Update on CHD Lawsuit Challenging Government’s License to Kill (PREP Act)

Or, why you should not expect Donald Trump speaking the truth about hospital murders or vax death/injury any time soon…

Sasha Latypova

Sep 18, 2023

First, let me answer the burning question about Trump – no, it’s not because he is not a scientist and Fauci and Birx lied to him.

It’s the PREP Act, silly! In order to maintain his immunity from liability, he must push the genocidal HHS narrative (a “covered countermeasure”), or else he is not a “covered person” and then can be prosecuted for real crimes, not the fake made-up ones he is currently indicted for and fundraises from. Note that not a single hard-hitting investigative journalist (I mean real ones like Carlson and Beck) are even allowed to ask him pointed questions, because otherwise they would not be allowed “access” to Trump’s campaign. Which Tucker Carlson acknowledged and explained as a standard operating procedure in media.

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Here is a challenge: find any action of Donald Trump that materially contradicted the HHS Guidelines (just mentioning hydroxychloroquine as one of the treatments does not count), and you will get a free annual subscription to this stack.

Here is the basic perverse-legal structure that is being utilized to commit democide “legally” by the US gov lead by HHS-DOD in collaboration with other federal agencies via quasi-government PHEMCE Enterprise (more about that in later posts):

Readers in other countries can look up similar relevant law, search for keywords “countermeasures”, “public health emergency” and “pandemic preparedness”. This is especially relevant for NATO allied regions.

The only case currently challenging the constitutionality of PREP Act is this one – Watts v DOD:

Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died From COVID Vaccine Sues the DOD

Sasha Latypova


Jun 4

Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died From COVID Vaccine Sues the DOD

This is a very important case to watch. The family of George Watts, Jr. a 24-year-old man who died from COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the Chief Operating Officer of the Operation Warp Speed

Read full story

I received an update from attorney Ray Flores of CHD on the status of this case:

Counsel for the Estate of George Watts, Jr., filed an opposition to the Department of Defense’s Motion to Dismiss for failure to state a claim based primarily on the Rex non potest peccare defense. (the king can do no wrong- that eventually became doctrine of sovereign immunity in this country.) 

However sovereign immunity is not written into the U.S. Constitution. The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program’s 4 payments of approximately $2,200 each for death or serious bodily injury combined with the PREP Act’s foreclosing all remedies, makes sovereign immunity the unconstitutional icing on the cake and the black letter of the PREP Act allows for severing an unconstitutional provision. 

No other case has ever been brought in the D.C. District Court under the PREP Act. 

From Children’s Health Defense article:

The DOD argued in its motion to dismiss that the department cannot be sued in this case because it has “sovereign immunity,” which is a legal doctrine asserting the state cannot commit legal wrongdoing and therefore cannot be sued without its consent.

The DOD also argued that even if the state did not have sovereign immunity, the complaint’s allegations were not sufficient to claim the DOD engaged in “willful misconduct” when it made public statements about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Flores filed the memorandum in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. CHD is funding the lawsuit filed on May 31.

Responding to DOD’s assertion that it did not engage in “willful misconduct,” the plaintiff wrote:

“[The] Defendant’s Motion improperly attempts to shift the focus away from DOD’s indisputable liability for hornswoggling Americans into participating in its deadly mass human experiment — one that far surpassed the reach of the lethal medical experimentation that led to the U.S. Military Tribunals of Nazi doctors in Nuremberg some 75 years earlier.

“DOD’s experiment pushed several hundred million free vaccines on a trusting American public with an intentionally deceptive promise that the vaccines were safe and efficacious, while Operation Warp Speed (‘OWS’) kept detailed records and an ongoing tally of the severely injured and the dead.”

PREP Act is a governments’ license to kill, and it must be repealed. Yet, not a single Congress person speaks about it. I don’t know when/if material progress toward this goal will be made. In the meantime, we must educate everyone around us about this atrocity. The problem is that most people, even those who are now awake to the vaccine and hospital murders still think that “if fraud can be proven” than the perps can be prosecuted. The fraud has not only been definitively proven, it hasn’t been really hidden to begin with! Vast majority of the fraud was visible from the start, I and hundreds of others have published clear evidence of fraud from publicly available documents.

The perps are committing fraud openly in broad daylight because they know they have the PREP Act shield (PREP = perp, I told you, they like to mock the victims!) Until broader public realizes it, they will keep thinking that we just need another peer reviewed study, another definitive excess mortality graph or another analysis from VAERS, or another vial tested and sequenced and found full of literally shit. These are nice to have of course, but they will not change much until we destroy the perps’ perverted “sovereign immunity “ shield.

Art for today: Frustrated, pastel on paper.

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