are merely slaves on a Global Plantation. Trumps push for cryptocurrencies will be far worse than the debasement of currencies by the Federal Reserve (1913). Now Trump said he is against CBDC’s but is for Stablecoin. The problem is Stablecoin is really just a rebranding of CBDC’s — they serve the same purpose. And both CBDC’s and Stablecoin are based on the false premise that either have any value. As both Whitney Webb and Fittts (Solari) have said this whole crypto scam is a big “pump and dump” Ponzi scheme. The Tech Oligarchs and Government will sell this shit right before the crash. The elites will benefit while the average Joe will end up holding the bag. It reminds me of the Dutch Black Tulip. The value of the Black Tulip went up and up and up . . . until it crashed BECAUSE, at the end of the day, it had no real intrinsis value. Neither do crypto currencies. It also reminds me of the 2008 Housing Bubble where WE THE PEOPLE were left holding the bag after the crash.


Dutch Tulip Bulb Market BubbleA period in the Dutch Golden Age when contract prices for some of the tulip bulbs plunged in February 1637 after reaching extraordinarily high levels


To me this talk about Neurolink reminds me of the misdirection of a Magician. Yeah, focus on Neurolink etc. while the Magician is tricking you with the other hand. LOL

Neuralink: the Ultimate Control Mechanism? (03/15/2025)

Neuralink: the Ultimate Control Mechanism?


You might find this article of interest:

The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves and Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System

It seems to me we need a defense system to detect brain hacking. If you read the article, above, we know what frequencies are being used to effect a plethora of behaviors. So when these frequencies are being pushed by HAARP, Nexrad etc. essentially an alarm must go off. What is even scarier is these technologies can, and are, being used on the individual level via MAC addresses etc. As the saying goes “you cannot defeat an enemy you can’t identify.”

This is my presentation I did on 5G way back in 2019.

5G: An Existential threat to our Health, Privacy and Freedom



Since Trump won the election many of the planks of Globalist Democrats in the US, and Globalist leaders in EU nations, has been shattered. Of course Trumps reversal of Biden’s Open Border Policy was probably the most significant reason that Trump won. Polling, before the election showed that nearly 75% of the American People favored mass deportation (e.g., reimmigration). The European People also favor mass deportation though saying so publicly can now get you put in prison. As I have stated numerous times: those that want to suppress free speech are never the good guys.

If nothing else this essay contains links to websites that are compiling a comprehensive list of Trump actions and executive orders which is a great resource. This is crucial for understanding Trump’s agenda moving forward. Many of his initial actions have been welcomed by a majority of Americans: closing the border, defunding “woke” culture, defunding the WHO and the fake Climate Change agenda. At the same time there is concern over the Tech Oligarchs now in his administration as they embrace many globalist objectives: Mass Surveillance, Digital ID, Carbon Taxes and Stablecoin which is not really different from CBDC’s which he has previously rejected. So are we headed toward a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Will he pull a “bait and switch” on the American People? I surely hope not. But let us not simply follow Trump blindly moving forward. As Reagan once said: “Trust but verify.” And that is what this essay attempts to do.

Will Trump lead the American People toward a Golden Age or a Globalist Golden Shower

Trumps embrace of the Tech Oligarchs is very concerning

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Guess what, there’s by now a Smart Meter on nearly every house, residential building, commercial place, everywhere and they transmit in the UHF spectrum like the US Military’s ADS ‘crowd control’ weapon. So the infrastructure is now there. I remember in the run-up to covid seeing road crews out everywhere running underground transmission lines. Furiously burying miles and miles of red, blue and orange tubing on massive spools. –Maybe you remember also, the blue conduit is supposedly for potable water, except the blue they ran was the same size as the other colors. That is to say, since when is a water main only 2 inches in diameter? In what small town does a two inch main handle water pressure for the entire town? Thank you.
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Bruce Cain
Bruce’s Newsletter

I’m unaware about the blue water lines. If you have a link I’d like to read through it. In any case I was against both Smart Meters (2009) and 5G (2019). Both were rolled out globally and obviously part of establishing globalist control infrastructure. And in both cases citizens had absolutely no control. And the fight continues. Goodness help us all.
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Holly Newton

Pretty convinced they can be detonated in some way to cause the wiring in a house to ignite. Hence the anomalous “wild fires” patterns of burning. Partially that, and possibly lasers too.
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Norman Gilmore
Norman Gilmore

Well the Over fluoridated dumbed down believed the BS.
brian kennedy
brian kennedy

Everyone agrees that gold has “intrinsic value.” Why? Over a long period of time TRADERS USED IT. Why? People that trade at Point A needed to carry something far away to Point B, locate something “valuable” (call it X )that was valued and in short supply at Point A, trade for X and bring it back to Point A and trade it for profit. Gold was prized for this purpose among those that were trading because of its portability, it didn’t corrode/rot, and it could be broken into small pieces for “change” without destroying its value. (This is PART of what CREATED its value.) Over billions of business trades for every kind of product it became a recognized “utility-universal.” It’s value was firmly established for the purpose it served for settling trades for anything and everything between TRADERS. Of course it was great for holding value between trades also, but I would argue that it’s utility value for TRADING is being overlooked in discussions about value. Trading is the ACTION of money in life. Wealth Storage is just giving you the potential of future TRADING when you wish to go into action. Discussions about “cryptocurrency” that ignore what is so important about an invention of a DECENTRALIZED ledger for trading between traders miss far too much of what all the excitement is about. Similarly discussions about money that ignore the “privacy value” of an invention like Monero are missing so much of the value significance of that invention as to be not very “valuable” to one who wants to be alert and awake to opportunities. The UTILITY and value of these two INVENTIONS (Bitcoin and Monero) is still EMERGING as trading people actually use them and find out in practice. Dutch Black Tulips are not a close comparison to Bitcoin and Monero. They may be so for “cryptocurrency” when “any old “ “cryptocurrency” is being bought for speculation by someone who is merely hoping to chose something whose value will increase as it is being pumped to fools who don’t understand what and why they are buying in to.
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Bruce Cain
Bruce’s Newsletter

I’ve always been highly skeptical of all crypto currencies — Bitcoin, Stablecoin etc. One good thing I could say about Bitcoin is at least it preserved anonymity, just as paper money when you needed some drugs, a prostitute, whatever. [LOL]. But that is already being stripped away by Quantum Computing etc.

Gold also has intrisic value: gold jewelry, gold circuitry etc. Personally I don’t see value in crypto which is just a bunch of “ones and zeros” held in massive servers through technologies like Blockchain. You can’t eat it, wear it etc. So in that sense it is kinda like the Dutch Black Tulips. Not exactly as you point out. And of course both gold and silver backed the dollar until Nixon turned our dollar into a Fiat currency in 1971. A digital currency is akin to the “Mark of the Beast” — a centralized control mechanism. And while the Fed can devalue the dollar by printing more and more dollars a Digital Currency would be far worse. They could instantly devalue everyones digital currency in a microsecond. And just like Canada did to the Freedom Truckers — they can simply sieze your money instantly. You can’t do that with the thousands of dollars kept under your mattress. But with a digital currency it will be like: “Either get that next mRNA jab or we will cut off you “money” instantly.

I could go on and on but I won’t. I just hope enough people wake up before the rug is pulled out from all of us by these globalists. It would fulfill Orwell’s warning: a boot stomping on our faces, forever.

I’m a rather simple person and have never been attracted to the various “shiney objects” — AI, CBDC’s, Crypto etc. For exampel do we really need AI to tell us fluroidated water is bad, PFAFs are bad, endocrine disruptors are bad etc. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows (Bob Dylan) and you don’t need AI to tell you the obvious. What we do need is enough woke humans to stop all this bullshit. And sadly I’m not sure that will happen. I do hope it does.
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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish

Hey Bruce. You’re kinda off-topic, don’t ya’ think?
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Bruce Cain
Bruce’s Newsletter

Thanks for writing Paul. The short answer is “no I don’t think I’m off topic at all.” I’ve been writing against the Globalist Agenda since 1989: 36 years and counting. We are in the midst of a Global Clusterfuck whose primary goal is to establish a One World Global Order where the people become nothing more than slaves on a Global Plantation. Yes the Plandemic was a globally orchestrated military operation pushing for a Digital ID and to push forced injection of a mRNA gene therapies. But it is just one piece of the puzzle. CBDC’s/Stablecoin is another piece and it is troubling that Trump supports Stablecoin which is just as dangerous as a CBDC. Chemtrailing is another piece. The Geoengineered weather events — Camp, Paradise, Lahaina, LA –are all about displacing populations from rural areas and into globalist Smart Cities. And all of these things are part of a much larger puzzle — the goal being a One World Order. So before you say I’m “off topic” you should probably read through my past essays which are free on SubStack. And like I said, I was initially skeptical of Sasha’s writings. It initially just seemed crazy to me. But after much research I am now convinced that most of what she has written about is both true and scary.

As the saying goes all roads lead to Rome. Today all of these globalist initiatives lead to the final goal: Globall Enslavement. That would be my primary point.
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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish

Yo Bruce. I’m not disagreeing with your assertions, but feel there is need to address one ethical or legal issue at a time. The puzzle may be complicated, but is completed one piece at a time. Global enslavement is already a “thing”…

Thank you for your efforts.
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Bruce Cain
Bruce’s Newsletter

Thanks again. I think both approaches are required. Yes we need to focus in on various globalist agendas. In the case of Sasha’s essay she focuses on the global militarization of the Plandemic. But at the same time we also need to look at the entire puzzle. Because today there is a rising conciousness about the Globalist Agenda and everything that is connected to that agenda: the role of Blackrock, Vangaurd; the role of CBDC’s and Stablecoin; the role of Chemtrails and Geoengineering. And that is a challenge, even for me.

And we also have to understand how this globalist agenda evolved over the centuries. For instance we need to understand the relationship between the Rothschild family and the Rockerfeller family which goes back to the mid 1800’s. In the video, below, I try to explain that. As the saying goes you can’t defeat an enemy unless you understand their history and motives. I don’t know that I have achieved that goal, but I will continue to try.

The Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and Secret Globalist History you aren’t supposed to understand (10/15/2020)

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Norman Gilmore
Norman Gilmore

Back to the Dark Ages and Serfdom.
Roman S Shapoval
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Is it an accident that 5G was rolled out alongside the pandemic?

5G is a military-grade technology.

Will we learn from our mistakes, and reduce wireless radiation, which destroys our health?
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Bard Joseph
Joseph’s Substack

Influenza is caused by 11 year Sunspot cycle which began in 2019 and ends for UN 2030. Seeming all data on death from flu like symptoms were eradicated.

It affects weather. 2025 was coldest winter in 11 years.
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Roman S Shapoval
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

thanks Bard. that’s why it’s called influenza it gets its name as “the influence from the stars” – aka electromagnetic energy.
Darrick’s Substack
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Prof. Fred Nazar

Scientific Progress

And the legal trap, which is still active:

• 26 Oct 2001 USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism: would you believe how many weeks they’ve spent in coming up with that name?). 9/11 was a false flag psy-op designed to create a warrantless global surveillance tyranny with practically unlimited powers. Approved by the Senate 98 to 1. 1 It enabled the 7 trillion dollar war-on-terror: over $100 thousand dollars per US household, and it’s still active.2

• 21 Dec 2001. The Model Act (MEHPA Model State of Emergency Health Powers Act): just like 9/11 was manufactured for Patriot Act, as if it wasn’t enough, in order to reinforce the fear of ubiquitous Islamic attacks, only one week after 9/11, from in 18 Sep 2001 to 17 Oct 2001, the mail attacks with a 1981 strain of anthrax of Fort Detrick Maryland (USAMRIID US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases3), with only 5 dead, conveniently used to justify the invasion of Iraq due to non-existent weapons of mass destruction4, and Ivin being suicided as a convenient scape goat5, enabled MSEHPA, a “model legislation that would be passed by the states to increase their emergency public health powers. Funded through a grant from the CDC, written by mason Professor Larry Gostin, Co-Director of the Center for Law and the Public’s Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities. 43 States had passed some form of MEHPA legislation, which is still active.6

▪ Failed to include checks and balances. Granted unchecked extraordinary emergency powers. The Act lets a governor declare a state of emergency unilaterally and without judicial oversight, fails to provide modern due process procedures for quarantine and other emergency powers, it lacks adequate compensation for seizure of assets, and contains no checks on the power to order forced treatment and vaccination.

▪ Overreach, well beyond bioterrorism: overbroad definition of “public health emergency” that sweeps in HIV, AIDS, and other diseases that clearly do not justify quarantine, forced treatment, or any of the other broad emergency powers: the state National Guards could be used to administer vaccines or substances on the general public without their informed consent and legal liabilities for drug companies. The leaders of ACT-UP/San Francisco were jailed for 3 months on anti-terrorism for their protest to the potential assault on gay men who could be rounded up en masse as vectors of disease.7

Take control of all roads leading into and out of cities and states.

Seize homes, cars, telephones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (and not be held liable if these actions result in the destruction of personal property).

Arrest, imprison and forcibly examine, vaccinate and medicate citizens without consent (and not be held liable if these actions result in your death or injury).8

▪ Privacy violation: requires the disclosure of massive amounts of personally identifiable health information to public health authorities, without requiring basic privacy protections and fair information practices that could easily be added to the bill without detracting from its effectiveness in quelling an outbreak. Undercuts existing protections for sensitive medical information.” 9

• 2002. Homeland Security Act, included the Model act in Section 304, but it was struck from the bill in 2003.10

• 2004 added to FDCA, 21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(2)(B)(ii), holds that there are no labeling requirements regarding the contents or ingredients in EUA products.

• 2004 added to PHSA, 42 USC 247d-6b (c)(5)(B)(iii), holds that one of the factors to be considered by HHS secretary in making determinations about EUA products (qualified security countermeasures) and use of Special Reserve Fund/Strategic National Stockpile appropriations to procure them is “whether there is a lack of a significant commercial market for the product at the time of procurement, other than as a security countermeasure.”

• 2005. PREP Act (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness): legal immunity and extraordinary powers to the President and HHS during a self-declared epidemic: no emergency is needed but the imaginary potential for an emergency. It is a “legal” way for the government to mandate under EUA, an unsafe and ineffective medical product or treatment (test, drug, vaccine, device, ventilator), on the basis of a fake PCR-manufactured emergency that can go on forever, forcing the taxpayer to pay for his mandated poisoning.

PREPA provides $3.8 billion for pandemic influenza preparedness. 11

• 2013 added to FDCA, 21 USC 360bbb-3a(c), holds that there are no required standards for quality-control in manufacturing; no inspections of manufacturing procedures; no prohibition on wide variability among lots; no prohibition on adulteration; and no required compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practices. EUA products, even though unregulated and non-standardized, “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded.”

• 2015, 10 USC 2371b, renumbered 10 USC 4022 (Jan. 1, 2021, effective Jan. 1, 2022) authorized DOD to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments on the general public, and under such contracts, exempted them from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations.

• 2016 added to FDCA, 21 USC 355g, authorizes use of ‘real world evidence’ for FDA regulatory decisions. This means products can legally be manufactured and then mass administered to general public, and safety and efficacy data only collected afterward (privately, not publicly) from health insurance systems, government databases including Medicare, Medicaid, Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, Veterans Health Administration.

One little correction to the title: it all started 300 years ago:

We’ve got a very small window of opportunity to fight or … die (they want to murder 95% of us).

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong – essentially wrong – a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Please share the information! I’m expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
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Bard Joseph
Joseph’s Substack

Flu like symptoms disappeared as cause of death at the beginning of the solar sunspot cycle in 2019, which causes influenza from EMF peaking in 2025 and ending for UN 2030. Just a coincidence I guess.
Deep Diver
Deep Diver

Grok – dental anesthesia contamination concerns

Haven’t heard much about the NSC being involved. There are so many US agencies that it’s hard to tell who is running the murder squads. I suppose that’s the reason you need a scorecard to keep it fairly straight. When does one agency start stepping on the toes of another? This is why bigger government = bigger disaster.
Darrick’s Substack

Watch this interview this lady is being killed by the cia.
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