The Real Purpose of the SV40 Promoter in Covid Injections

Transfection of human and microbiome cells with foreign DNA and other payloads

Sasha Latypova

Sep 1, 2023

Kevin McKernan’s analysis and sequencing the DNA from Pfizer and Moderna vials has revealed “contamination” (IMO intentional) of vials with very large quantities of DNA plasmids, a circular DNA code that encodes the desired RNA molecule. The DNA plasmids are used to grow DNA in vats of e.coli cells, because these bacterial cells pick up the plasmids and replicate rapidly. The DNA is then harvested by killing e.coli with antibiotics, “cutting” plasmids into strands, and purifying DNA. For this reason plasmids also contain genes for antibiotic resistance so that the DNA matrix survives the antibiotic wash. When DNA manufacturing was done on nano- or microgram scale this wasn’t a huge concern, but when DNA is manufactured in kilograms – let’s not be surprised that various raging infections resistant to antibiotics are on the rise, and migrating through the ecosystem, into water, soil, animals, etc. That horror aside, after the DNA purification step the e.coli and any remaining plasmids are supposed to be removed from the product. After the mRNA is produced by a chemical reaction from the DNA matrix, again, it must be purified and any untranslated residual DNA removed. Clearly, this does not happen in covid injections manufacturing.

Besides being extremely problematic due to large quantities of DNA found in the vials, the most alarming finding was the SV40 promoter in the DNA plasmid sequence. This part was not disclosed by Pfizer to the regulators. Therefore, they encoded a “stealth gene” in the sequence! This falls squarely into Air Force’s (JASON group) definition of a biological weapon:

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I recently talked to Dr. Jane Ruby about this topic.

Full video here, my segment starts at 18 min.

The University of Rochester (NY) lab that I mentioned in the interview is this one (Dr. Dean’s lab). Here are some quotes from this lab’s page, emphasis mine:

Clearly, without the translocation of plasmid DNA into the nucleus, no gene expression, or “gene therapy” can take place. My laboratory continues to identify and characterize novel DNA sequences to promote nuclear import of non-viral vectors, both in cultured cells and in vivo, as well as sequences that promote cytoplasmic and intranuclear trafficking.

Over the past 15 years, work from our laboratory has addressed the nuclear targeting and entry of plasmid DNA. Using cultured cells, we have shown that plasmids are able to enter the nuclei of cells in the absence of cell division and its accompanying nuclear envelope breakdown.

Furthermore, we have demonstrated that portions of the 72 bp SV40 enhancer are required for the nuclear entry of plasmid DNA in all eukaryotic cells tested to date; plasmids not containing this sequence remain in the cytoplasm until cell division, whereas plasmids containing the enhancer migrate to the nucleus within several hours. These results demonstrate that transport of DNA into the nucleus is sequence-specific.

Absolutely stunning isn’t it? To summarize: Pfizer encoded an undisclosed “gene” into the DNA matrix from which mRNA is being made for covid injections. Then they left huge amounts of this raw material in the final product. The purpose of this undisclosed component is to ensure that whatever it is attached to is delivered not just into the cell, but into the cell’s nucleus (where the human DNA resides). Let’s remember however, that humans do not have some sort of a central DNA place that can be modified for the whole body. Human body consists of trillions of cells, each with the nucleus containing DNA (except red blood cells), and the majority of cells in the body are a variety of non-human cells (microbiome) with their own DNAs.

Microbial cells may replicate quickly, such as e.coli that live in our gut who will pick up the plasmids if they end up there and start replicating them and spewing spike, dying off, shedding, etc. Furthermore, the SV40 promoter ensures that the “cargo” is delivered to the nuclei of the cells that are not dividing or slowly dividing, such as neurons, cardiac cells, skeletal and smooth muscle cells. The latter are cells that line the gastrointestinal tract, all blood vessels, bladder and uterus. These cells are not dividing normally, because they reached terminal differentiation which is critical for normal body growth and function. However the cells retain ability to divide, which can be functional (uterine cells during normal pregnancy), or, can be a source of pathology – abnormal cell growth leading to cancer. That’s why SV40 promoter is associated with cancer. It delivers foreign cargo into the nuclei of cells that are not supposed to divide, but may begin this malignant process due to being hacked by the foreign cargo.

Kevin McKernan was recently interviewed by Jan Jekielek from The Epoch Times. I highly recommend this in-depth interview for anyone who is interested in this topic.

Another heartbreaking story involving carcinogenic SV40 which is a known “contaminant” in the polio vaccine. This refers to the full SV40 virus, while the current version in the covid shots is only a “promoter” piece of it.


Lastly, a recent study by Italian researchers have demonstrated beyond any doubt that approximately 50% of vaccinated individuals produce spike protein continuously when measured at 6 months after the last injection.

Igor Chudov wrote a very good explainer on this. The Italian team also states that this is likely because of 1) some human cells get transfected and the modified RNA is reverse transcribed into genomes of those cells or 2) microbial cells in the blood pick up the foreign material (it can be RNA or plasmids or both) and also become spike spewing factories. Or both things happen in various places in the body. This does not happen in unvaccinated people whether or not they are positive for covid by PCR, so that’s definitely not whatever is called “covid infection”.

Art for today: Dusty Trail, oil on panel, 9×12 in.

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